Clearinghouse Support Bridging RUE in Building Projects and Financing European initiatives on promoting energy saving s in buildings ClearSupport event.


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Presentation transcript:

Clearinghouse Support Bridging RUE in Building Projects and Financing European initiatives on promoting energy saving s in buildings ClearSupport event Chania/Crete 24’th September 2009 By Nils Daugaard

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September Content  The challenge of improving energy performance of buildings at European scale  EU initiatives for boosting activities in the sector  State of the ClearSupport intervention

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 Role of the Building Sector  40 % of EU’s energy use  36 % of EU’s CO 2 emissions  Cost-effective energy savings potential: ~30 % by 2020  9 % of GDP, 8 % of employment and €2 trillion annual turnover  Key EU legislation: Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD, 2002/91/EC) ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009

Political and Economical Motivation Environment: Climate change: up to +6.4 Kelvin in 2100 (IPCC) Financial and Economic Crisis: EU’s Economic Recovery Plan Social & Economic: Recent energy prices and their volatility Security & Economy: EU Energy Import Dependency - Forecast: ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009

Challenges  Energy saving is, by nature, the result of many ‘small’ measures – addressing dispersed end-users  Another barrier on the project level is that among the stakeholders there is a lack of knowledge on the energy saving potential as well as how to address the potential in competent ways  Moreover EE measures are often characterized by relatively long pay-back times and there tend to be lack of appropriate financing schemes  There is great variation in EU-27; e.g. approaches are to be adopted to the local situation  Strong political pressure on visible actions: results expected in the short term at EU level, at national level and notably on job creation. EE in buildings tend to face a problem in gaining such visibility  It is problematic to create a sound decision making chain incorporating all the relevant stakeholders

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September ClearSupport  Can be considered a pilot initiative on a systematic approach on overcoming the barriers for building renovation investments  This is done in the form of operating 5 Project Service Facilities/PSFs in  Latvia  Lithuania  Poland  Czech Republic  Crete ClearSupport is running from 2007 to the end of 2009 and involve thirteen partners

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September Key objective: Linking building owner with sources of finance The missing link !! ClearSupport: Helping to bridge the gap Financiers: Lack of trust in EE projects Financiers: Get confidence in EE projects

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September

9 Services to bridge the gap Local and national Government/policy Financing institutions ESCOs etc. Public house owners Residential house owners Support Information Project preparation Preparation of applications Consulting Education Analyses Heart of the action: PSFs delivering multi-disciplinary services The ambitious goal has been to support the initiation of specific building renovations in the 5 target regions

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 EU Initiatives for Boosting Energy Efficiency in the Buildings Sector

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 Key Objectives RES in transport Min 10% binding ELECTRICITY MS binding choice HEATING & COOLING NATIONAL TARGETS & ACTION PLANS MS binding choice By 2020 binding 20% RENEWABLES in final energy consumption at EU level By % ENERGY SAVING By % EU GHG NEEAPS

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 Main EU policy areas to achieve energy savings Policy areas European Energy Efficiency Action Plan (EEAP) Comprehensive set of legislation Support programmes & energy efficiency networks International co-operations Financing Research & Development

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 Buildings Directive/EPBD – first holistic framework  Member States to fix and implement:  Minimum energy performance requirements  A methodology to calculate and set requirements on energy performance  Energy performance certificates  Regular inspections of heating and air-conditioning systems  Offers room for adapting to national circumstances  2002 into force, 2006/2009 deadlines

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 To give an additional …  % saving of total EU energy consumption  5 % saving of total EU CO 2 emissions  280,000 – 450,000 potential new jobs  Build on the provisions of the current EPBD  Ambitious but realistic  Strengthen the current requirements  Improved and more reliable information  Stimulate market entry of low/zero energy and low/zero carbon buildings Sharpening the EPBD (RECAST)

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 Towards New EU Energy Efficiency Action Plan  Revision of the EEAP to be prepared in 2009 (expected adoption in 2010)  This new action plan will become the Commission’s strategic tool for implementing and following-up energy savings policies  The EU Plan should be linked more closely to the National Energy Efficiency Action Plans  Opportunity for stakeholders to provide first ideas for revised EEAP initiated already during Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW 2009)

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 National Energy Efficiency Action Plans  Key tool of Energy Services Directive aimed at setting concrete measure and actions at national level to save energy and enable consumers to make informed choices, participate in competitive market, etc.  All 27 MS have submitted NEEAPs  Energy saving measures addressing residential buildings are by far the most common in the NEEAPs retrofitting of existing buildings, measures addressing new constructions  All plans available online:

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 EU Commission calls for: URGENT ACTION NOW TO BOOST RENOVATIONS …

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 Support measures and networks IEE programme project funding (EACI) FP 7 projects incl. Concerto Measures & programmes Covenant of Mayors Sustainable Energy Europe Campaign ManagEnergy network Networks Buildings Platform ↓ Build Up Initiative Supporting implementation Concerted Action CEN standards

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 The BUILD UP initiative Public authorities Building occupants Building professionals Transfer best practices of energy savings measures to the market and foster uptake. Keep the market updated about the energy policy for buildings. Improve the energy performance of buildings by gathering building professionals, local authorities and citizens on THE web portal for energy efficient building. ► 2 main goals:

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 INTELLIGENT ENERGY EUROPE/IEE  € 730 million from  To remove the non-technological barriers to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources  No R&D funding, no support to hardware  IEE now supports up to 75% of eligible costs  One call every year  New technical assistance instrument (with European Investment Bank)

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 IEE information sources

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September 2009 ELENA – European Local Energy Assistance Technical assistance facility of the European Commission and EIB. Operational since September 2009 Assists cities and regions in developing their sustainable energy investment projects and mobilising investments. Will cover major part of the technical assistance costs related to the preparation of eligible investment projects or programmes; proposals from local authorities submitted directly to Brussels Focus on: retrofitting of public and private buildings, sustainable building, energy-efficient district heating and cooling networks, environmentally-friendly transport etc. Further information will be soon available from DG TREN web site: Financing instrument: ELENA Facility NEW !

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September  The PSFs in Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Poland, Czech Republic and Crete/Greece are well underway with initiating building renovations, 218 projects are in the pipeline (target more than fulfilled)  In parallel with this, the PSFs are working on improving the framework conditions and to adopt tools that can make the PSF operations more efficient ClearSupport: State of the action & its perspectives  The project team is currently undertaking an evaluation of the PSF’s impact in terms of initiating projects and improving framework conditions  It is the intention to coordinate this evaluation with relevant EC staff so that the lessons learnt can be integrated in formulation of future policies and support programmes  Another final effort of the project is to elaborate a Guidebook with the intention of encouraging other EU regions to take up the Clearinghouse/ PSF concept

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September PSF achievements

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September  There is a huge potential for improving the energy performance of the European building sector  Due to the threats of climate change and to increase security of supply the EU Commission is taking a number of initiatives to boost activities in the sector, ranging from policy measures, financing instruments, information sources etc.  The ClearSupport project is one initiative supported by the EU Commission (IEE Programme) aiming for linking building owners with sources of financing and has succeded to foster 218 investments in five EU regions, including Crete  The ClearSupport project team is currently evaluating the efforts with a view to replicating the concept at broader European scale Conclusion

ClearSupport event in Chania/Crete, 24’th September Thank you for your attention ! Nils Daugaard: