Topic 1: Emerging paradigms for improvements of software reliability Outbrief summary
ARO Workshop – Topic 1 2 Topic 1: Emerging paradigms for improvements of software reliability Issues and research ideas (1) How to represent, understand and visualize complex dependencies among components? We have to recognize that SW will never be perfect. We better prepare to accept and manage imperfect SW, and research should focus on this. Fault management should be integrated with planning to figure out how to reconfigure the system upon a failure. Software FDIR–How? Fault containment and isolation must be designed into SW systems (as it is designed into physical systems) Cost of SW reliability has to be considered in the context of ROI. QoS issues should be address both statically (design-time) and dynamically (run-time). Both have to be addressed while building FCS. Scale of complexity: code size, multiple end-to-end req’s in a distributed systems, multiple layers, changing number of participants, very dynamic environment
ARO Workshop – Topic 1 3 Topic 1: Emerging paradigms for improvements of software reliability Issues and research ideas (2) Model-based Analysis/Testing requires a model (abstraction) of the system based on the requirements. How does this scale up to the level of system of systems on FCS? What is being done: guidelines for FCS suppliers (JA-1003) If commercial technology is used, QoS concerns (“controls”) have to be “bolted” onto it. Consequence: technology-neutral specification of QoS is needed. QoS-based resource allocation – trade-offs between reliability and other aspects. Model-based toolchains should allow debugging in terms of the high-level models. Novel paradigm: Dynamic adaptability / Goal-driven programming – To address needs of fault mgmt – Analogy with adaptive control … but must be analyzable.. Paradigms should support early analysis with uncertain requirements – Design space exploration