FLETA July Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation Overview (CFO/OAC)
FLETA July A process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented. The act of granting credit or recognition (especially with respect to educational institutions that maintain suitable standards.) Accreditation
FLETA July Background Early 1900s - a national effort to raise the level of policing in America through the establishment of training standards. The terms “competent, trained, and ethical” are behavioral expectations of all law enforcement officers.
FLETA July History 1900Start of effort to raise standards 1953“Model Police Training Act” 1967President’s Commission on Law Enforcement recommended each state establish a POST Commission 1979CALEA established
FLETA July History 1999 OMB directed federal L.E. community 2002FLETA Board established; Office of Accreditation formalized 2005First accreditations awarded Today – Continual growth
FLETA July Serve the nation by promoting professionalism, excellence and competence in training throughout the federal law enforcement community. FLETA Vision FLETA Strategic Plan , Accepted July 12, 2012
FLETA July Enhance the quality of federal law enforcement by establishing and maintaining a body of standards to protect the effective and efficient use of resources for federal law enforcement training; FLETA Mission Administer an accreditation process based on those standards to foster consistency in federal law enforcement training; and Ensure compliance and provide assistance with the accreditation process in order to instill public confidence in federal law enforcement. FLETA Strategic Plan , Accepted July 12, 2012
FLETA July Maintain a quality and efficient accreditation process. FLETA Goals FLETA Strategic Plan , Accepted July 12, 2012 Maintain a clearinghouse of successful training practices. Increase awareness of, and commitment to the FLETA accreditation process by the law enforcement and training communities. Create and implement standards for e-learning.
FLETA July FLETA Board of Directors Office of Accreditation FLETA Office of Accreditation (OA) facilitator and working arm for Board. OA receives direction from the FLETA Board on all accreditation matters and the conduct of FLETA Board business.
FLETA July Office of Accreditation Executive Director Gary Mitchell Program Manager C. J. Ross Program Manager Christiana Halsey Program Manager Billy McLeod Program Manager Bob Bruton Program Analyst Pat Perry Staff Assistant Jimmy Hill
FLETA July Importance of Accreditation Enhance public confidence in integrity, professionalism, and accountability Provides assurance that an academy or program has voluntarily submitted to a self-regulation process. Demonstrates compliance with a set of standards established by the law enforcement community.
FLETA July Accreditation Benefits Improves Training Quality –Review of Training –Training Issues are Identified and Prioritized for Correction –Identification of New Methods –Revision to Meet New Threats / Expectations / Etc. –Systematic Approach to Training Supports Organizational & Operational Success –Level of Training Directly Impacts Operations
FLETA July Accreditation Benefits Minimizes Training Costs –Identification & Removal of Duplication and Non- Essential Elements –Identification of Existing Training for Use –Establishment of Joint-Training Agreements –Delivering the Right Training at the Right Time Minimizes Liabilities –Improved Training –Consistent & Improved Administrative Processes
FLETA July Accreditation Benefits Increases Management Confidence –Graduates Perform in an Acceptable & Legal Manner –Provides Senior Management a Training “Audit” –Supports Presidential Mandates – Efficiency Reviews –Demonstrates Self-Regulation to OMB –Future Training Budget Support Increases Staff Confidence –Provides Accountability Tool for Training Staff –Provides Structure for Training Staff Development
FLETA July Accreditation Benefits Supports Human Capital Goals –Better Trained Employee = Greater Retention –Attracts High-Caliber Candidates –Attracts & Retains Training Staff Builds L.E. Alliances –Networking with Other Federal L.E. Agencies –Sharing of Information, Training Methods –Provides Benchmarking Opportunities –Better Able to Work Together Across Agency Lines
FLETA July Accreditation Benefits Elevates Training Priority –Requirements to Meet Set Standards –Recognition of the Importance of the Training Mission Benefits Commensurate With –Degree of Emphasis on the Process –Support from Senior Management –Staff Buy-in at All Levels
FLETA July Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation The Accreditation Process
FLETA July FLETA Process 1.Application 2.Applicant Preparation 3.FLETA Assessment 4.FLETA Accreditation 5.Reaccreditation Every 5 Years – New and Independent Review FLETA
July Accreditation Process Application Assign an Accreditation Manager (AM). Complete and submit the application to the OA. No costs associated Application remains in effect until accreditation awarded or at the end of three years If application expires, new application required Identify and train personnel as assessors.
FLETA July Types of Accreditation Program Courses or groups of training sessions or learning activities conducted for a specific audience, with the expectation that learning will occur and/or performance will improve, or that a prescribed level of proficiency will be achieved, as evidenced by an appropriate evaluation tool. FLETA Board Minutes Nov. 17, 2011
FLETA July Types of Accreditation Program The recognition that a specific training program is in compliance with all applicable FLETA program standards. 52 standards that must be met in: Program Administration Training Staff Training Development Training Delivery
FLETA July Types of Accreditation Academy Recognition that an academy complied with all applicable FLETA standards. All basic programs and the basic instructor development program must have received FLETA accreditation before the academy can be considered.
FLETA July Types of Programs Basic An entry-level program that is transitional to law enforcement service and provides training on critical competencies and responsibilities. Successful completion of a Basic Training Program is generally a requirement for appointment to a law enforcement service job or job series. FLETA Board Minutes Nov. 17, 2011
FLETA July Types of Programs Basic Instructor Development A foundational training program designed to prepare new instructors for full-time assignment to a training academy. The training should incorporate a number of instructional methodologies such as lectures, discussions, demonstrations, role- plays, facilitation, and practical exercises. FLETA Board Minutes Nov. 17, 2011
FLETA July Accreditation Process Applicant Preparation Comparison/Gap analysis between policies/directives and FLETA Standards. Develop accreditation files (electronic or paper). Request N/A status from OA Executive Director for standards not applicable. Populate files with policies and evidence.
FLETA July Accreditation Process Applicant Preparation Schedule FLETA assessment with OA. Conduct self-assessment. If non-compliance found, develop & execute Corrective Action Plan (keep OA informed). Submit self-assessment certification to OA 60 days prior to FLETA assessment.
FLETA July Accreditation Process FLETA Assessment OA schedules, selects assessors, and coordinates. Agency provides space, access, and logistics. FLETA assessment team reviews and provides findings. If non-compliance identified, agency prepares and implements Corrective Action Plan.
FLETA July Accreditation Process FLETA Assessment Assessors prepare report for the OA. OA reviews report with assessors and agency, finalizes, and forwards to the FLETA Board Review Committee (BRC).
FLETA July Accreditation Process FLETA Accreditation BRC review final assessment report. Agency, assessment team leader, and the OA Program Manager appear before BRC. BRC prepares recommendation for the Board.
FLETA July Accreditation Process FLETA Accreditation Agency appears before the Board for decision. Agency submits annual reports on the first, second, third, and fourth anniversaries of the accreditation award.
FLETA July Accreditation Process Reaccreditation New and independent review of program or academy. Agency submits an application for reaccreditation. Identifies and selects assessment dates in conjunction with the Office of Accreditation. Completes all steps of the process.
FLETA July Accreditation Process Resources Identification of an AM and provide time and support to complete the process. Train staff at all levels in the FLETA process. Complete review of all directives/policies. Identify electronic vs. paper & project resources to support decision.
FLETA July Accreditation Process Resources Provide personnel to serve as FLETA assessors. Attend Board meetings and other FLETA training opportunities. Sign up for RSS feeds on FLETA.gov.
FLETA July Check for updates/news Download the Standards and Procedures Manual Download any appropriate forms/publications Stay up-to-date on meetings, events, and news
FLETA July Questions? The FLETA Office of Accreditation is available to answer any questions, provide briefings and orientations to the process, and provide training for training staff, accreditation managers and assessors.