V ALENTINE M YSTERY Someone, someone gave me A valen, valentine. A card with hearts and flowers That said “Will you be Mine?” No one, no one signed it. Just left it here for me. Oh what a, what a valentine Myster, mystery.
V ALENTINE M YSTERY Refrain: Who, oh, who? You or you or you? Who left this card for me? It’s so divine To get this Valentine. But still, a mystery.
V ALENTINE M YSTERY Won’t you, won’t you tell me? My heart is on the line. Oh do you know who sent me This secret valentine. Someone, someone special Has given this to me. It’s such a, such a valentine Myster, mystery.
V ALENTINE M YSTERY Refrain: Who, oh, who? You or you or you? Who left this card for me? It’s so divine To get this Valentine. But still, a mystery.
V ALENTINE M YSTERY A val-en-tine mys-ter-y Myster, mystery!
P ENGUIN P OLKA I know a penguin who likes to polka Eats tapioca, and lives in Boca Raton! He has some freckles, a lot of speckles. And that is why we call him Polka Dot!
P ENGUIN P OLKA One and two and waddle, waddle, Do the penguin polka! One and two and waddle, waddle, Polka Polka Dot! One and two and waddle, waddle, Do the penguin polka! One and two and waddle, waddle, Polka Polka Dot!
P ENGUIN P OLKA This little penguin can only waddle, But he’s a model for any toddling town! He may be spotted, but we applauded Because we love our little Polka Dot!
P ENGUIN P OLKA One and two and waddle, waddle, Do the penguin polka! One and two and waddle, waddle, Polka Polka Dot! One and two and waddle, waddle, Do the penguin polka! One and two and waddle, waddle, Polka Polka Dot! (Repeat) Yeah!
S TARS AND S TRIPES F OREVER Let’s cheer for the red, white, and blue! May our banner be waving forever! Reminding us how freedom grew From the struggles once we knew. Now all should remember the day When our fathers with mighty endeavor Secured all our freedoms today That by their might and by their right, It waves forever.