Animal Encyclopedia Andy6A10/17/11
Table of Contents Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin Giant Stingray Giant Stingray Giant Stingray Giant Stingray Mexican Axoloti Mexican Axoloti Mexican Axoloti Mexican Axoloti Protostega Gigas Protostega Gigas Protostega Gigas Protostega Gigas Lynx Lynx Lynx Eastern Diamond Rattlesnake Eastern Diamond Rattlesnake Eastern Diamond Rattlesnake Eastern Diamond Rattlesnake Giant Panda Giant Panda Giant Panda Giant Panda Blue Marlin Blue Marlin Blue Marlin Blue Marlin Nile Crocodile Nile Crocodile Nile Crocodile Nile Crocodile Raven Raven Raven Osprey Osprey Osprey Box Jellyfish Box Jellyfish Box Jellyfish Box Jellyfish
Emperor Penguin Emperor penguins can live for years Largest penguin on earth They weigh 88 lbs. Table of Contents
Giant Stingray They are carnivores They are carnivores They are the largest animal in freshwater They are the largest animal in freshwater Their length is about 5 meters Their length is about 5 meters Table of Contents
Mexican Axolotl It is a carnivore It is a carnivore It can live for about years It can live for about years Its length is 30 cm. Its length is 30 cm. It has a rare trait of retaining It has a rare trait of retaining Table of Contents
Protostega Gigas It is an omnivore It is an omnivore They can grow to be 10 feet They can grow to be 10 feet They are extinct They are extinct They were the largest turtle They were the largest turtle The Protostega Gigas are extinct The Protostega Gigas are extinct Table of Contents
Lynx Lynx haunt the Northern part of America and Europe on the most remote of forests. Lynx haunt the Northern part of America and Europe on the most remote of forests. Sadly lynx are threatened of extinction. Sadly lynx are threatened of extinction. They’re diet is carnivore They’re diet is carnivore Table of Contents
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake The rattlesnake is a carnivore and part of the reptile family The rattlesnake is a carnivore and part of the reptile family It is the largest venomous snake in North America It is the largest venomous snake in North America It can live for years It can live for years Table of Contents
Giant Panda It can live for 20 years It can live for 20 years The Giant Panda has an appetite for bamboo The Giant Panda has an appetite for bamboo It’s weight can be about 300 pounds It’s weight can be about 300 pounds Table of Contents
Blue Martin It can weigh 1,985 lbs. It can weigh 1,985 lbs. It’s one of the most beautiful sea creatures It’s one of the most beautiful sea creatures It’s the sea creature that fought the old man in “the Old Man and the Sea”. It’s the sea creature that fought the old man in “the Old Man and the Sea”. Table of Contents
Nile Crocodile It can live for about 45 years It can live for about 45 years It’s the largest crocodile in Africa It’s the largest crocodile in Africa Some of them were mummified and were buried in tombs Some of them were mummified and were buried in tombs Table of Contents
Raven They can live for about 13 years They can live for about 13 years It’s an omnivore It’s an omnivore There is a legend that if the ravens leave the Tower of London the fortress will fall and so will the British kingdom There is a legend that if the ravens leave the Tower of London the fortress will fall and so will the British kingdom Table of Contents
Ospery It can live for about 30 years It can live for about 30 years They can be found on every continent except Antarctica They can be found on every continent except Antarctica They have gripping pads on there feet to catch fish from the ocean They have gripping pads on there feet to catch fish from the ocean Table of Contents
Box Jellyfish It’s an invertebrate It’s an invertebrate The box jellyfishes stings are not affected to sea turtles The box jellyfishes stings are not affected to sea turtles It can weigh up to 4.4 pounds It can weigh up to 4.4 pounds Table of Contents