Integrating NOAA’s Unified Access Framework in GEOSS: Making Earth Observation data easier to access and use Matt Austin NOAA Technology Planning and Integration for Observations Office Erth
Aligning NOAA’s mission with GEOSS Promoting Global Environmental Stewardship – Describing assessing, monitoring and predicting the Earth’s environment – Weather, Climate, Ocean, Coasts, Satellites Management of data information services – Acquisition, archive, access, integration and dissemination of environmental data
What is the Unified Access Framework? NOAA-wide effort to make complex environmental datasets easier to find and use Many of NOAA datasets that have been derived from Ocean Models, Climate, Weather, Satellites, HF Radar have not been easily accessible to broader user communities in the past Provides data access using open standards
UAF interoperability domains and data management functions
NOAA’s Unified Access Framework Unique access point to federated data services for NOAA Priority Earth Observation Data A standards based architecture – Data Format and dataset vocabulary: NetCDF-CF – Catalog: THREDDS – Data Access Protocol :Opendap, WCS, WMS – Metadata: ISO User friendly tools to access data that are web and desktop based
Projects: (too many to name) Data formats: netCDFGRIBHDF Service stack: netCDF-CF-DAP-THREDDS-WMS-WCS Applications: MatlabArcGISFerret GrADS Google Earth IDV LAS ERDDAP… Users: (too many to name) …
UAF High Level Architecture Multiple Analysis and Visualization Clients ERDDAPWCSWMS THREDDS Catalog DAP Metadata Gridded Datasets Capabilities
netCDF Java Tools LAS ERDDAP GODIVA From the THREDDS catalog “viewers” may also be called up
9 Access in ArcGIS using the Environmental Data Connector (EDC)
Model 1: UMASS-ECOM Model 2: UMAINE-POM Data: SST 2008-Sep-08 07:32 Desktop access in Matlab
11 Browser access using ERDDAP … and from there …
Dec mat REST URL access to data subsets in several simple formats (accessible through home-grown scripting of many types) NOAA/UAF-grid
Number of datasets available in UAF ERDDAP by searching SBAs categories Water 1602 Climate 347 Weather 196
NOAA’s contribution to AIP-4 Activity #1: Access to Priority EO Data – A Collection of datasets UAF THREDDS Catalog and WAF of ISO metadata Activity #2: Clients and Mediated Access enablers – A Collection of tools and services UAF web services and desktop clients that can access the UAF THREDDS Catalog
UAF in the GEOSS GCI WAF of ISO GEOSS Clearinghouse GEOSS CSR Registered Community Resources Components UAF Clients that can connect to THREDDS web services or OpenDAP -Web Server Clients -ERDDAP, LAS Desktop- Matlab, ArcGIS Services NOAA wide THREDDS Catalog Registry – Data access via OpenDAP, WMS, WCS – Metadata- THREDDS Catalog level+ NetCDF –CF file level output as ISO Source Data Input: NOAA Earth Observ ation Data in NetCDF -CF User Access: GEO Web Portal
NOAA UAF Project Integration Issues and Challenges: UAF is a volunteer effort which makes it hard to achieve goals on a set schedule UAF THREDDS catalog contains sparse inconsistent metadata ncISO generated metadata does not include links to access data….yet (coming soon) Defining granularity for data and metadata Many NOAA datasets need to be integrated
GEOSS Interoperability Challenges Registering data and services in the GCI is a manual data entry driven process GEOSS tasks that are interdependent such as Ontology, AIP and GCI development need to be better coordinated GEOSS Clearinghouse needs to be kept current – Old metadata – GEOSS standards not updated frequently
How better metadata can simplify integrating data into GEOSS The relationship between data, services, products and clients can be described using metadata Publishing this metadata in a Web Accessible Folder recognized by the GCI could automate the registration process for data and services resulting improved usability for GEOSS providers and users
CEOS WGISS CWIC IDN Collection-level Discovery Inventory Search Collection Metadata Registration Enabling Satellite Data Discovery for GEO thru CWIC CWIC is: a standards-compliant gateway to the individual CEOS agency satellite data catalog systems providing a door to door non- stop shuttle service from the CEOS to the GEO, and from the WGISS to the GEOSS
Legend CWIC 1.0 Design CWIC Mediator Service Interface Mediator Core Wrapper OGC Interface Wrapper OGC Interface Wrapper OGC Interface Connector NOAA CLASS USGS Landsat Catalog USGS Landsat Catalog NASA ECHO IDN China FengYun, BJ-1 Data Catalog INPE Wrapper OGC Interface Connector Mediator Wrapper OGC CSW Protocol Java API Partner’s Native Protocol