Bio-Link is a community
The Bio-Link Mission Increase the number and diversity of well-trained technicians in the workforce Ensure that training is appropriate to industry Institutionalize community college practices that make high quality education and training available to all
Bio-Link connects students programs industry programs
Bio-Link: Provides direct services: e.g. consulting, prof. development, curriculum clearinghouse, Course in a Box Facilitates information sharing & collaboration - networking, web, publications, social networks, biotech careers
A brief history - Bio-Link began in 1998 as a National ATE Center - Funded again as a National Center in Executive Director, Dr. Elaine Johnson - Based at City College of San Francisco Funded by National Science Foundation, DUE
Bio-Link facilitates information sharing through a strong on-line presence Diverse social media Two web sites On-line newsPrint newsletter Information about Bio- Link programs, curriculum & resources Information about bioscience careers in industry
Bio-Link programs Bio-Link curriculum Clearinghouse Bio-Link curriculum Clearinghouse Course in a box Bio-Link careers
Bio-Link publications - Bio-Link CXO Summit Report - Bio-Link Equipment Depot Resource Guide - Bay Area Biotechnology Education Consortium - Replicating Success: Innovative Collaborations - Careers in Biotechnology - National Trends in Biotechnology Technician Education - Educating Technicians for Future Industry Needs
Events & event materials EventEvent materials
Curriculum clearinghouse find materials share your materials with other instructors
Course in a box see how a course is taught written materials videos slides quizzes Courses: Survey of Quality Regulations and Standards - (Austin Community College) - (Salt Lake Community College) Basic Laboratory Methods in a Regulated Environment (Madison College) Laboratory Calculations for Biotechnology (Madison College) Embryonic Stem Cell Course (Stanford University) Basics of Cell Culture (City College of San Francisco) Cases in Industry Practice in Biotechnology (V. Carter, K. Charles)
Blogs & news Any Bio-Link member can have a blog. Students blog too!
Bio-Link programs ~98 programs, 34 states, Puerto Rico and Washington DC - 10 different biotech-related associates degrees - 24 different certificates
Two year degrees Agricultural/Biofuels Process Technology (1) Animal Laboratory Technology (3) Bioinformatics (1) Biomanufacturing Associates Degree (5) Biomedical device engineering (1) Biomedical Technology (1) Bioprocess Laboratory Technology (1) Biotechnology Associates degree (78) Clinical Research Coordinator (1) Regulatory Affairs Associates degree (2)
Certificates Applied Biotechnology (8) Biofuels Technician (2) Bioinformatics (4)Biomanufacturing (15) Bioprocess Instrumentation and Control (1) Biostatistics (1) Biotechnical and Chemical Operator (1) Biotechnician / Biotechnology / Bioscience (44) Cell Production / Tissue Culture (2) Clinical Research Professional (4) Documentation / Configuration (1) Environmental Laboratory Technician (7) Flow Cytometry (1) Fluorescence / Optical Microscopy (1) Laboratory Animal Care and Management (2) Manufacturing Operator (1) Medical Devices (3) Plant Tissue Culture (1) Post Baccalaureate Certificate / Advanced Technical Certificate (15) Post Baccalaureate Intensive Certificate (2) Quality Control / Quality Assurance (7) Regulatory Affairs (3) Regulatory Compliance (2) Stem Cell (3)
Bio-Link Programs
Job search tools
Strength in numbers
What kinds of companies hire Bio-Link students? 263 biotech / biopharma 53 medical device 14 biofuels 12 agriculture / nat. prod 13 food 7 veterinary 7 chemicals 7 information technology 7 health care
Where do Bio-Link students work? Number of companies hiring Bio-Link students in each state
Some companies hire students from multiple Bio-Link programs CompaniesNumber of Bio-Link programs Amgen9 Genentech & Genzyme7 Baxter5 Life Technologies, Novartis, Pfizer 4 Bayer, Dendreon, Medtronic, Monsanto, Sigma-Aldrich, Biogen-IDEC 3 27 companies2 382 companies1
Characteristics of Bio-Link employers Lots of small companies hire Bio-Link students Small < 500 employees Area Education Salary - Articles - Careers - Job Areas - Photos - Videos - Quiz Flashcards
Photo diaries
How do I participate in the Bio-Link community? industry programs ? join us on social media contribute curriculum share your ideas & suggestions write something: blog, articles for websites or newsletters recruit alumni for photo diaries contribute a course share updates