QUALITY DATA COLLECTION Up to an additional three points will be awarded to projects that are designed to collect, analyze and use: High-quality and timely data, including data on program participant outcomes
DATA COLLECTION PRIORITY AREAS 1) Improving instructional, practices, policies and student outcomes in elementary or secondary schools; 2) Improving postsecondary student outcomes relating to enrollment, persistence, and completion and leading to career success; and, 3) Providing reliable and comprehensive information on the implementation of U.S. Department of Education programs and participant outcomes in these programs.
HOW ARE YOU USING DATA TO SUPPORT YOUR PROGRAM? Groupthink – chart data that you currently collect in each of the priority areas 1, 2 and 3 Why are these elements important for your students? Your grant? Report out
SYSTEM FOR RECORDKEEPING Chart Inventory of Software and databases: Large – Cobro, Excalibur, GoCollege, EPI’s system, etc. Medium – Pacific Research Associates, Cayen Systems, etc. Project developed – College Preparatory Data Management System (NC), other states have done this too (WA, etc.) Platforms you can use: Excel, Microsoft Access, Oracle, SQL Discuss benefits and barriers of each
WHERE SHOULD RECORDS BE KEPT? Fiscal agent office Facility for current record storage Facility for archives Centralize or decentralized Database or other
WHEN SHOULD COST SHARE RECORDS BE KEPT? Ongoing Timely Fashion – over the 6 or 7 year term of grant System that is flexible Provide technical assistance to subgrantees and contractors
HOW TO KEEP RECORDS AND REPORT TO STAKEHOLDERS? Collection System Timeline Tools = Timelines & Forms Transparency Capacity for large volume Types of Reports
IDEAS FROM A STATE GRANT GEAR UP Database – Pacific Research Associates Data transfers from School Districts and Colleges via Bighorn – state’s longitudinal, secure database Reporting via External Evaluation Report Participation in the GEAR UP College and Career Readiness Evaluation Consortium (CCREC)
IDEAS FROM A PARTNERSHIP GRANT Cal PASS (longitudinal database) Data Quality Campaign, etc. Integrated database linking school-based student information systems and GEAR UP outcomes Value Added Information for partners
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Postsecondary Data Tracking StudentTracker for High Schools answers the following questions : Which of your high school graduates enrolled in college? Where did they enroll? Did they enroll where they applied? Was it their first choice? Did they graduate after six years? The National Student Clearinghouse’s database is the only nationwide collection of collegiate enrollment and degree data. These are actual student records provided to the Clearinghouse every days by our more than 3,300 participating postsecondary institutions, which enroll over 92% of all U.S. higher education students. After StudentTracker matches your records against their database, you’ll receive a comprehensive report containing the information you need to better assess the college attendance, persistence and achievement of your graduates. See:
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Interpreting National Student Clearinghouse Data and setting up files with a unique identifier.