Academic Skills Center Fall 2010 HB 6173 301 Collis Open Mon-Fri 8 AM-4:30 PM Tutor Clearinghouse Carl P. Thum, Ph.D., Director Holly Potter, Tutor Clearinghouse Coordinator Academic Advising Dartmouth Study Groups Want a Tutor? Tutors are available for chemistry, psychology, economics, Spanish, math, government, etc.. Free tutoring for Dartmouth College Financial Aid Students Request forms are available at the ASC office or on our web page Want to Be a Tutor? Received an A or A- in a course and would like to tutor other students? Pay is $9/hour. Tutor Training: Oct. 4 from 5:00 - 7:00 PM, Oct. 7 and 8 from 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Training sessions held in Collis 101 Blitz “Tutor Clearinghouse” for more information. The Tutor Clearinghouse is open. Stop by the ASC to sign up! We can help you with… Effective Study Strategies, Time Management, Exam Preparation, Reading Skills, Stress Management, D-Plans, Pre-major Advising, Course Selection, Choosing a Major Interested? Set up an appointment with Carl P. Thum, Ph. D., for any academic advising you might need! Drop by the ASC for free flyers and handouts on time management, learning strategies, and more Visit our website for study tips and streaming videos Need help with a class? Join a study group! Study groups meet once a week and are led by trained student leaders $30/course; $10/course for students receiving financial aid from Dartmouth (DA$H accepted!) Study Groups begin meeting the week of Jan. 16 Study Group Sign-Ups (Online, on Blackboard) Wednesday, Sept 30, 12:00 P.M. - 4:30 PM Thursday, October 1, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Interested in Becoming a Study Group Leader? You’re eligible if you’ve received an A or A- in a course Information Sessions: Thursday. Sept. 23, 7:30 – 8:30 PM, Collis 101 Friday Sept. 24, 3:30 – 4:30 PM, Collis 101 For the Class of 2014 Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sept 28 – Nov 11 EARN A PE CREDIT WHILE PREPARING YOURSELF FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS! Find out about LSA/FSPs, meet your Dean, and improve academic skills including Time Management Reading Comprehension Exam Preparation Stress Management Effective Study Strategies and more!!! Sign ups start Sept 21 in the Academic Skills Center (301 Collis) for only $10 ($5 for students receiving financial aid) Reading Improvement (formerly Speedreading) Miniversity Course Improve your reading rate and comprehension Four sessions: 10/4, 10/6, 10/11. and 10/13 Register online through Miniversity.
The Tutor Clearinghouse is available to all Dartmouth students and surrounding communities. The Tutor Clearinghouse provides Tutors and Study Groups for those seeking academic support. The office is located at 301 Collis. Students who would like extra help in their courses may request a tutor or join a study group. If you would like to request a tutor please fill out the “Request a Tutor” form located on the Academic Skills Center website or come to the office. Study Groups will begin to meet the week of October 2 and you may sign up online (go to: Your professor will be announcing the availability of study groups on your class’ blackboard site. The tutor request forms may be found at Anyone who has received an A/A- or has come in to the college exempted from taking introductory courses may register to be a Tutor or Study Group Leader for those courses. The maximum time required to tutor is 3 hours/week/tutee and the pay rate is $9/hr. The maximum time required for a study group leader is 1.5 hours/week and the pay rate is $12/hour. Details on how to become part of the Tutor Clearinghouse team can be found at: Contact: or call (603)