The Mind A process that regulates the flow of energy and information Daniel Siegel (2007) The Mindful Brain Norton, New York (Embodied and relational)
Our entire organism is a flowing network of energy and information blood nerves hormones cytokines peptides neuropeptides macrophages nutrients chemicals BDNF ATP oxygen DNA mRNA receptors kinases adipocytokines toxins synapses stem cells dopamine seratonin glutamate glucose
Blood Brain Barrier
BBB Molecules less than 500 daltons (water is 18 daltons) Molecules less than 500 daltons (water is 18 daltons) There are about 400 miles of capillaries in the human brain. There are about 400 miles of capillaries in the human brain. Every neuron is virtually perfused by its own blood vessel. Every neuron is virtually perfused by its own blood vessel. ArmaGen Industries
Circulatory Heart neural net
Skin Epidermis – protective Dermis – vascularised & complex Hypodermis – superficial fascia
Fascia Chaotic 60-80% of strength 3 distinct sets – Sub dermal Visceral Head
Respiratory Left/Right Nostril Breathing Antihistemine
Digestive Enteric ‘brain’
Endocrine Messenger system Blood based
Endocrine - Adipose Adipokines (adipocytokines) - Adiponectin - inflammation - Leptin – food intake - Resistin - inflammation - TNFalpha - inflammation - IL-6 - inflammation 30 mill to 100 mill cells – preadipocytes (stem cells) Neuropeptide Y
Nervous Nociceptors Referred pain
Autonomic Nitric Oxide Oxytocin Neuropeptide Y
Vagus Afferent - Oxytocin
Pain Substance P Neuropeptide Y Pain inhibition
Counter-Intuitive Steven Pinker – “The more I know the less counter-intuitive my thinking becomes” How the Mind Works. (1997) Penguin Books
KNOWLEDGE Empirical Factual Intuitive Perceptive Conceptual Known Unknown TRANSFORMATIONAL