Missoula County Public Schools Health Science Big Sky High School “Knowledge by Hand & Mind”
What is STEM? Science Technology Engineering Mathematics The Biomedical Curriculum, Project Lead the Way, is a STEM curriculum. More on that later…
What is an Academy? Smaller Learning Community Rigorous college prep curriculum Relevant career and technical education Strong community partnership
Grad Requirements Language Arts – 4.0 Mathematics – 2.0 Social Studies – 2.5 Science – 2.0 HPE – 2.0 Fine art – 1.0 Practical art – 1.0 Electives – 9.5 Total – 24 Credits Required Opportunities at BSHS - 32
Why a Health Science Academy? Roughly 50% or MCPS students go on to 2 & 4 year post-secondary institutions (National Student Clearinghouse Data). NOT GOOD ENOUGH! BLS – Professional careers (requiring post- secondary education) will grow the fastest from The fastest growing sub-category under professional careers(21%), is driven by health care demand.
Features of H.S.A. National Standards of Practice (NCAC) 100 students (50 biomed/50 vet) Fewer students Fewer teachers Increased collaboration between stakeholders Community fluidity Redefine “student” Project Lead The Way
Non-profit leader in STEM curriculum Practical Art credit Hands-on, activities, project and problem-based (APPB) Developed by educators and biomedical professionals In school year – more than 4,000 schools and 400,000 students in all 50 states More than 10,500 teachers trained Utilized in Bozeman for 3 years – 4 minute videovideo
Advantages of H.S.A. Relevant, rigorous, and themed curriculum Deeper understanding of transferrable skills & knowledge Increased expectations for stakeholders Employability and soft skills Students involved in off-campus learning Increased retention in school “Students are known and shared”
Benefits of H.S.A. Better transition to high school Exposure to a variety of careers in biomedical and veterinary Industry certifications (1 st aid, CPR, EMT) Begin college in high school No more, “Why do we have to learn this?” Not school as usual!
Research says… Increased graduation rates Increased attendance Increased credits earned Increased grade point averages Increased college attendance Increased earnings Increased student engagement!
Nuts and Bolts 8 courses available at BSHS 6 courses will be in the academy Science, Math, English, Social Studies, Health/PE Project Lead The Way (biomedical) 2 electives freshman year outside of the academy 4 year community connection Community speakers/trainers, etc.
Thank you… Questions? Call Trevor Laboski at ext. 8025