Cricket Bonnetaud OASES, Academic Advisor Laiko Quintero University Advising Center, Academic Advisor
To identify the various platforms of social media/technology being used in academic advising. “…time spent on social networking websites was correlated with indices of student engagement.” (Heiberger & Harper, 2008)
Advising- Developmental and/or Prescriptive? Academic advising is a collaborative relationship between a student and an academic advisor. intent of this collaboration is to assist the student in the development of meaningful educational goals that are consistent with personal and interests, values, and abilities. A systematic process based on a close student-advisor relationship intended to aid students in achieving educational, career, and personal goals through the use of the full range of institutional and community resources.
UNC Charlotte Advising Mission To assist students in achieving their educational and lifelong learning goals, through an interactive and educational partnership.
What forms of social media do you currently use with students? Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Google plus, and LinkedIn What types of social media have your students asked you to use? Facebook, LinkedIn, Skype, Twitter, and Text Message What forms of social media would you like to incorporate with students? LinkedIn, Facebook, live chat, text message, and Apps (cellphone and tablets)
Confidentiality No time to manage these tools Security & personal issues Boundaries Keep information up to date/consistency How to use it effectively Used more for marketing programs/ events
NinerAdvisor NC State Virtual Advising
Silent Generation ( ) Parents of baby boomers, Loyal (to country and job), respect authority, served in WWII, grew up during the great depression Baby Boomers ( ) Work centric, independent, goal orientated, competitive, came of age during great social changes Generation X ( ) Latch key kids, first generation to grow up with computers, flexible with employment, value work-life balance Millennial Generation ( ) Sheltered, special, everyone gets a trophy, confident, team- oriented, conventional, pressured, achieving, & multi-tasking
Student Development Theory Intellectual and Ethical Development, Perry (1968) Interpersonal Knowing, Baxter Magolda (1992) Learning Styles, Kolb (1981) Interpersonal development of students, staff & faculty (technology pedagogy), Chickering ( 1969 ) Andragogy/ Meet students where they are, Knowles (1970) Do no harm
FERPA Regulates the sharing of students medical information, social security numbers, and grades Applies only to information in possession of the institution Comments on grades should not be made public Children under 18 years old should get parent’s permission to post publicly Security (password/log-in credentials) Lack of control Students may help each other with academic advising
Low cost Efficient Flexible Accessible Secured access Autonomy-> Interdependence Technology skill development (Students & Advisors) Professional & personal development (Students & Advisors)
Social media helps to establish rapport Accessible and convenient, & cost effective Helps student to be proactive in their education Required skill in higher education (for both student and faculty/ staff) Professional development- world of workworld of work Questions????
Thank You for attending!
Alexander, B. Social networking in higher education. Social Networking in Higher Education. p Barnes, K., Marateo, R., & Ferris, P. Teaching and learning with the net generation. Found online Dec. 16, 2011 at Kittelson, L. (2009). Millennials, modules, and meaningful advising. University of Minnesota Duluth. Orlando, J. ( 2011 ). FERPA and social media. Faculty focus. Retrieved from: technology-articles/ferpa-and-social-media/ Rice, A. (2011). Students push their facebook use further into course work. The Chronicle of Higher Education, posted in Educause 2011, Social Networking.