Public Protection Enforcement 2006/7 Toni Slater Service Manager Public Protection Service Housing and Public Protection Department
Public Protection Enforcement Introduction Priorities in 2006/7 Enforcement performance 2006/7 Barriers to effective enforcement and examples of successful prosecutions Priorities for 2007/8 including Street scene Service reconfiguration and efficiency savings to support predicted increase in demand from street scene
Priorities in 2006/7 Fixed Penalty Notices Public Health and Environmental Enforcement – Reconfigure team to meet customer demands Call centre pilot development Counterfeiting – markets and car boot sales Under Age sales Street scene development and implementation Relocation of Public Protection Service to Ruabon
Enforcement 2006/7 Licensing Public Health +EnvironmentalEnforcement Environmental Protection FoodSafety Prosecutions16000 EnforcementNotices Fixed Penalty Notices Formal Cautions 0000 Formal written and verbal warnings
Enforcement Performance 2006/7 TradingStandards Fair Trading Trading Standards Commerce Animal Health Health and Safety Totals Prosecutions EnforcementNotices Fixed Penalty Notices Formal Cautions 6006 Formal written and verbal warnings
Barriers to effective enforcement Some problem cases and failure to achieve a prosecution in magistrates court Planning effective performance - following unsuccessful legal proceedings
Examples of Successful Prosecutions Fly tipping Taxi licensing Animal Health Counterfeiting
Priorities for 2007/8 Street Scene implementation Reconfigure service to meet demands of street scene Prosecution of non payment of Fixed Penalty Notices Relocation of Public Protection Service to Ruabon Identification of funding to meet service pressures 2008/9 More joined up working internally and externally: - JAG -Animal Health Enforcement -Flexible Warranting - HSE -Premises inspections -Smoking ban enforcement
Streetscene Implementation of Phase 1 Review of phase 1 post launch in September 2007 Phase 2 development Information to customers Publicity
Environmental Enforcement April-June 2007 Fixed Penalty Notices Issued to date: Litter = 248 Dog Fouling = 38 1 successful Prosecution for Fly tipping 5 cases put forward for prosecution of non payers Quarter 1 Performance targets met
Service reconfiguration and efficiency savings to meet future demands Animal Health – virtual team Noise – virtual team Public Health and Environmental Enforcement Temporary re allocation of resources to offset street scene predicted increased demand from within PPS existing budget (Equivalent of £56,00 - staff costs) Shortfall of £130,00 for 2007/8 to maintain the 5 Environmental Enforcement Officer posts
Future enforcement strategies Making the Connections and Beecham’s Beyond Boundaries All about building citizen centre, efficient, quality local services for Wales Much more joint working across services and organisations – to enhance capacity, improve efficiency and increase the range of services Hampton review – All about better regulation concentrating on outcomes. Rogers Review Lifting the burdens task force
Doing More with Less Reducing bureaucratic burdens Add value and improve efficiency and flexibility Develop workforce to meet new challenges Anticipate change in terms of the future regulatory framework Maintain service delivery in the face of diminishing resources