National Clearinghouse Reporting Helpful Hints
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce NSC Enrollment Codes n F – Full time n H – Half Time n L – Less than Half Time but still enrolled n W – Withdrawn n G – Graduated n A – Approved Leave of Absence n D - Deceased
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce CENSUS DATE n The CENSUS DATE for NSC is the date you create the report. n Status Date errors from NCS are usually because of the Census date keyed on SITS.
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Acad Credentials n Enrollment status information comes from four places in Colleague –Academic Credit information –Student Term information –Deceased date information –Hiatus information
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Set Up n School Code – Branch Code n Standard Submission Flag n Term Name n Certification Date
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Set Up n Student Data n Optional Student Data
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Generating the Report 1. SITS- Set Parameters 2. SITX- Student Data Extraction 3. SIIR- Analytical Report 4. SIPG- Purge Previous Batch 5. SITC- Correcting Student Data 6. SITE- Verification Report 7. SITP- Processing
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Reporting Graduates n Standard n Non-Standard –INSTITUTIONS.ATTEND –ACAD.CREDENTIALS
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Reporting Graduates n SITS –Standard Report Flag = No –Reporting date range must include ACAD.END DATE –Must also be within Term start and end date –Recommend setting Census Date one day before completion date
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Reporting Graduates n Saved List on STIX –SELECT ACAD.CREDENTIALS WITH ACAD.END.DATE = ‘the graduation date’ SAVING UNIQUE ACAD.PERSON.ID –Don’t include the TERM on SITX –Enter academic levels –Correct any errors –If no errors you will get message saying “All records are processed. Please proceed with verification.”
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Reporting Graduates n SITC –Data Correction SIIR Review results for all students SITE Verify the report SITP Produce the hold file
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Degree Verification n NDVS –Must complete graduation process to include most recent grads –Batch control ID –Institution ID –FICE –Financial Block restriction –Directory Code
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Degree Verification –Institutions –Update Mode – N for report only, Y to update database –Credential start and end date or use a savelist
North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-nine Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce Questions