Crossroads Care Mid and West Wales Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig / Charity Registration No: Cwmni cyfyngedig drwy warant yng Nghymru a Lloegr / A company limited by guarantee in England & Wales: Mae nod masnach Gofal Croesffyrdd yn nod cyfun / The Crossroads Care trademark is a collective mark.
Background No District General Hospital in Powys Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB) ‘bleeding’ funds over the border into England (Shrewsbury) and Gwent (Abergavenny) Reconfigure block booking of beds to a more cost-efficient model Prevent avoidable admissions to hospital
Purpose of PURSH Prevention of avoidable admissions to hospital through the provision of a short term home based domiciliary support service
PURSHPURSH Emergency Response Service
Partners Welsh Assembly Government Continuing Health Care funding to build voluntary sector capacity PTHB elected to administer through Powys CVC, Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) Crossroads Care Mid and West Wales (CMWW) in partnership with PAVO developed an emergency response service model
Service Operation Initial service established in North Powys to avoid admissions to Shrewsbury DGH Service available 24 / 7 / 365 through qualified CMWW Care Staff on standby (PURSH) Accessible only via GPs through the Care Coordination Centre (ShropDoc) for clinical referrals
When GP assesses, the patient can remain at home with PURSH support and with patient / family agreement if appropriate, PURSH contacted Care Staff member attends within four hours GP reassesses patient within 24 hours, or up to four days (max to cover bank holiday weekends) PURSH funded up to four days; service no longer required; or spot purchase of care; (possibility of hospital admission) Contd.
Benefits GPs have an alternative to hospital and have the confidence to keep people at home Prevention of an avoidable admission Patient stays at home Cost saving of c.£2,500 to PTHB from hospital admission avoided Liberates funds for funding of other health care / clinical needs Avoids disruption to the usual care setting
Allows for proactive discharge planning Integrated service and an effective partnership Voluntary sector capacity improved In the medium term, breaks the admission cycle and reduces requests for continuing health care funding In the longer term, reduces dependency on hospital beds, but this can only happen if linked to wider social support systems Contd.
Crossroads Care South East Wales Charity number Crossroads South East Wales is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales number Registered office: Head Office, First Floor, Wharf Road, Newport, NP19 8ET. © Copyright Crossroads Care 2009 The Crossroads Care trade mark is a collective mark.
Partnership Working Count Crossroads Care In!
‘Time-Out’ Project Operational since 2000
Background Underutilised buildings Need for services outside of Monday to Friday, 9:00AM to 5:00PM Willingness to work in partnership Need to demonstrate outcomes for as many individuals as possible
Purpose of ‘Time-Out’ To provide services at the weekend to benefit carers and those with care needs To work towards individual desired outcomes and be able to demonstrate these To be as cost-effective as possible
Partners Service Users i.e. carers, the individual with care needs and wider family members Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council Social Services Aneurin Bevan Health Board Crossroads Care South East Wales: –Staff –Volunteers
Service Operation Open Saturday and Sunday 9:00AM to 4:00PM When funded by Social Services, access via a Social Worker When individually purchased, access via Crossroads Care South East Wales Dedicated team of staff
Values and Principles Carers views were central to planning and delivery of the service The service is user needs-led and responsive to those who engage with the service It seeks to promote partnership working and encourage a multi-agency collaboration
Benefits Carer has extended break at the weekend Individual has opportunity to interact, socialise and retain life skills within secure surroundings in a group setting Purpose built accommodation suitable for showering, toileting, meal preparation / eating and has a variety of rooms for different uses Cost-effective option Promotes independence
It is a SIMPLE IDEA that WORKS. It does not have to be complex, so come on... ‘Let’s create even more partnerships’ and COUNT CROSSROADS CARE IN!