Automation and Drives Applications with IE/PB Link Verticale integration using engineering tools like SIMATIC PDM or Drive ES Remote diagnostic / remote information with OPC outside ‘PROFInet‘
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 2 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Vertical Integration with IE/PB Link Network Transition from Industrial Ethernet to PROFIBUS
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 3 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Customer Benefits with Verticale Integration Central Engineering Parametrization and diagnsotic of all PROFIBUS devices Drives via the engineering software Drives ES PROFIBUS PA devices via SIMATIC PDM, etc. Central and consistent data management Optimization of a plant from a central control station Additional benefits using SIMATIC S7 PLCs within TIA Remote access to the SIMATIC S7 PLC (on PROFIBUS, Ethernet) All STEP7 online functions are supported Download of STEP 7-Programs from central control station Remote diagnsotic to keep plant downtime to a minimum Centrale Visualization Via S7 OPC server, access to process data of a SIMATIC S7 PLC on PROFIBUS; e.g. ET200S with IM151-CPU as DP-Slave Access to PROFIBUS devices via Industrial Ethernet and worldwide via Internet
Automation and Drives Sample Configuration How is it possible to reconfigure or optimize a drive on PROFIBUS with Drive ES ?
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 5 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Configuration in Motion Control applications, using a SIMATIC S7 as DP-Master Sample configuration with SIMATIC S7 *) Drive ES with STEP7 because Drive ES does not provide an Ethernet access Note: PG w/ STEP7 and PC w/ Drives ES can be one Station / PC Data access to process data via S7 function STEP7 program download, diagnostic etc. via S7 function Central engineering with Drive ES HMI System z.B. ProTool Pro mit OPC-Server PC with Drive ES*) PG with STEP7 S7-300 e.g. CPU DP-Master cl.1 Isochron drives solution ET200S with CPU CP Ind. Ethernet PROFIBUS (w/Motion Control)
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 6 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry HMI System e.g. ProTool Pro with OPC-Server PC with Drive ES PROFInet IE/PB Link (DP-M Cl.2) PG with STEP7 Configuration in Motion Control applications, using a NON - SIMATIC S7 as DP-Master DP-Master Cl.1 e.g.: SIMATIC S5 PC solution 3rd party controller ET200S with CPU Ind. Ethernet PROFIBUS (w/Motion Control) Isochron drives solution Sample configuration: Drives in a NON-SIMATIC S7 invironment *) Drive ES with STEP7 because Drive ES does not provide an Ethernet access Note: PG w/ STEP7 and PC w/ Drives ES can be one Station / PC Data access to process data via S7 function STEP7 program download, diagnostic etc. via S7 function Central engineering with Drive ES
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 7 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Intranet / Internet HMI System e.g. ProTool Pro with OPC-Server PROFInet IE/PB Link (DP-M Cl.2) PG with STEP7 DP-Master Cl.1 Isochron drives solution Sample configuration for worldwide access WAN / Telephon ES Configuration in Motion Control applications, using a NON - SIMATIC S7 as DP-Master ET200S with CPU PC with Drive ES Ind. Ethernet PROFIBUS (w/Motion Control) *) Drive ES with STEP7 because Drive ES does not provide an Ethernet access Note: PG w/ STEP7 and PC w/ Drives ES can be one Station / PC Data access to process data via S7 function STEP7 program download, diagnostic etc. via S7 function Central engineering with Drive ES
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 8 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Notes, how to use the IE/PB link in Motion Control applications Installations with S7-300 as DP master the CP343-1 is the most cost effective solution providing equal functionality Central engineering with Drive ES on Ethernet – Routing via Ethernet CP through the S7 CPU as DP master to PROFIBUS With S5, WinAC, PC or 3rd party solution as DP master a central engineering is possible using the IE/PB link Routing for engineering systems – like Drive ES - is supported Required is STEP7 and Drives ES Basic as option package Configuration of the IE/PB link is done with STEP7 Central engineering from Ethernet to multiple PROFIBUS sub-networks possible The IE/PB link receives the required routing information out of a STEP7 project ! Using a DP master, which does not require a STEP7 configuration, the PROFIBUS devices e.g. drives that shall be reached need to be configured in a STEP7 ‘Dummy Project‘.
Automation and Drives Sample Configuration How is it possible to reconfigure or optimize a process automation device on PROFIBUS PA with SIMATIC PDM ?
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 10 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry ET200M S7-400 with CP443-1 and CP443-5 ESOS SIMATIC PDM *) WinCC DP/PA Link PA-Geräte Sub-Installation 1 PG OS Sample confirguration for a PCS7 installation Configuration in the process industry – PCS7 DP/PA Link Sub-Installation n Ind. Ethernet PROFIBUS *) SIMATIC PDM with STEP7 because SIMATIC PDM does not provide an Ethernet access Note: PG w/ STEP7 and PC w/ SIMATIC PDM can be one Station / PC Data access to process data via S7 function STEP7 program download, diagnostic etc. via S7 function Central engineering with SIMATIC PDM Data block routing PROFIBUS-PA
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 11 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry ET200M HMI SIMATIC PDM *) WinCC DP/PA Link PA-Geräte PG Sample configuration process industry Configuration with SIMATIC PDM in Not PCS7 Installations DP/PA Link PROFInet IE/PB Link (DP-M Cl.2) S7-300 e.g. CPU DP-Master Cl.1 Ind. Ethernet PROFIBUS PROFIBUS-PA *) SIMATIC PDM with STEP7 because SIMATIC PDM does not provide an Ethernet access Note: PG w/ STEP7 and PC w/ SIMATIC PDM can be one Station / PC Data access to process data via S7 function STEP7 program download, diagnostic etc. via S7 function Central engineering with SIMATIC PDM Data block routing SIMATIC PDM wo/ PCS7 SIMATIC S7-300, S5 PC solution 3rd party e.g. Delta V
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 12 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Notes, how to use the IE/PB link in Process Automation Applications “ Standard“ gateway in PCS7 installations is a SIMATIC S7-400 with CP443-1 and CP443-5 Central Engineering with SIMATIC PDM on Ethernet – data block routing through both CPs in the S7-400 Plants, with S7-300, S5 or 3rd party solution as DP master, a central engineering is only possible using a IE/PB link For PDM, equal functionality is supported like in PCS7 ! Required is STEP7 and SIMATIC PDM with the options ‘STEP7 integration‘ and ‘S7 routing‘ Configuration of the IE/PB link is done with STEP7 Extention of existing plants with central engineering, if the S7-400 does not support data block routing E.g. PROFIBUS connectivity direct via S7-400 CPU The IE/PB link receives the required routing information out of a STEP7 project ! Using a DP master, which does not require a STEP7 configuration, the PROFIBUS PA devices that shall be reached need to be configured in a STEP7 ‘Dummy Project‘.
Automation and Drives Sample Configuration How is it possible to display all necessary plant data – from controller on PROFIBUS or Ethernet – on a central visualization station on Ethernet ?
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 14 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry HMI z.B. ProTool Pro with OPC-Server PROFInet IE/PB Link PG with STEP7 Configuration with central HMI on Ethernet Data access to process data via S7 function and OPC STEP7 programe download, diagnostic, etc. S7-300 S7-400 Sub-Network with multiple PLCs, connected via PROFIBUS Data exchange between PLCs S7 functions, Send/Receive, etc. Central visualization on Ethernet ET200S with IM151-CPU Ind. Ethernet PROFIBUS
Automation and Drives K. Reese Page 15 (C) Si emens Energy&Automation, 2003, AMD SIMATIC NET Networking for Industry Notes, how to use the IE/PB link for Central Visualization Which devices / data on PROFIBUS can be accessed from a visualization station on Ethernet using S7 functions ? All devices that support S7 functions (Put, Get,...) as server SIMATIC S7-300/400 with integrated PROFIBUS interface or PROFIBUS CP ET200S with IM 151 CPU or ET200X with BM 147 CPU Access to all data on the CPUs, e.g. Data blocks, etc. Requirements on the PC side: Application with OPC client interface Software ‚S7-1613‘ or ‚SOFTNET S7 for Industrial Ethernet‘ S7 OPC-Server is included Today, no direct data access to DP slaves possible ! Process data of a DP slave can be read or write only ‘indirectly‘ via the DP master Exception – DP slaves that support S7 server functionality