GPRA Forms Scanning and Upload to RTI (SAIS)
3 Main Steps for Automatic Upload 1. Regional Centers send their forms to ATTC National Office 2. National Office translates paper form images into XML text data 3. XML text data is translated to RTI's specified format and uploaded to RTI
Step 1: Sending Forms to National Office Three options to get forms to National Office. Regional Centers can use whichever is easiest for them 1.Mail original paper forms via postal mail 2. scanned images 3.Fax National Office will not print faxed pages, but will receive TIFF images electronically May not work with colored paper In any case, Regional Centers must use scannable GPRA forms provided by National Office
Step 2 - Translating form images to XML using TeleForm Start TeleForm Batch of scanned images Paper forms (for our own forms or if Regional Center mails paper forms) are scanned ed or faxed images are placed in a designated TeleForm directory Classify form images using TeleForm Verify form data using TeleForm Export to XML using TeleForm
Scanning Paper Forms
Classify Forms Using TeleForm
Verify Form Data Using TeleForm
Export Form Data to XML with TeleForm
Step 3: Send XML Data to RTI (SAIS) Two main parts to this process Translate XML to RTI's format Send to them via a Web service Both of these are done through GPRA Scan Web site
Upload XML file to GPRA Scan site
Validate Number of Forms
Data Translated and Sent to RTI
Time per 30 GPRA paper forms 1.Scanning - National Office scanner is 30ppm / 60ipm color o 30 forms = 60 images = 1 minute (3 minutes with setup) o Regional Center scan/fax time may be different 2. Classification - about 1 second per image o 30 forms = 60 images= 1 minute 3.Validation - Depends on clarity of printing and marks o Could range from 0 to 30 seconds, average 15 seconds o 30 forms = 7.5 minutes 4.Upload and send to RTI - 3 minutes TOTAL: 15 minutes for every 30 GPRA forms
Follow-Up Forms We are strongly encouraging you to use electronic surveys for follow-up data, if you don’t already. Therefore, data is already in electronic format - no paper form scanning or validation required Export SurveyMonkey data straight to an electronic Comma Separated Value (CSV) file (this is one of the choices in SurveyMonkey) Upload CSV file to GPRA Scan Web site for translation Total time: 5 minutes, any number of forms
Milestones November 3-6, 2009 – Use Scannable version of GPRA forms at Network and Directors meetings Nov/Dec 2009 – Work out any kinks from test run with Network and directors meeting forms First week of Jan 2010 – Export follow-up Survey Monkey data & upload to GPRA scan web site January 2010 – Use scannable version of GPRA forms for first Mid-America ATTC event in 2010 February 2010 – Work out any kinks from test run with Regional data (February 2010 – reconfigure the system to use new GPRA forms assuming OMB approval) March 2010 – Training TA for all RCs on using new GPRA upload system (on own or via National Office)