By June Lu Spring 2013
Strategic Information Systems First introduced into the field in early 1980s by Dr. Charles Wiseman, published an article in Journal of Business Strategy in mid 1980s. Definition: information systems used as strategic weapons to give/enhance the competitive advantage of a firm against the competitors (i.e., deliver a product or service at a lower cost, that is differentiated, focusing on a particular market segment, or is innovative...) Examples: any ISs used for a strategic purpose (financial, operational, decision support, etc.)
Information Systems Strategy The degree to which a firm has a shared perspective to seek innovation through IS (Chen, MISQ, 2010) The organizational perspective separated from the business strategy to address the scope of the entire organization (i.e., IS investment, deployment, and management) to improve firm performance. IS Strategy as the Use of IS to Support Business Strategy
Relationship to Business Strategy Three conceptions of IS strategy In support of a business strategy The master plan of the IS function The shared view of the IS role within the organization An independent strategy within a firm Both support and lead a business strategy
Functions of IS strategy Enable creation of a digital firm Digitize internal operations at any stage of the value chain (for operation excellence) Reconfigure the value chain in a firm Reconfigure the product and the service provided Facilitate innovations in a firm
Implementation Examples Cisco Case: ERP Implementation ( operation excellence ) Li & Fung: the Internet Issues ( e-commerce, global supply chain management system ) Zara: IT for Fast Fashion ( operational system automation and data standardization ) The iPremier Company – Denial of Service Attack ( Intrusion detection system, firewall, management policies and procedures to enhance system and data security ) Providian Trust: Tradition and Technology ( transition of operational reporting system but failed ) Can you give an example of implementing IS strategy at your workplace? Can you give an example of implementing IS strategy at your workplace?
How to measure the effectiveness of an IS strategy?