Many of us are now on social media (Twitter, Facebook…) Many sites for children have this capability (Club Penguin, Moshi Monsters…)
84% of children aged 5 – 15 live in a household with internet access 35% of ’s have internet access in their bedroom (75% have a games console in their bedroom) 66% of 12 – 15’s have a social networking site (19% of 8 – 11’s) 49% of 12 – 15’s use gaming sites at least once a week, 47 % of 8 – 11’s and 30% of 5 – 7’s 81% of 12-15’s use the internet for their homework, 53% of 8 – 11’s and 26% of 5 – 7’s (Ofcom, 2009)
Smartphone ownership 5-7’s – 3% 8-11’s – 18% 12-15’s – 62% Home Internet use 5-7’s – 88% 8-11’s – 91% 12-15’s – 94% Gaming devices 5-7’s – 78% 8-11’s – 91% 12-15’s – 89% (Ofcom 2013) Highlights from the Ofcom 2013 Report:
Around 1300 reports are received by CEOP every month Approx 70% directly relate to online grooming Over 15 million children have seen Thinkuknow (CEOP, October 2013)
4 out of 5 parents know what their children are doing online 1 in 3 children say their parents have no idea!!
Unwanted contact/grooming Cyberbullying Harmful content/illegal materials Privacy/digital footprints
Definition of grooming: A process by which a person prepares a child, significant others and the environment for the abuse of this child Specific goals include gaining access to the child, gaining the child’s compliance and maintaining the child’s secrecy to avoid disclosure (Craven, Brrown and Gilchrist, 2006)
Bribery and gifts Flattery Sexualised games Threats Blackmail Desensitisation – pornography, child abuse images, video and web cams may be used
Mobiles Social networking sites Gaming Forums Sexting Definition of cyberbullying: ‘The use of digital technology (text messaging, , social networking sites etc) to bully, harass or abuse someone.’ (DfE 2009) How:
It is an invasion of personal space for young people and is all encompassing and penetrating. The audience can be large, reached rapidly and can be unknown It is easier for perpetrators to remain anonymous through the online world or masquerade as another person The target of bullying can be anyone as physical and other factors do not come into play.
Often young people who engage in cyberbullying get involved in an unintentional way. There is a disconnection as they are removed from the face to face. There is an evidence trail in the online world therefore there is the ability to track people
Privacy settings need to be set to “Friends only” – Including comments, posts and photos Use https: and strong passwords “Friends” should be people you know and trust in the real world Only post content and photos you wouldn't mind showing your family! Learn how to report any issues directly to the SNS
Exposure to material this is not age appropriate Intentional and non-intentional Access to illegal material Self-taken images
There are rules but... Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account: –You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission. –You will not create more than one personal account. –If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission. –You will not use your personal timeline for your own commercial gain (such as selling your status update to an advertiser). –You will not use Facebook if you are under 13. –You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender. –You will keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.
Six interactive cartoons focusing on personal information, cyberbullying and stranger danger
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