Immigrant Education and Integration Trends The Annie E. Casey Foundation June 23, 2008 Michael Fix & Margie McHugh NCIIP Co-Directors National Center on.


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Presentation transcript:

Immigrant Education and Integration Trends The Annie E. Casey Foundation June 23, 2008 Michael Fix & Margie McHugh NCIIP Co-Directors National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy

Metro Areas with Demographic Change: Almost Half Metro Areas with 1 Million+ Immigrants Are in the US

Children of immigrants are... 23% All children 30% All low-income children -- 84% Are US citizens Demographic Impacts Immigrants are... 1 in 8 US residents 1 in 2 new workers in 90s Source: MPI’s tabulations of 2000 Census and 2006 American Community Survey.

More States Feel the Impact of Immigration: Largest and Fastest Growing Immigrant States

37 Million Foreign Born in 2005 Legal permanent residents (LPRs) 28% Legal temporary residents 3% Naturalized citizens 31% Refugees 7% Unauthorized migrants 30% One in Three Immigrants are Unauthorized Source: Urban Institute’s estimations

Basic Stats: Children in Undocumented Families 4.6 million children, who constitute: 27 percent children of immigrants 5 percent all kids Two-thirds (3 million) are US citizens One-third (1.6 million) are undocumented About 65,000 undocumented children annually graduate from US high schools But many undocumented drop out Source: Urban Institute estimations, 2003

Year United States LEP Enrollment Total Enrollment Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA), Rate of Total and LEP Enrollment Growth: From 1996 to 2006

Year California LEP Enrollment Total Enrollment Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA), 2006 Rate of Total and LEP Enrollment Growth: From 1995 to 2005

Year North Carolina LEP Enrollment Total Enrollment Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA), 2006 Rate of Total Pk-12 and LEP Enrollment Growth: 1995 to 2005

Year Nevada LEP Enrollment Total Enrollment Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA), 2006 Rate of Total Pk-12 and LEP Enrollment Growth: 1995 to 2005

LEP Students Attend Linguistically-Segregated Schools Source: Schools and Staffing Survey, 1999

More LEP Children are Native than Foreign Born, United States Source: US Census, The figures refer to LEP students, ages 5 to 18, currently enrolled in school. Recent arrivals: 42% Recent arrivals: 52%

Average Scores of 8 th Graders in Math by English Proficiency: NAEP, Non-LEP LEP Non-LEP Former LEP LEP 8 th Graders Source: US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2007 Math Assessments

New York City * 26% of ELLs in the 2006 class graduated on time vs. 61% of English Proficient Students. Massachusetts * 55% of ELLs graduate within four years vs. 80% of all students ( ). North Carolina * 52% of ELLs graduate with a regular diploma within four years vs. 70% of all students ( ). Low Graduation Rates of ELLs

LEP Children Ages 5 to 17 by Generation Projected Growth: 2000 to 2025 Pct. growth from % 83% 36% All LEP 2 nd gen 3 rd gen 1 st gen Source: Jeffrey Passel, Pew Hispanic tabulations from Census % PUMS. Proportions of children who are LEP computed from Census 2000 data for each generation group. These proportions are held constant and applied to data for (*) 2005 from the March Current Population Survey (CPS) and to (#) projections for 2010 through 2025 done by Passel (2006 forthcoming).

ELL Students in US Schools

2/3 of ELL Students Are in 10 States; 1/3 are in California Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA), 2006

ELL Enrollment ( ): Top 10 School Districts Number of ELLs Percent ELLs* United States5,113, Los Angeles, CA328, New York City, NY122, Chicago, IL82, Miami-Dade, FL62, Houston, TX61, Clark County, NV53, Dallas, TX51, San Diego, CA38, Santa Ana, CA36, Broward County, FL29, Top 10 districts868,340 Percentage of all ELLs17.0% Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition & Language Instruction Educational Programs (NCELA), 2006 *Percent ELLs in the district’s total K-12 enrollment.

Nature and Quality of English Instruction Services -alignment of ELL and mainstream curricula -native language instruction and testing policies -use of valid and reliable assessments -teacher recruitment/retention -pre-service and in-service training -alignment of afterschool/SES services -time on task Barriers to Parent Involvement -language -unwelcoming school environment -systems/knowledge gap Key K-12 Issues

Lack of targeted federal, state and local funding to meet immigrant/ELL needs -decline in federal support Key K-12 Issues (cont)

Source: US Department of Education, “Funds for State Formula-Allocated and Selected Student Aid Programs.” Total Language Acquisition Grants to US States and Territories, Change 2002 to 2007: -13.1%

Lack of targeted federal, state and local funding to meet immigrant/ELL needs -decline in federal support -continuing reluctance at state and district levels to use Title I funds to meet ELL needs -few strong state or local level efforts to address ELL funding needs -difficulties in establishing accountability for funds even when they have been designated for ELLs Key K-12 Issues (cont)

Advocacy -policy/legislation: collection of longitudinal data; state and local funding formulas; expanded PreK and afterschool programs. -administrative: ELL assessment and placement practices; instructional program offerings; alignment of ELL and mainstream curricula AND tests; relevance and sufficiency of teacher training. -litigation: e.g. CFE lawsuit in New York Parent Engagement -language access initiatives -language and literacy programs -personal and family leadership programs -education advocacy and organizing efforts Strategies for Funders

Research -policy impacts: NCLB effects on high ELL schools -instructional programs: trials to compare success of different instructional approaches -curriculum and testing: state testing consortia data will yield treasure trove of data -funding: learn lessons from areas of new investment, particularly New York Strategies for Funders (cont)

Find data, reports and other analysis by state and for the nation at … 2006 ACS data and new databases coming online soon! Michael Fix and Margie McHugh For More Information