Niels Tuning (1) Lectures on B-physics April 2011 Vrije Universiteit Brussel N. Tuning
Menu TimeTopic Lecture 114:00-15:00C, P, CP and the Standard Model 15:30-16:30CKM matrix Lecture 210:00-10:45Flavour mixing in B-decays 11:00-11:45CP Violation in B-decays 12:00 -12:45CP Violation in B/K-decays Lecture 314:00-14:45New Physics? 15:00-15:45Unitarity Triangle Niels Tuning (2)
Some algebra for the decay P 0 f Interference P0 fP0 fP 0 P 0 f
Meson Decays Formalism of meson oscillations: Subsequent: decay Interference(‘direct’) Decay Recap osc + decays
Classification of CP Violating effects 1.CP violation in decay 2.CP violation in mixing 3.CP violation in interference Recap CP violation
Im( λ f ) 1.CP violation in decay 2.CP violation in mixing 3.CP violation in interference We will investigate λ f for various final states f Recap CP violation
λ f contains information on final state f Niels Tuning (7) Recap CP in B Investigated three final states f B 0 J/ψK s B 0 s J/ψφ B 0 s D s K 3.CP violation in interference
λ f contains information on final state f Niels Tuning (8) B 0 s J/ψφ 3.CP violation in interference Recap CP in B
β s : B s 0 J/φ : B s 0 analogue of B 0 J/K 0 S Niels Tuning (9) Recap CP in B
Last hour or so: The basics you know now! 1.CP violation from complex phase in CKM matrix 2.Need 2 interfering amplitudes (B-oscillations come in handy!) 3.Higher order diagrams sensitive to New Physics Next: (Direct) CP violation in decay CP violation in mixing (we already saw this with the kaons: ε≠0, or |q/p|≠1 ) Penguins The unitarity triangle Niels Tuning (10)
Next 1.CP violation in decay 2.CP violation in mixing 3.CP violation in interference
Niels Tuning (12) B A B AR CP violation in Decay? (also known as: “direct CPV”) HFAG: hep-ex/ Phys.Rev.Lett.93:131801, B A B AR First observation of Direct CPV in B decays (2004): A CP = ± 0.012
Niels Tuning (13) LHCbLHCb CP violation in Decay? (also known as: “direct CPV”) LHCb-CONF LHCbLHCb First observation of Direct CPV in B decays at LHC (2011):
Niels Tuning (14) Direct CP violation: Γ( B 0 f) ≠ Γ(B 0 f ) Only different if both δ and γ are ≠0 ! Γ( B 0 f) ≠ Γ(B 0 f ) CP violation if Γ( B 0 f) ≠ Γ(B 0 f ) But: need 2 amplitudes interference Amplitude 1 + Amplitude 2
Niels Tuning (15) Hint for new physics? B 0 Kπ and B K π 0 Average 3.6 Average Redo the experiment with B instead of B 0 … d or u spectator quark: what’s the difference ?? B0KπB0Kπ B+KπB+Kπ
Hint for new physics? B 0 Kπ and B K π 0 Niels Tuning (16)
Next 1.CP violation in decay 2.CP violation in mixing 3.CP violation in interference
Niels Tuning (18) CP violation in Mixing? (also known as: “indirect CPV”: ε≠0 in K-system) gV cb * gV cb t=0 t ? Look for like-sign lepton pairs: Decay
Niels Tuning (19) (limit on) CP violation in B 0 mixing Look for a like-sign asymmetry: As expected, no asymmetry is observed…
CP violation in B s 0 Mixing?? Niels Tuning (20) D0 Coll., Phys.Rev.D82:032001, arXiv: b s s b “Box” diagram: ΔB=2 φ s SM ~ φ s SM M ~ 0.04
CP violation from Semi-leptonic decays SM: P(B 0 s → B 0 s ) = P(B 0 s ← B 0 s ) DØ: P(B 0 s → B 0 s ) ≠ P(B 0 s ← B 0 s ) b → Xμ - ν, b → Xμ + ν b → b → Xμ + ν, b → b → Xμ - ν Compare events with like-sign μμ Two methods: Measure asymmetry of events with 1 muon Measure asymmetry of events with 2 muons ? Switching magnet polarity helps in reducing systematics But…: Decays in flight, e.g. K→μ K + /K - asymmetry
CP violation from Semi-leptonic decays SM: P(B 0 s → B 0 s ) = P(B 0 s ← B 0 s ) DØ: P(B 0 s → B 0 s ) ≠ P(B 0 s ← B 0 s ) ? B 0 s → D s ± X 0 μν
More β… Niels Tuning (23)
Next 1.CP violation in decay 2.CP violation in mixing 3.CP violation in interference
Niels Tuning (25) Other ways of measuring sin2β Need interference of b c transition and B 0 –B 0 mixing Let’s look at other b c decays to CP eigenstates: All these decay amplitudes have the same phase (in the Wolfenstein parameterization) so they (should) measure the same CP violation
CP in interference with B φK s Same as B 0 J/ψK s : Interference between B 0 → f CP and B 0 → B 0 → f CP –For example: B 0 → J/ΨK s and B 0 → B 0 → J/ΨK s –For example: B 0 → φ K s and B 0 → B 0 → φ K s Niels Tuning (26) + e -iφ Amplitude 2 Amplitude 1
CP in interference with B φK s : what is different?? Same as B 0 J/ψK s : Interference between B 0 → f CP and B 0 → B 0 → f CP –For example: B 0 → J/ΨK s and B 0 → B 0 → J/ΨK s –For example: B 0 → φ K s and B 0 → B 0 → φ K s Niels Tuning (27) + e -iφ Amplitude 2 Amplitude 1
Niels Tuning (28) Penguin diagrams Nucl. Phys. B131:
Penguins?? Niels Tuning (29) The original penguin:A real penguin:Our penguin:
Funny Niels Tuning (30) Super Penguin: Penguin T-shirt: Flying Penguin Dead Penguin
Niels Tuning (31) The “b-s penguin” B 0 J/ψK S B0φKSB0φKS … unless there is new physics! New particles (also heavy) can show up in loops: –Can affect the branching ratio –And can introduce additional phase and affect the asymmetry Asymmetry in SM b s μ μ “Penguin” diagram: ΔB=1
Niels Tuning (32) Hint for new physics?? sin2β sin2 β b ccs = 0.68 ± 0.03 sin2β peng B J/ψ KsKs b d c c s d φ KsKs B s b d d s t s ? sin2 β peng = 0.52 ± 0.05 g,b,…? ~~ S.T’Jampens, CKM fitter, Beauty2006
Niels Tuning (33) Smaller than b ccs in most penguin modes Smaller than b ccs in most penguin modes deviation between b sqq and b ccs disappeared over time… deviation between b sqq and b ccs disappeared over time… Hint for new physics? β with b s Penguins 0.64 ± ±0.02
Niels Tuning (34) Why bother with all this? CKM matrix has origin in L Yukawa Intricately related to quark massed… Both quark masses and CKM elements show intriguing hierarchy There is a whole industry of theorist trying to postdict the CKM matrix based on arguments on the mass matrix in L Yukawa …
Niels Tuning (35) New physics??
Break Niels Tuning (36)
Menu TimeTopic Lecture 114:00-15:00C, P, CP and the Standard Model 15:30-16:30CKM matrix Lecture 210:00-10:45Flavour mixing in B-decays 11:00-11:45CP Violation in B-decays 12:00 -12:45CP Violation in B/K-decays Lecture 314:00-14:45Unitarity Triangle 15:00-15:45New Physics? Niels Tuning (37)
Niels Tuning (38) New physics??
Niels Tuning (39) Hints for new physics? φ KsKs B s b d d s t s g,b,…? ~~ 1) sin2β≠sin2β ? 4 th generation, t’ ? 3) β s ≠0.04 ? 2) A CP (B 0 K + π - )≠A CP (B + K + π 0 ) ? 4) P(B 0 s → B 0 s ) ≠ P(B 0 s ← B 0 s )
Present knowledge of unitarity triangle Niels Tuning (40)
“The” Unitarity triangle We can visualize the CKM-constraints in () plane
Present knowledge of unitarity triangle
I) sin 2 β
II) ε and the unitarity triangle: box diagram Im(z 2 )=Im( (Rez+iImz) 2 )=2RezImz
II) ε and the unitarity triangle ρ Niels Tuning (45)
III.) |V ub | / |V cb | Measurement of V ub –Compare decay rates of B 0 D *- l + and B 0 - l + –Ratio proportional to (V ub /V cb) 2 –|V ub /V cb | = ± –V ub is of order sin( c ) 3 [= 0.01]
IV.) Δm d and Δm s Δm depends on V td V ts constraints hadronic uncertainties
Present knowledge of unitarity triangle Niels Tuning (48)
Niels Tuning (49) Hints for new physics? φ KsKs B s b d d s t s g,b,…? ~~ 1) sin2β≠sin2β ? 4 th generation, t’ ? 3) β s ≠0.04 ? 2) A CP (B 0 K + π - )≠A CP (B + K + π 0 ) ? 4) P(B 0 s → B 0 s ) ≠ P(B 0 s ← B 0 s )
Niels Tuning (50) More hints for new physics? 5) ε K ? Treatment of errors… Input from Lattice QCD B K Strong dependence on V cb
Niels Tuning (51) More hints for new physics? 6) V ub : 2.9 σ ?? BR(B + →τυ)=1.68 ± Predicted: 0.764± (If f Bd off, then B Bd needs to be off too, to make Δm d agree) | V ub | from B→τν From: H.Lacker, and A.Buras, Beauty2011, Amsterdam | V ub | from fit |V ub | avg from semi-lep ?
A.Buras, Beauty2011: Niels Tuning (52)
A.Buras, Beauty2011: Niels Tuning (53)
Standard Model: 25 free parameters Strong interaction: s (m Z ) e = neutrino mixing (4) Electro-weak interaction: e (0) 1/ m W GeV m Z GeV m H >114.3 GeV Elementary particle masses (MeV): m e m m m u 3 m c 1200 m t m d 7 m s 120 m b 4300 m < m < 0.19 m < 18.2 ee u’ d’ s’ = udsuds quark mixing (4) V ij q V ij l m H >114.3 GeV CMS LHCb Niels Tuning (54)
The CKM matrix Couplings of the charged current: Wolfenstein parametrization: Magnitude:Complex phases: b WW u gV ub Niels Tuning (55)
The CKM matrix Couplings of the charged current: Wolfenstein parametrization Magnitude:Complex phases: 1) 2) 3) Niels Tuning (56)
Complex phases: The CKM matrix Couplings of the charged current: Wolfenstein parametrization: Magnitude:
Remember the following: CP violation is discovered in the K-system CP violation is naturally included if there are 3 generations or more –3x3 unitary matrix has 1 free complex parameter CP violation manifests itself as a complex phase in the CKM matrix The CKM matrix gives the strengths and phases of the weak couplings CP violation is apparent in experiments/processes with 2 interfering amplitudes with different strong and weak phase –Often using “mixing” to get the 2 nd decay process Flavour physics is powerful for finding new physics in loops! –Complementary to Atlas/CMS Niels Tuning (58)
Remember the following: CP violation is discovered in the K-system CP violation is naturally included if there are 3 generations or more –3x3 unitary matrix has 1 free complex parameter CP violation manifests itself as a complex phase in the CKM matrix The CKM matrix gives the strengths and phases of the weak couplings CP violation is apparent in experiments/processes with 2 interfering amplitudes with different strong and weak phase –Often using “mixing” to get the 2 nd decay process Flavour physics is powerful for finding new physics in loops! –Complementary to Atlas/CMS Niels Tuning (59)
Backup Niels Tuning (60)
SLAC: LINAC + PEPII PEP-II accelerator schematic and tunnel view LER HER Linac
Coherent Time Evolution at the S B-Flavor Tagging Exclusive B Meson Reconstruction PEP-2 (SLAC) Vertexing & Time Difference Determination Niels Tuning (62)
LHCb: the Detector p T of B-hadron η of B-hadron High cross section LHC energy B s produced in large quantities Large acceptance b’s produced forward Small multiple scattering Large boost of b’s Trigger ↓ Low p T Leptons + hadrons (MUON, CALO) Particle identification (RICH)
The well known triangle: γ α β γβ q W q’V q’q CP phases: Measure the CKM triangle to unprecedented precision Measure very small Branching Ratios Measuring the Quark Couplings Niels Tuning (64)