Convergent evolution Evolution toward similar traits in unrelated species
Convergent Evolution UUnrelated organisms independently evolve similar adaptations to similar environments / niches AAnalogous structures EExample: penguin limb/whale flipper/fish fin WWings of insects, birds, pterosaurs, and bats – all serve the same function –m–may be similar in outward appearance –e–evolved independently –a–anatomical structure very different
HOMOLOGOUS STRUCTURES Front legs / arms of many animals have similar basic structures
Convergence analogous structures Convergent and parallel evolution is often due to independent adaptation to similar environments.
Segmentation has evolved twice Sight has evolved multiple times
Convergence often due to independent adaptation to similar environments.
Convergent Evolution
ocotillo (SW America) and allauidia (Madagascar) Convergent Evolution
Hummingbird Hawkmoth
Convergent Evolution Similar body shapes and structures euphorbias in Southern Africa North American cacti
Videos Wolfe: Homologous structures