Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Capital Outlay Budget Presentation to the FAU Board of Trustees June 28, 2006
Operating Budget
3 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY OPERATING BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Florida Atlantic University’s Operating Budget is comprised of seven different budgetary components: Educational and General; Student Financial Aid; Contracts and Grants; Auxiliary Enterprises; Athletics; Student Government; and Concessions. Within the budgetary process, various budgeting methods and techniques are carefully integrated to ensure effective best practices, ensuring that allocation decisions are directly tied to the University’s strategic goals and objectives in a value-maximizing framework. All proposed expenditures are evaluated at multiple levels within the organization, beginning with departmental units and continuing through the President’s Executive Committee, Board of Trustees Committees, and finally the Board of Trustees where the operating budget is formally approved and adopted. Florida Atlantic University’s Initial Operating Budget totals $493,176,353, an increase of 6.5 percent over the prior year. In order to more accurately reflect total revenues within each budgetary component, the Budget reflects transfers between units.
4 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY OPERATING BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Educational and General Budget: The Educational and General Budget supports the academic mission of the university through expenditures for instruction, research, library and learning resources, student services, university support, and physical plant. The Educational and General Budget totals $236,885,648 in estimated expenditures and reflects an increase of 11.5 percent over the previous year. This budget increase is primarily attributed to enrollment growth funding for new students, a three percent tuition increase for in-state undergraduate students, the cost to continue prior budgetary appropriations, the expansion of the University of Miami/Florida Atlantic University Medical Partnership Program, program expansion at the St. Lucie campus, and Challenge Grant funding. Student Financial Aid: The Student Financial Aid Budget is comprised of funding from student financial aid fees as well as financial aid support from all sources such as federal and state financial aid awards, institutional programs, and private scholarships that are subsequently disbursed to students. The Student Financial Aid Budget totals $122,803,303 in projected expenditures, an increase of 2.7 percent over the prior year.
5 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY OPERATING BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Contracts and Grants: The Contracts and Grants Budget is comprised of funding from many sources, including federal, state and local governmental agencies and private organizations. Also included are the A. D. Henderson University School and the FAU Foundation Payroll Clearing Fund. The Contracts and Grants Budget totals $59,163,175 in projected expenditures, an increase of 1.6 percent over the prior year. Auxiliary Enterprises: The Auxiliary Enterprises Budget is comprised of over a hundred different business and enterprise operations that are self supporting through user fees, payments, and charges. The range of business operations includes large auxiliaries such as food service, traffic and parking, and housing and small operations such as the Department of Ocean Engineering Research Boat and the College of Science Machine Shop. The Auxiliary Enterprises Budget totals $55,006,528 in projected expenditures, an increase of 1.3 percent over the prior year.
6 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY OPERATING BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Athletics: The Athletics Budget is comprised of funding from student athletic fees, ticket sales to athletic events, game guarantees, corporate sponsorships, National Collegiate Athletic Association distributions and private support and gifts. The Athletics Budget totals $12,067,000 in projected expenditures, an increase of 9.7 percent over the prior year. Student Government: The Student Government Budget is comprised of funding from the activity and service fee paid by students and well as other types of club and program income. The Student Government Budget totals $6,678,124 in projected expenditures, a slight decrease over the prior year. Concessions: The Concessions Budget is comprised of funding derived from concessions operations such as soft drink and snack vending machines. The Concessions Budget totals $572,575 in projected expenditures, an amount equal to the prior year.
7 FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY OPERATING BUDGET EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXPENDITURE BUDGET Original Proposed Percentage Change Educational & General$212,432,849$236,885, % Student Financial Aid$119,553,276$122,803,3032.7% Contracts & Grants$58,258,912$59,163,1751.6% Auxiliary Enterprises$54,318,913$55,006,5281.3% Athletics$10,993,300$12,067,0009.7% Student Government$6,715,000$6,678,1240 Concessions$572,575 0 TOTAL$462,844,825$493,176,3536.5%
8 Florida Atlantic University Expenditure Operating Budget - $493,176,353 EDUCATIONAL & GENERAL $236,885, % CONCESSION $572,575.12% STUDENT GOVERNMENT $6,678, % AUXILIARY $55,006, % ATHLETICS $12,067, % GRANTS $59,163, % STUDENT FINANCIAL AID $122,803, %
9 Educational & General Budget
10 Florida Atlantic University Educational & General Expenditure Budget by Component- $236,885,648 Instructional & Research $152,426, % University Support $28,507, % Student Services $20,583, % Physical Plant $21,241, % Library / Learning Resources $14,127, %
11 Florida Atlantic University Educational and General Comparison of Expenditure Budget by Component Component Budget Percentage of Total Budget Percentage of Total Dollar Increase Percentage Increase Instruction and Research $133,443, %$152,426, %$18,982, % University Support $27,185, %$28,507, %$1,321,9314.9% Student Services $20,010,6489.4%$20,583,2408.7%$572,5922.9% Physical Plant$18,380,2958.7%$21,241,0489.0%$2,860, % Library/Learning Resource $13,412,5606.3%$14,127,2956.0%$714,7355.3% Total$212,432, %$236,885, %$24,452, %
12 Florida Atlantic University Educational & General - Instructional and Research Expenditure Budget by College and Academic Areas - $152,426,498 EDUCATION $16,275, % BUSINESS $23,182, % ARTS & LETTERS $22,370, % CAUPA $8,694, % ENGINEERING $14,392, % HONORS $3,792, % SCIENCE $22,605, % NURSING $4,943, % BIOMEDICAL $11,704, % ACADEMIC PROGRAMS/CNTRS $18,937, % ACADEMIC COMPUTING $5,287, %
Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Educational and General E & G Operating Expenditure Budget – Approved by BOT June 2005 $212,432,849 Board Of Governors Adjustments Casualty Insurance of ($263,767), Health Insurance of $521,158, and August 1, 2005 Salary Increase of $4,707,150. $4,964, E & G Operating Expenditure Budget approved by BOG 217,397,390 Appropriations/Adjustments Legislative Cost to Continue (Insurance, PO & M, and Salary Increases) Legislative Tuition Increase: 3% Undergraduate In-State Legislative Tuition Increase: 3% Graduate and Out-of-State Legislative Tuition Increase: 3% Graduate and Out of State Reserve Authority Salary Increase (3% October 1, 2006) New Space – Plant Operations/Maintenance UM/FAU Medical Partnership Program (Non-recurring) Enrollment Growth – 419 FTE Change in Student Mix (General Revenue) Change in Student Mix (Student Fees) Change in Student Mix (General Revenue) Reserve Authority Utility Rate Increase Hurricane Recovery (Non-recurring) Florida Israel Institute (Non-recurring) St. Lucie Campus Expansion Center for Disaster and Emergency Care (Non-recurring) Targeted Degrees – Nursing Graduate, 15 FTE Challenge Grant Program - Foundation 1,091, ,000 1,203,198 (1,203,198) TBA 661,791 5,000,000 3,988,432 2,407,391 (1,383,557) (1,023,834) 2,087, ,000 2,208, , ,500 1,998, E & G Legislatively Appropriated Revenue Funds $236,885,648
14 New Issue Cost to Continue $1,091,120 Last year, the Legislature provided partial funding to support increases in health insurance premiums, plant operations and maintenance, and salary increases. This year the Legislature provided the additional funds of $521,158 for health insurance premiums, $142,039 for plant operations and maintenance for new space, and $427,923 for salary increases. The cost to continue funding fulfills the annualized amounts needed to meet these obligations.
15 New Issue Tuition Increase $996,000 The Florida Legislature increased Undergraduate In- State tuition by 3 percent. These funds will be used for BOT Budget Priorities, consistent with FAU’s Strategic Goals. Additional Graduate/Out-of-State Tuition Increases of up to 10 percent are authorized but not recommended.
16 New Issue Additional Student Fees $1,203,198 Budget Authority Reserve ($1,203,198) The Florida Legislature appropriated additional student fee budget authority associated with a 3 percent increase in Graduate and Out-of- State tuition. A 3 percent increase in Out-of-State tuition at all levels will generate approximately $718,619; a 3 percent increase in Graduate tuition will generate approximately $484,579. Increases in Graduate and Out-of-State tuition are not recommended. This authority allows the University to spend additional student fees only if collected.
17 New Issue Salary Increase $ TBA Salary increases of 3 percent for eligible employees funded by the General Revenue fund. Salary increase is effective October 1, Funding of approximately $3.3 million is projected.
18 New Issue New Space (PO & M) $661,791 Funding to support Plant Operations and Maintenance of new buildings Funding based upon completion date (months funding) Expansion/Remodeling of Computer Center (6) – Boca Raton Campus Student Activity Center (4) – Davie Campus Recreation and Wellness Center (3) – Boca Raton Campus Everglades Youth Camp (12) FAU/Scripps Research Facility (11) – Jupiter Campus
19 New Issue UM/FAU Medical $5,000,000 Partnership Program FAU received non-recurring funding of $5,000,000 to fund the UM/FAU Medical Partnership Program Expansion to 4 years. Since funding is non-recurring, $2.1 million will be expended in on one-time expenditure needs and $2.9 million will be held in reserve. Strategic Goals Goal 2: Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
20 New Issue Enrollment Growth $3,988,432 Funds are provided to support an additional 419 FTE students (153 Lower level, 266 Upper level, 0 Graduate) Funded Enrollment Plan: Lower Level4,667 FTE Upper Level8,162 FTE Graduate 2,155 FTE Total14,984 FTE* * Includes 15 Graduate FTE in Nursing, which is tracked separately.
21 New Issue Change in Student Mix (General Revenue)$2,407,391 Change in Student Mix (Student Fees)($1,383,557) Change in Student Mix (General Revenue) - Reserve Authority ($1,023,834) This represents a net amount of $1,023,834 in General Revenue from Because of the one-year lag in the estimates and the potential for additional reductions in out-of-state enrollments, this funding will be held in reserve until achieved.
22 New Issue Utility Rate Increase $2,087,278 FAU received $2,087,278 to partially off-set the increases in electricity, water, sewer and gas. Strategic Goals Goal 1: Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2: Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3: Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4: Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 6:Enhancing the physical environment
23 New Issue Florida Israel Institute $200,000 FAU received $200,000 in non-recurring funds to support funding initiatives of the Institute. Program initiatives will enhance the Florida economy and involve collaborative efforts aimed at Israel’s academic institutions. Strategic Goals Goal 4: Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities
24 New Issue FAU at Port St. Lucie $2,208,100 FAU received $2,208,100 in recurring revenue to support expanded access to baccalaureate degrees on FAU’s Treasure Coast campus in order to meet higher education needs in that area. Programs that are currently being offered in Nursing, Management, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Social Work, and Education will be expanded. Consistent with Strategic Goal 1, Objective 11, “Develop and implement mission-driven academic enrollment and program plans for each campus,” an academic plan for the Port St. Lucie campus is currently being developed and will identify additional potential areas for expansion of access. Strategic Goals Goal 1: Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2: Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3: Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4: Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities
25 New Issue Center for Disaster and$750,000 Emergency Care FAU received $750,000 in non-recurring funds to support the Center. Funding will create a training laboratory for the identification, isolation, and treatment of disaster victims. Strategic Goals Goal 4: Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities
26 New Issue Targeted Graduate Degrees $507,500 in Nursing In support of the strategy laid out in the Strategic Plan Goal 2, Objective 1-1, “[To] Increase enrollments in MS in Nursing Education track [and in the] Ph.D. in Nursing Education track, FAU received $507,500 to support additional Masters and Doctoral degrees in Nursing. Funding will be used to support 15 Graduate FTE. The College of Nursing will enroll additional nurse educators at the post- masters/advance practice and doctoral levels in order to increase the supply of nursing faculty. Strategic Goals Goal 2: Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
27 New Issue Challenge Grant Program $1,998,037 Funding is used to support the Major Gift Matching Program through the FAU Foundation, Inc. Funding will be used to support scholarships and professorships. Strategic Goals Goal 1: Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2: Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3: Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4: Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities
Linkage to Strategic Goals Funding Allocations 28
29 New Funding Non-dedicated Funds to Support FAU’s Strategic Goals Tuition Increase $ 996,000 Enrollment Growth $3,988,432 Total $4,984,432 Allocations Based Upon FAU Strategic Goals Goal 1: Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2: Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3: Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4: Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment Goal 6:Enhancing the physical environment Goal 7:Increasing the University’s visibility
30 New Funding Tuition Increase Funding associated with a three percent increase in Undergraduate In-state tuition, effective Fall semester.
31 Allocations Tuition Increase Cost to Continue $284,102 BOT Priorities In , the FAU Board of Trustees awarded competitive performance based salary increases of.5 percent effective August 1, 2005 for non-unit employees and a 1.5 percent salary increase for merit and equity for in-unit faculty effective November 15, This amount funds the continuation of the increase. Strategic Goal Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs
32 Allocations Tuition Increase Faculty Promotions $221,000 Funding to reward faculty for sustained superior performance. Promotional increases reward improvements in performance, efficiency, and productivity. Promotional increases will be awarded based upon the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which sets increases at 9 percent for promotion to Associate Professor and 12 percent for promotion to Professor. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
33 Allocations Tuition Increase Unallocated BOT Priorities $490,898 Potential merit/performance based and market equity salary increases. Special projects or programs of university-wide importance consistent with BOT priorities. Reserve for unanticipated activities or events. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment Goal 6:Enhancing the physical environment Goal 7:Increasing the University’s visibility
34 New Funding Enrollment Growth Enrollment Growth The 2004 Enrollment Growth Funding Formula was funded at approximately 64 percent for General Revenue and Lottery funds. Component Funding: Instruction and Research$2,944,477 University Support 555,908 Library Resources 71,538 Technology Infrastructure 37,605 Branch Campus Funding 45,716 Student Aid 93,433 Student Services 239,755 Total$3,988,432 Funding provided by State funds ($2,388,418) and Student Fees ($1,600,014).
35 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Instruction and Research New Enrollments $1,295,546 Guided by the strategies outlined under Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 11-3, these funds will be used in ways consistent with the charge to “assess course demand and allocate resources consistent with meeting FTE targets.” Funding will support faculty, staff, and operational expense funds and will enable selected colleges to handle increased enrollments in order to meet FAU’s enrollment plan. These funds are distributed only to those colleges that met or exceeded their enrollment targets: Arts and Letters $349,797 Architecture, Urban and Public Affairs$207,287 Business $323,887 Nursing $103,644 Science $310,931 Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs
36 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Instruction and Research Graduate and Undergraduate $1,300,000 Tuition Waivers These funds were allocated in pursuit of Strategic Plan Goal 3, Objective 4-3, “[To] Attract and retain highly qualified graduate teaching and research assistant… by allocating resources to provide full tuition waivers for all qualified graduate assistants.” Tuition waivers support FAU scholarship recipients at all levels and graduate teaching and research assistants. Tuition waivers are necessary to attract and retain talented students. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
37 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Instruction and Research Additional Investment in $220,857 Library Resources Library materials are essential for quality instructional and research activities of the University. Consistent with Strategic Plan Goal 3, Objective 7, “Provide appropriate base operations and maintenance budgets to academic and support units,” these funds will enable the FAU Libraries to maintain and enhance access to information in electronic databases, periodical subscriptions, scientific and technical journals and print media. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
38 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Instruction and Research Funding for Center for Teaching $128,074 Excellence and Student Success (CTESS) As identified in Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 3-8, “establish a Center for Teaching Excellence and Student Success,” CTESS is a cornerstone of support for improving the quality of educational and student retention activities. Funding will be used to create the CTESS and to develop a comprehensive plan of activities. (Full funding of $200,000) CTESS is a major element of the FAU Strategic Plan. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education
39 Allocations Enrollment Growth – University Support Police Services Funding is requested to enhance safety and security services on FAU’s campuses, reflecting increases in students, faculty and staff and to address community crime issues. These funds assist in the University’s commitment to its Values: Provide a secure environment for the pursuit of learning and Account for the sound use and careful stewardship of the resources provided to the University. Expense – Fuel Costs $ 25,000 Staffing 2 Police Officers, Boca Raton campus $122,000 1 Police Officer, Broward campus $ 61,000 1 Police Officer, MacArthur campus $ 61,000 1 Public Service Officer, Treasure Coast campus$ 39,500 Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment Goal 6:Enhancing the physical environment Goal 7:Increasing the University’s visibility
40 Allocations Enrollment Growth – University Support Communications Staffing$68,500 Funding for increased staff infrastructure to assist FAU in expanding its visibility and strengthening its image locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally by expanding its modes of communicating with internal and external audiences. These funds, along with the consolidation and integration of communications efforts university-wide, will assist in providing a single area of contact for community engagement and effective communications to existing and new constituencies. Increasing the University’s visibility is a stand alone goal in FAU’s Strategic Plan. These allocations are linked to Strategies 1-3 of Objective 2, Goal 4: Provide a point for community contact that will serve as a clearinghouse for university outreach initiatives-community engagement; Strategies 1-3 of Objective 4, Goal 4: Communicate effectively to both internal and external audiences; Strategy 1 of Objective 1, Goal 7: Create an integrated internal communications plan; Strategy 2 of Objective 2, Goal 7: Create an integrated external communications plan; and Strategies 1-3 of Objective 3, Goal 7: Communicate the University’s identity and messages to the public with one consistent voice. Strategic Goals Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 7:Increasing the University’s visibility
41 Allocations Enrollment Growth – University Support University Advancement Staffing$110,908 Funding is requested for 2 positions to support FAU’s capital campaign. This investment in staffing will produce significant private funds to help the University meet its Strategic Goals. Fundraising for the creation of an endowment to support research and scholarly activities and fundraising for capital projects are important strategies to achieve FAU’s Strategic Goals and Objectives. This allocation is linked to Strategy 2 of Objective 1, Goal 3: Create a research and scholarly activity endowment for the University as part of the capital campaign and Strategy 4 of Objective 3, Goal 6: Ensure that the University’s annual Capital Improvement Plan and Capital Campaign support and promote the University’s Strategic Plan. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment Goal 6:Enhancing the physical environment Goal 7:Increasing the University’s visibility
42 Allocations Enrollment Growth – University Support Diversity Programs and Incentives $68,000 Funding is requested to assist FAU in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment of students, faculty, and staff. A university-wide committee has recommended strategies to ensure diversity among the University’s faculty and staff, as established in the University’s Strategic Plan. These funds will be utilized to develop diversity training initiatives and to assist hiring units with advertising and other search costs necessary to attract outstanding and diverse faculty and staff. This allocation is linked to Strategy 1 of Objective 6, Goal 3: Adopt strategies that will institutionalize diversity among the University’s faculty and staff. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 7:Increasing the University’s visibility
43 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Library Resources Funding to Support Investment in $71,538 Adequate Library Resources Library materials are essential for quality instructional and research activities of the University. Consistent with Strategic Plan Goal 3, Objective 7, “Provide appropriate base operations and maintenance budgets to academic and support units,” these funds will enable the FAU Libraries to maintain and enhance access to information in electronic databases, periodical subscriptions, scientific and technical journals and print media. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
44 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Technology Infrastructure Funding to Support Enhancements $37,605 in Library Technology Infrastructure Consistent with Strategic Plan Goal 3, Objective 7, “Provide appropriate base operations and maintenance budgets to academic and support units,” these funds will enable the FAU Libraries to maintain and enhance access to information in electronic databases, periodical subscriptions, scientific and technical journals and print media. Improves library support on all campuses, providing access to subscriptions necessary for quality instruction and research. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment
45 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Branch Campus Operations Partner Campus Instructional Travel$45,716 The 2006 Legislature increased the mileage allowance from 29 cents per mile to 44.5 cents per mile. Following the strategy developed under Goal 3, Objective 7, “Provide appropriate base operations and maintenance budgets to academic and support units,” these funds will be used to partially offset the mileage allowance paid to faculty who travel between campuses to teach courses. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities
46 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Student Financial Aid Need-Based Student Financial Aid $93,433 Supports enrollment growth and student diversity. Provides aid to students with demonstrated financial need. Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 6-1, calls for “increased financial aid resources to improve recruitment of targeted student populations.” Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity
47 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Student Services Funding for Center for Teaching $71,926 Excellence and Student Success (CTESS) As identified in Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 3-8, “establish a Center for Teaching Excellence and Student Success,” CTESS is a cornerstone of support for improving the quality of educational and student retention activities. Funding will be used to create the CTESS and to develop a comprehensive plan of activities. (Full funding of $200,000) CTESS is a major element of the FAU Strategic Plan. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education
48 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Student Services Career Development Center - $57,529 Boca Raton Campus This allocation supports Strategic Plan Goal 2, Objective 2, which calls for increased effectiveness of career planning support services to students, especially as it relates to targeted degrees and workforce development. Funding to hire a Coordinator of Technology Services to manage the growing use of database technology supporting career choice, job referrals and placement, and on-line student career development activities. Strategic Goals Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment
49 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Student Services Student Development and Activities- $40,300 Broward Campuses This allocation supports efforts under Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 2, which aims to foster institutional commitment to student satisfaction and success leading to higher retention and graduation rates. Funding to hire a Coordinator of Student Development and Activities to assist Owl Productions, transfer student orientation, leadership development, and multi-campus activities. Strategic Goals Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment
50 Allocations Enrollment Growth – Student Services Division of Student Affairs - $70,000 MacArthur Campus This allocation supports efforts under Strategic Plan Goal 1, Objective 2, which aims to foster institutional commitment to student satisfaction and success leading to higher retention and graduation rates, and Goal 2, Objectives 2 and 5, which call for providing effective career planning support services to students and preparing to transition competitively into the workforce. Funding to provide a Senior Secretary position to assist Student Affairs professional staff; additional hours of coverage for the campus activities center; and funds for interpreters. The secretarial position will support three staff members in the areas of Diversity Services, Career Services, and Student Life. Strategic Goals Goal 1:Providing increased access to higher education Goal 2:Meeting statewide professional and workforce needs Goal 3:Building world-class academic programs and research capacity Goal 4:Meeting community needs and fulfilling unique institutional responsibilities Goal 5:Building a state-of-the-art information technology environment
51 Reallocation of Existing Resources Throughout the year, current operations are examined to ensure resources are utilized as efficiently as possible. Where opportunities exist, resources are reallocated to priorities and initiatives of the University’s Strategic Plan.
52 Reallocation of Existing Resources The Office of the Provost reprioritized commitments for faculty start-up funding and reallocated a portion of those funds to support graduate student stipends and tuition waivers in efforts to support strategic plan objectives relating to goal 3 – building world-class academic and research programs ($250,000). Using performance indicators relating to program effectiveness and “program profitability,” Academic Affairs was able to focus on strategic priorities despite new state appropriations that are insufficient to fund those initiatives at levels indicated in the FAU Strategic Plan. Chief among these initiatives are the Center for Teaching Excellence and Student Success (CTESS) and support for undergraduate and tuition waivers to support recipients of FAU scholarships and graduate assistantships ($402,500).
53 Reallocation of Existing Resources By realizing operational efficiencies in supporting units, especially the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and University Registrar, Academic Affairs was able to reallocate funds to support enrollment growth in the colleges and efforts to increase degree completion rates as emphasized in the FAU Strategic Plan ($200,000). Redirected Banking Services contract savings plus existing OPS funds to support the hiring of a Police Detective ($70,000). Redirected expense funds to hire interpreter services for disabled students ($2,000). Expanded use of teleconferencing and video-conferencing for meetings, including installing video-conferencing capabilities in the President’s Conference Room (Efficiency and Travel Savings).
54 Reallocation of Existing Resources Worked with Property Management to recycle surplus furniture instead of purchasing new tables and chairs ($10,000). Redirected one-time salary savings to install motion detectors in restrooms, data rooms, and mechanical rooms to save energy costs $5,000). Combined position of Lifelong Learning Director for Broward and Ft. Lauderdale Campus Coordinator into a single position, with savings utilized to expand program offerings ($28,000).
55 Reallocation of Existing Resources Redirected one-time salary savings to expand summer semester course offerings ($200,000). Redirected salary savings from organizational changes in the President’s Office to establish customer service training and communications programs ($30,000). In an effort to create more efficient and effective communications methods, the University has consolidated all communications efforts university-wide, including the unification of the learning resources visual communications department with the University’s creative services department. In addition, all communications officers for colleges and divisions will now work in conjunction with the University’s communications division (Improve Efficiency).
Florida Atlantic University Educational & General Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
57 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Educational and General Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$212,432,849 Estimated Expenditures :$215,897,390 Expenditure Budget :$236,885,648 Percentage Increase in Expenditure Budget to : 11.5%
58 Student Financial Aid Budget
59 The Student Financial Aid Budget consists of: The Student Financial Aid budget largely represents scholarship and loan funds that are received by the University and subsequently disbursed to students. Included in the budget are funding from student financial aid fees as well as financial aid support from all sources such as federal financial aid awards (Pell, Student Educational Opportunity Grants, Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans), state financial aid awards (Bright Futures, Florida Assistance Grants), Institutional Programs (Presidential Awards, MLK Scholarships) and Private Scholarships (FAU Foundation). Credit Hour Financial Aid Fees: $ 3.68 Undergraduate In-State $24.41 Undergraduate Out-of-State $10.02 Graduate In-State $41.89 Graduate Out-of-State
60 Highlights of Financial Aid Budget Estimated revenues exceeded expenses in by $86,400. The requested increase in budget for is due to the need to support the additional students served through enrollment growth funding and the tuition increases.
Florida Atlantic University Student Financial Aid Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
62 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Student Financial Aid Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$119,553,276 Estimated Expenditures for :$106,426,569 Expenditure Budget :$122,803,303 Percentage Increase in Budget to :2.7%
63 Grants and Contracts Budget
64 The Grants and Contracts Budget consists of: Funding from federal agencies, state agencies, foundations and private sources that enables the University to conduct specific research projects or to provide specific services. Expenditures for the Division of Sponsored Research, the A.D. Henderson University School and the Florida Atlantic University Foundation (payroll clearing account) are included in the Grants & Contracts budget.
65 Highlights of Grants and Contracts Budget Estimated revenues exceeded expenses in by $103,000. The operating budget represents an increase of 1.6 percent over the prior year to accurately reflect the level of grant funding projected for the year. Expenditures Sponsored Research$49,098,755 FAU Foundation 5,954,753 A.D. Henderson School 4,118,667 Total$59,163,175
Florida Atlantic University Grants and Contracts Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
67 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Grants and Contracts Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$58,258,912 Estimated Expenditures :$51,541,989 Expenditure Budget :$59,163,175 Percentage Increase in Budget to :1.6%
68 Auxiliary Enterprises Budget
69 The Auxiliary Enterprises Budget consists of: University business operations that are self-supporting through user fees, payments and charges. These include: Food Services Postal Services Housing Student Health Center Bookstore Traffic and Parking Printing/Duplicating Student Center Telecommunications College Continuing Education Lifelong Learning Society Ocean Engineering Boat University Theatre College of Science Machine Shop
70 Highlights of Auxiliary Enterprises Budget Estimated Revenues exceeded expenses in by $1,432,801. The Budget reflects an increase of 1.3 percent which includes transfer authority. The largest components of the increase are the residence halls rental increase and salary increases for staff funded by auxiliary operations.
Florida Atlantic University Auxiliary Enterprises Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
72 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Auxiliary Enterprises Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$54,318,913 Estimated Expenditures :$58,532,654 Expenditure Budget :$55,006,528 Percentage Increase in Budget to :1.3%
73 Athletics Local Budget
74 The Athletics Local Budget consists of: The Athletics Local Operating Budget supports the University’s student athletics program. Funding is generated from student athletics fees ($13.75 per-credit hour) as well as ticket sales to athletics events, game guarantees, NCAA distributions, sponsorships and private support. In addition to the Local Operating Budget, FAU Athletics receives $246,000 in State Educational and General Title IX Gender Equity funding and $1,077,815 in out-of-state waiver authority and financial aid.
75 Highlights of Athletics Local Budget Estimated expenses and revenues in were balanced. Projected expenditures for total $12,067,000 consistent with the February Athletics Workshop. Revenues include $420,000 in private funding raising support, $8,000,000 in athletic fees, $2,075,000 in game guarantees, and $430,000 in ticket sales. Total expenditures are 9.7 percent over the initial expenditure budget; however, projected expenditures are 7.3 percent above the amended budget, which was increased approximately $250,000 to cover “guaranteed” expenditures. Approximately one-half of the increase in expenditures is the result of increased scholarship support.
Florida Atlantic University Athletics Local Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
77 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Athletics Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$10,993,300 Estimated Expenditures :$11,243,000 Expenditure Budget :$12,067,000 Percentage Increase in Budget to :9.7% * The expenditure budget was increased by $249,700 during the first quarter to cover unbudgeted expenses that were fully covered by sponsored revenues, increase the total expenditure budget to $11,243,000.
78 Student Government Budget
79 The Student Government Budget consists of: Funds from student activities and service fees are provided to support student government operations and student activities such as clubs and organizations. The Activity and Service Fee of $10.00 per credit hour generates approximately $5,700,000.
80 Highlights of Student Government Budget Estimated revenues exceeded expenses in by approximately $385,000. The operating expenditure budget of $6,678,124 represents a slight decrease over the prior year original budget.
Florida Atlantic University Student Government Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
82 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Student Government Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$6,715,000 Estimated Expenditures :$5,720,171 Expenditure Budget :$6,678,124 Percentage Increase in Budget to :0%
83 Concessions Budget
84 The Concessions Budget consists of: Funds from concession operations such as soft drink and snack vending machines. Expenditures from these funds support the academic mission of the University.
85 Highlights of Concessions Budget Estimated revenues exceeded expenses in by approximately $30,000. The concessions budget for is a continuation budget with no change from the prior year.
Florida Atlantic University Concessions Operating Budget with Prior Year Comparison
87 Florida Atlantic University Operating Budget Concessions Budget Summary Expenditure Budget :$572,575 Estimated Expenditures :$437,266 Expenditure Budget :$572,575 Percentage Increase in Budget to :0%
Capital Outlay Budget
89 Florida Atlantic University Capital Outlay Budget Section , Florida Statutes, requires the Florida Atlantic University Board of Trustees to adopt a capital outlay budget for the ensuing year to inform the public of the University’s capital outlay needs. The capital outlay budget is part of the annual budget and shall be based upon the Board’s capital outlay plan. The budget shall designate the proposed capital outlay expenditures by project for from all fund sources, as amended. The Florida Atlantic University Board of Trustees on August 10, 2005 approved the University’s Capital Improvement Plan as recommended by the Strategic Planning Committee. Subsequently the Board of Governor’s approved the FAU fixed capital outlay request. These projects were approved by the 2006 Florida Legislature as recommended by the Florida Atlantic University Board of Trustees. The Fixed Capital Outlay Budget includes PECO, Courtelis Matching Gifts and PECO Construction Cost Increase Funding.
90 Projects of the Capital Outlay Budget Public Education Capital Outlay Projects (PECO) Utilities/Infrastructure/Capital Renewal/Roofs (P,C,E)$3,642,356 FAU/Scripps Joint Use Facility-Jupiter (P,C,E)$2,000,000 Expansion/Remodel Computer Center #22 (C,E)$2,000,100 Port St. Lucie - Partner Campus Phase II (P,C,E)$10,009,000 FAU/UF Davie Facility (P,C,E)$9,300,000 General Classroom/Engineering Building (P,C)$3,000,000 SUB-TOTAL$29,951,456 Courtelis Matching Gifts Office Depot Executive Development Center$4,000,000* Alumni Center $2,000,000* SUB-TOTAL$6,000,000* * This is 50 Percent Private Gifts ($3,000,000) and 50 Percent State Matching ($3,000,000) PECO Construction Cost Increase Funding FAU-HBOI Marine Science Partnership$195,130 College of Business Expansion Remodeling$251,674 SUB-TOTAL$446,804 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY BUDGET REQUEST$39,398,260
Budget Summary Operating Budget $493,176,353 Capital Outlay Budget $39,398,260
92 Florida Atlantic University Foundation, Inc. While not a component of the FAU budget, the Florida Atlantic University Foundation makes expenditures that directly benefit the University. Expenditures on behalf of the University during are estimated as: Salaries, Wages and Benefits$ 4,933,152 General Expenses$ 4,951,013 Scholarships$ 2,605,613 Total$12,489,778