Welcome to the Public Scoping Meeting for California State University, Fresno (CSUF) Campus Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Wednesday, January 30, :30 to 3:00 pm Please take a moment to sign in. Be sure to indicate on the sign- in sheet if you would like to be added to the distribution list for the CSUF Campus Master Plan Project. Please take a moment to sign in. Be sure to indicate on the sign- in sheet if you would like to be added to the distribution list for the CSUF Campus Master Plan Project. Visit our Comment Station to submit your written comments. You may also mail or comments to the CSUF address provided on the comment form. Visit our Comment Station to submit your written comments. You may also mail or comments to the CSUF address provided on the comment form. NOP comment period (Jan 7, 08 – Feb 5, 08) NOP comment period (Jan 7, 08 – Feb 5, 08) Clearinghouse number
Introduction Lead Agency: California State Univ. Board of Trustees Tinnah Medina, University Planner Project Sponsor: CSUF Cynthia Teniente-Matson, Vice-President of Administration Caryl Jacobs, Administrative Project Coordinator CEQA Consultant: Michael Brandman Associates Dave Mitchell, Senior Project Manager Kathryn Lee, Assistant Project Manager
Purpose of Scoping Meeting Present the EIR process Present the EIR process Help guide the focus of the EIR Help guide the focus of the EIR Discuss environmental issues that you would like to see addressed in the EIR Discuss environmental issues that you would like to see addressed in the EIR Provide comment station for submitting written comments to Lead Agency and EIR consultants Provide comment station for submitting written comments to Lead Agency and EIR consultants
Meeting Overview Project Overview Project Overview Environmental Review Process (CEQA) Environmental Review Process (CEQA) Campus Master Plan EIR (specifics) Campus Master Plan EIR (specifics) Required Agency Approvals Required Agency Approvals Public Participation Process Public Participation Process Comments Comments
Project Overview The Project Site is located within the current CSUF campus boundaries in Fresno County. The project site contains 1,332 acres of University land. The Project Site is located within the current CSUF campus boundaries in Fresno County. The project site contains 1,332 acres of University land. The University is not planning to expand-- additions and remodeling will occur within existing campus boundaries. The University is not planning to expand-- additions and remodeling will occur within existing campus boundaries. Project buildout (campus remodeling and new construction) = 18 years. Project buildout (campus remodeling and new construction) = 18 years.
Regional Location of Project: (CSUF Campus)
Project Overview – cont. The Campus Master Plan periodically updated to accommodate growth/reflect changes needed to achieve goals and objectives The Campus Master Plan periodically updated to accommodate growth/reflect changes needed to achieve goals and objectives First Master Plan (1963) First Master Plan (1963) Last major Campus Master Plan Revision (1995) Last major Campus Master Plan Revision (1995) The current Master Plan Revision process began in November 2005, culminating with the current version (2007) that will be the subject of this EIR. The current Master Plan Revision process began in November 2005, culminating with the current version (2007) that will be the subject of this EIR.
Project Overview – cont. Project Objectives: Reconfigure Schools, Colleges, and administrative and residential components of the University for optimal function and sense of community Reconfigure Schools, Colleges, and administrative and residential components of the University for optimal function and sense of community Reconfigure and improve campus open space and landscape -- more habitable and cohesive visually, imparting a recognizable identity to the campus Reconfigure and improve campus open space and landscape -- more habitable and cohesive visually, imparting a recognizable identity to the campus
Project Overview – cont. Specific Project Goals: Make optimal use of campus facilities and resources Make optimal use of campus facilities and resources Improve pedestrian circulation across campus Improve pedestrian circulation across campus Develop an image and appearance for the campus that is respectful of its agricultural heritage, yet responsive to its changing activities and architecture Develop an image and appearance for the campus that is respectful of its agricultural heritage, yet responsive to its changing activities and architecture Accommodate diversity with strategic initiatives and aspirations Accommodate diversity with strategic initiatives and aspirations
Project Overview – cont. Additional Project Goals: Bring overall order to the campus, easing navigation Bring overall order to the campus, easing navigation Improve the cohesion and comfort of open spaces Improve the cohesion and comfort of open spaces Analyze existing and proposed major utility routes Analyze existing and proposed major utility routes Address athletic buildings, equipment, and parking needs Address athletic buildings, equipment, and parking needs Create common design guidelines Create common design guidelines Prepare landscape master plan that will include consistency, accommodate growth, create comfortable outdoor spaces, and incorporate energy conservation and sustainable practices Prepare landscape master plan that will include consistency, accommodate growth, create comfortable outdoor spaces, and incorporate energy conservation and sustainable practices
Environmental Review under CEQA The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a public disclosure law that applies to projects that require a discretionary approval by a state or local governmental agency. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is a public disclosure law that applies to projects that require a discretionary approval by a state or local governmental agency. The California State University Board of Trustees (Lead Agency) has concluded there is a reasonable possibility that aspects of the Project could have significant effects on the environment and is therefore requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The California State University Board of Trustees (Lead Agency) has concluded there is a reasonable possibility that aspects of the Project could have significant effects on the environment and is therefore requiring an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
Environmental Review under CEQA – cont. General Contents of an EIR Project description Project description Environmental Setting Environmental Setting Significant environmental effects Significant environmental effects Unavoidable significant adverse effects Unavoidable significant adverse effects Growth-inducing impacts Growth-inducing impacts Cumulative impacts Cumulative impacts Mitigation measures Mitigation measures Alternatives Alternatives
Environmental Review under CEQA – cont. What Helps Determines EIR Focus? Responses to NOPs Responses to NOPs Consultations with other agencies Consultations with other agencies Consultations with public and/or experts Consultations with public and/or experts Scoping meetings Scoping meetings
Combination Project/Program EIR: Project Level: fully evaluate specific projects slated for implementation during the near future that have sufficient project details to warrant a site-specific, project level analysis. Project Level: fully evaluate specific projects slated for implementation during the near future that have sufficient project details to warrant a site-specific, project level analysis. Program Level: analyze environmental impacts associated with potential campus growth, full building program and other improvements required to serve the new population through a 10-year and 20-year planning horizon Program Level: analyze environmental impacts associated with potential campus growth, full building program and other improvements required to serve the new population through a 10-year and 20-year planning horizon Campus Master Plan EIR -Overview
Campus Master Plan EIR -Project Level EIR (Near-Term Projects) Utilities & Infrastructure Upgrades Utilities & Infrastructure Upgrades Parking Structure Parking Structure Satellite Student Union Expansion Satellite Student Union Expansion Agricultural Research Center Agricultural Research Center Athletics Improvements Athletics Improvements Equine Center Equine Center Relocation of University High School Relocation of University High School Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Plant
Campus Master Plan EIR - Program Level EIR (10-year Planning Horizon) Agricultural Research (Viticulture and Enology), International Center for Water Technology (ICWT), Institute for Food and Nutrition Innovation (IFNI) Athletic facilities including Student Athlete Center, Tennis Center and External Affairs and Administration Building Classroom and Faculty Offices Building New main campus entry near Henry Madden Library Parking garage on Lot J or suitable site
Campus Master Plan EIR - Program Level EIR (10-year Planning Horizon)-cont. Parking enhancements (e.g. photovoltaic arrays) Quadrangle building replacements Research Institutes and Specialized academic program centers Satellite Student Union expansion or renovation Turf lab and playing field on Lot Q Various landscape, circulation, lighting, navigation improvements University Farm Laboratory Enhancements
Campus Master Plan EIR - Program Level EIR (10-year Planning Horizon)-cont. Table 1: Proposed Ten-year Build-out Summary (2016)
Campus Master Plan EIR - Program Level EIR (20-year Planning Horizon) Allied research facilities Additional structured parking Center for Agricultural Excellence Classrooms, labs and faculty offices Replacement retrofit student housing Performing arts center Science buildings
Campus Master Plan EIR - Program Level EIR (20-year Planning Horizon)– cont. Table 2: Proposed 20 Year Build-out Summary (2026)
Environmental Review under CEQA – cont. Technical Sections Aesthetics Aesthetics Agriculture Agriculture Air Quality Air Quality Biology Biology Cultural Cultural Geology/Soils Geology/Soils Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Hydrology Hydrology Land Use/Planning Land Use/Planning Mineral resources Mineral resources Noise Noise Population/Housing Population/Housing Public Services and Utilities Public Services and Utilities Recreation Recreation Transportation/traffic Transportation/traffic
Campus Master Plan EIR – Impacts not Significant Agricultural Resources Agricultural Resources Mineral Resources Mineral Resources Impacts not significant will be briefly addressed in a separate section of the EIR.
Campus Master Plan EIR - Potentially Significant Impacts Traffic Impacts – due to addition of students on existing infrastructure Air Quality Impacts – cumulative growth in a highly impacted air basin Public Services and Utilities – sewage treatment onsite to conserve water and address City of Fresno capacity issues
Campus Master Plan EIR - Cumulative impacts The EIR will include an analysis of reasonably foreseeable projects within a defined study area, developed in consultation with the Cities of Fresno and Clovis, that may result in cumulative impacts associated with the proposed project. Cumulative effects will be discussed within each technical section. Cumulative effects will be discussed within each technical section.
Campus Master Plan EIR – Alternative Analysis EIR must describe a range of reasonable alternatives to the Project – must feasibly attain basic objectives but avoid or substantially lessen significant effects of the Project, and evaluate comparative merits of alternatives. The selected alternatives will be analyzed at a qualitative level of detail for comparison against the impacts identified for the proposed Project.
Required Agency Approvals Lead Agency: California State University Board of Trustees Lead Agency: California State University Board of Trustees –Certify the EIR –Approve the Campus Master Plan Revision –File a Notice of Determination (NOD) indicating EIR adoption –Approve expenditure of funds for project construction. Other Public Agencies Other Public Agencies –Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) –San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD)
Public Involvement Opportunities During EIR Process Notice of the Preparation (NOP) of the EIR and Scoping Meeting Review and Comment on the Draft EIR – –Availability of Draft EIR will be announced in newspaper – –45-day comment period will commence when NOC is filed with the State Clearinghouse – –Draft EIR will be available for review at the Madden Library on campus, on the web at – –Public Hearing on the Draft (midpoint of the 45 day circulation)
Public Comments Welcome We encourage those who wish to comment on the EIR to submit their comments in written format. We encourage those who wish to comment on the EIR to submit their comments in written format. For additional information regarding the project, or to submit a written comment concerning the scope/content of the Draft EIR, contact: For additional information regarding the project, or to submit a written comment concerning the scope/content of the Draft EIR, contact: Caryl Jacobs, Administrative Project Coordinator California State University, Fresno 5241 North Maple Avenue, M/S TA52 Fresno, CA