College Applications Unless the school you are applying to uses common application, you will go to the school’s website and apply online. There is a fee for applying for college. However, if you qualify for an ACT Fee Waiver, you can get a waiver and don’t have to pay application fee. Just see Swiney to have letter sent to college. You must go to and request that your transcript be sent to all colleges you are applying ACT score must be sent from ACT. There is a fee to send it. However, you can send them free if you have them sent when you register for ACT.
College Applications Common Application – Create a login & profile Teacher and Counselor Recs will be loaded on common application account All colleges accepting common application are listed on the website Transcript will be loaded into Common App ACT scores must still be sent to specific colleges
Letters of Recommendation PLAN AHEAD! DO NOT ask for a letter of rec 1 or 2 days before it is needed. Go to my website or come see me to get the form I need completed in order to write a letter of rec for you. Letters of rec take time and thought to complete and you must plan ahead for these. Information needed for letter of recommendation: extracurricular activities, awards & honors, tell me about your strengths, anything specific you think might be important to be included. For example, any adversity you have overcome or unique you have had
Scholarships All scholarship applications I receive will be scanned and loaded on my school website I AM NOT the scholarship search engine. Scholarships will be loaded on my website but you can also search for them., any professional organizations your parents might belong to,, Individual Learning Plan, Freshmen Scholarships at the college you will attend, departmental scholarships at your university
Student Athletes If you plan to play a sport in college, you must register through NCAA Clearinghouse or NAIA. If you haven’t already registered, do it ASAP! NCAA – must have at least a 2.0 core GPA NAIA – Must have two of the following: overall 2.0 GPA, 18 ACT or be ranked in top half of your class. Fee waivers are available for both ACT scores must be sent from ACT
Financial Aid FAFSA should be completed in January. FREE A pplication for F ederal S tudent A ide KHEAA representative will be here November 3 to explain different types of financial aid and how to apply. Aid is awarded on first come, first served basis. Once the pot of money is gone – its’ gone. APPLY IN JANUARY Use income tax forms from 2013 to apply initially and then do a corrected form.
Transcripts In Infinite Campus, check your transcript for accuracy ALL transcripts should now be sent electronically Go to Enter the registration code on your form. Use an address you frequently check In your phone, put your username and address. If you cannot put it in your phone, please write it down and give it to me for safekeeping.