Nationwide Services Framework Project Training Workshop 2009 Roz Sorensen DDI: DDI:
In this workshop Provide a brief overview of the NSF project Provide an overview of the training package Look specifically at Module 3 Facilitate three activities Receive feedback
Overview This project commenced in May 2007 Previous attempts at a similar review had been unsuccessful Direct action from Te Kokiri (2006)
Project aims Review Service Coverage Document Develop a framework Commence a cycle of revision A system that was sustainable Address issues raised by NPP
Tiered Framework Tier 1 – overarching principles Tier 2 – specific to the 12 service groups/service types Tier 3 – detailed specifications re service delivery
Phase 1 Adult Mental Health Infant, Child, Adolescent and Youth Services providing Consumer Leadership Eating Disorders
Phase 2 Kaupapa Maori Addiction Family / Whanau Pacific
Phase 3 Asian and Refugee Maternal Mental Health Forensic Older People
Developing new PU codes Consistent with tiered approach Facilitating a better fit and informing what makes up a service Tier 1: MH Tier 2: 12 service types (letter) Tier 3: Tier 4: FTE differentiation
Implementation Phase one: 1 July 09 for new purchases Phase one: 1 July 2010 for Provider Arm Phase one: 2-3 year transition for NGO services
Documentation PU code stock take Service Coverage mapping Mapping document: 2001/2009 Summary document Phase one service specifications
Training Training package scope document developed Self Learning training Package Six modules On line access Workshops to initiate training
Module One My knowledge of the available national resources (such as Treasury Guidelines) and how to use them to plan, fund and contract services is:
Module Two My knowledge of the national processes and supporting resources to reconfigure current services (such as Service Change in OPF) is:
Module Three My knowledge of how to select the revised service specifications and purchase unit codes and how to apply them to contract documentation is: My knowledge of how to select the revised service specifications and purchase unit codes and how to apply them to contract documentation is:
Module Four My knowledge of how to prepare provider specific requirements is:
Module Five My knowledge of how quality audit and reporting connect with the service specifications is:
Module Six My knowledge of agreements, invoicing and payments processes and their relationships with the new specifications is:
Lets look specifically at Module Three Learning Intention The Contracting Process Services to your population Considered needs analysis and current service provision What will your service continuum look like? You are ready to purchase…….
Activity one You want to purchase the following services: (see handout) What service specifications will you use? What PU codes will you enter on the CRF?
Activity two You want to transition the following services to the revised service specifications (see handout) What service specifications will you use?
Activity three You have received a list of purchase unit codes (see handout) Define them
Multi-choice test See handout
Reflection My knowledge of how to select the revised service specifications and purchase unit codes and how to apply them to contract documentation is: (rate 1-5)
In Conclusion Your feedback is most welcome