Status Report: JLDG ( T. Yoshie for JLDG) AGENDA 1. Current Status of JLDG 2. Reconfiguration/Extension Plan 3. Funding
2 Current Status of JLDG national lattice data grid “daily data sharing in research group” since Jan physics research groups, O(50) users regional grid of ILDG ILDG gateway is working stable can hand over the ILDG webpage and the Inca monitoring service on and after the 2 nd quarter of 2011 Automatic summary of access log and disk usage Storage 9 elements, 200TB, 35% used will install 200TB at Tsukuba and 180TB at KEK
3 Reconfiguration/Extension Plan Reconfiguration currently, access to JLDG is allowed by GridFTP only plan to allow users to mount JLDG as a file system will reconfigure our network Extension to new sites Univ. of Tokyo AICS in Kobe (K computer site)
4 Funding currently supported by a grant from MEXT Five years (2008/ /3) O(10M)yen/year for JLDG hardware and a local staff will be supported by a field of HPCI strategic research program (MEXT program to promote applications of K computer) “Origin of matter and the universe” Five year (2011/ /3) O(35M)yen/year for JLDG hardware/maintenance and a local support staff (MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) (HPCI: High performance computing infrastructure)
5 Thank you for you attention!