SOS Rx Coalition Clearinghouse Project Update November 2005
Clearinghouse Objectives SOS Rx Clearinghouse will: Collect evidence and literature about safest practices re: high-risk drugs in outpatient setting, including info on interactions with other drugs and dietary supplements Assemble, catalogue, and maintain online database Include public and private sector research reports, plus generalized information from other settings Make all accessible to clinicians and consumers
SOS Rx Clearinghouse Will… Have three phases: 1) Prototype – focus on one high-risk drug (warfarin) budget of $10,000 (in hand) 2) Pilot – live, online version of clearinghouse, budget of $100,000 (need) 3) Fully operational clearinghouse – million dollar annual operating budget
Clearinghouse Status Clearinghouse working group of experts met March 2004 and produced consensus document on scope, governance and related issues Currently seeking partner organization with capacity to help develop and house clearinghouse Seeking funds and in-kind resources
Clearinghouse Partner – Organizations Contacted Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) American Health Quality Association (AHQA) Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTS) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Clearinghouse Partner: Organizations Contacted ECRI National Institutes for Health (NIH) Stanford Evidence-Based Practice Center Ottawa Health Research Institute Web MD Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
Clearinghouse – Next Steps? While we have pursued many organizations for partnership and funding possibilities and many are interested in the project, no partner has been identified Suggestions on proceeding forward? Questions?