Social Enterprise Endorsement Mark Enhancing SE Capacity, Impact, Recognition Dr. Mark R. Hayllar Principal Investigator, SEE Mark Associate Director Project Flame, City University of HK 4 th November
Content Setting the Scene Aims of Social Enterprise Endorsement Mark Development of SEE Mark Eligibility – Endorsement Categories Endorsement Process and Content Conclusion 2
To Create Value and Achieve Impacts, Innovative Solutions MUST be IMPLEMENTED and SUSTAINED Social Enterprise? Impacts: Social Economic Environment Government Business Goods Services Experiences NGOs / Community NGOs / Community SE Sector 3
How to enhance SE sustainability & capacity to achieve greater impacts? How to create cross-sector synergy? How to improve public recognition of and engagement with SEs? 4
Social Enterprise Endorsement Mark SEE Mark 5
Aims of Social Enterprise Endorsement Mark Strengthen WHOLE SECTOR Enhance INDIVIDUAL SE CAPACITIES Identify, Endorse, Promote BEST PRACTICES Provide a PLATFORM for SE & cross-sector collaboration Enhance PUBLIC RECOGNITION through SEE Mark Branding Build-up PUBLIC TRUST Use of SEs as PREFERRED PRODUCERS/ SUPPLIERS of valued goods/ services 6
Developing the SEE Mark Literature review Overseas Practices Local Focus Groups Workshops Interviews On-line Survey Identify 4 Categories 7
Social Enterprises in Hong Kong Social Missions Ownership/ Governance FinancingBusiness Model Issues AddressedScale Differ in: 4 categories to meet market needs 8
9 Incubating Member (Category A): Driven by Social Mission EITHER Planning to operate in next 12 months with a completed business plan/forecast; OR Operated for <2 years No set % income generated from business No set profit reinvestment requirement
10 Start-up / Small Scale SE (Category B) Driven by Social Mission EITHER operating < 3 years when endorsed OR <5 Full time staff equivalents No set % income generated from business No set profit reinvestment requirement
11 Intermediate SE (Category C) Driven by Social Mission Either operating >3 years when endorsed OR > 10 FTEs At least 50% income generated from business Not less than 65% of profit reinvested in social purposes
Advanced SE (Category D) Driven by Social Mission Operating >5 years when endorsed At least 50% income generated from business Not less than 65% of profit reinvested in social purposes (Penguin: html) 12
Developing the SEE Mark Develop Self- Assessment Template Recruitment of SEs for Pilot- test Pre-assessment training workshop 1 st Pilot test Another Focus Group Refining Template 2 nd / 3 rd Pilot tests More Focus Groups Another workshop Still refining4 th Pilot test 13
Outline of SEE Mark 14 Organizational Profile for Impact Assessment Operational Policies & Processes Assessment Vision, Mission; Innovation; Goals; Inputs; Outputs; Outcomes; Impacts; SWOT analysis; Scaling-up Business Strategies & Execution; Human Resources; Ethical Consumption; Community Engagement; Customer Satisfaction; Financial Management; Governance & Leadership SEE Assessment SEE Mark Self Assessment Category A Incubating Member Category B Small Scale / Start-up Category C Intermediate Category D Advanced
Conclusion SEE Mark as a Capacity Building Tool Enhance SE’s capacity and sustainability Achieve greater social impacts Achieve better governance, leadership and management Enhance SE’s credibility Greater public recognition Networking and Sharing 15
Networking and Sharing 16 Penguin pictures: canopy/7897/penguin.html
SEE Mark - Sharing the Warmth of Our Social Enterprise Community 17
Self-Assessment Process in Pilot Test Draft Submission Pilot SEs fill in the self-assessment form within 3 to 4 weeks Assessors provide feedback based on the Draft Takes about 2 to 3 weeks SEs revise the Draft based on the feedback and submit the final version of the self-assessment in 2- to 3-week’s time. Verification: Onsite / Telephone interviews Category A verification interview through telephone (takes about 1 hour) Category B, C, & D will be verification interview through on-site visit (takes about 2 to 3 hours) Self-assessment Endorsement Report Remedial action / Annual review 20