Dan Gillmor BlogTalk: Journalism and Weblogs BlogTalk: Journalism and Weblogs
Journalism’s New World: Ubiquitous networks Powerful new tools for reporting Anyone can publish Empowers not just the “former audience,” but also the people (and institutions) we cover Uncertain business models
Convergence We Started with “Old Media” We added “New Media” Then we added “We Media” Making the News is now possible for anyone
Weblogs Yes, some are journalism Some are not That debate is endless – And pointless
Weblogs Blogs and traditional journalism – Complimentary, not competitors – A world full of stringers (Doc Searls) – Stems from long tradition Reporters read trade journals, etc. Blogs can break news and keep issues alive
December 5, 2002: Trent Lott’s nostalgia for segregation
February 1, 2003: Space shuttle Columbia is lost
Columbia -- 2
Columbia -- 3
Journalism has been a lecture We say, “This is the news.” You buy what we sell – (Or you don’t)
Journalism becomes a conversation… or maybe a seminar We tell you what we have learned. You tell us if you think we are correct. Then we discuss it. “We can fact-check your ass” -- Ken Layne
A Foundation Principle: My readers know more than I do.
My Readers Know More Than I Do This is true for all working journalists This is not a threat This is an opportunity
My Readers Knows More… and this guy probably wishes they didn’t Joe Nacchio Former CEO
My Readers Knows More…
My Audience Learns More
Reporting & Distribution Digital cameras, etc. Text – SMS etc. Write on the Web – Radio, Moveable Type, Blogger, Etc. Audio Video The “former audience” joins the party
Newer Tools Newsreaders RSS Social software
Social Software
“Newsrooms” of the Future: Ad Hoc and More
The Self-Assembling Newsroom
Multimedia Blogging
New Media and Trust What is true? How can reader/viewer verify? – KayCee Nicole – Drudge – Rumors move at the speed of light; corrections follow slowly Retreat to quality?
New Choices for the “Covered” Judo journalism: – Washington Post Corporate communications – Ozzie blog Involving your audience, too – Alpha users
Corporate Communicating
Democracy and an Informed Public Concentration of media is a danger – Fewer voices – Vanilla journalism – Wall Street’s pernicious influence But “big media” do vital work – Investigative journalism – Covering the city council; keeping an eye on government and other powerful players – Ear to the community
Financial Model, “Old” Media In jeopardy, as advertising revenue streams are under attack as Wall Street insists on ever-higher profits Industry is fearful -- and should be -- but experimenting, at least in case of newspapers Broadcasters and entertainment media want total control of digital media
Financial Model, New Media Journalism No one really knows how to make (serious) money on the Internet journalism Online an adjunct to old media New media still waiting for a solid business model It will happen
One New Approach
Another New Approach
And Another …
Big Problem…
How Hollywood Sees the Internet:
Intellectual Property Rights Digital content: Who sets the rules? Rest of the world is following U.S. lead DMCA – Digital Millennium Copyright Act – Owners Exert Absolute Control – Threats and “suggestions” – e.g. Felten Copyright Extensions – Mickey Mouse loves Scarlett O’Hara
Why Worry? New media entrants may be thwarted More power to incumbents Less useful information for citizens