MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE DMDP PRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 25,2104 Manchester Community College Manchester, Connecticut DMDP Presentation September 25, 2014
CONNECTICUT PUBLIC ACT What is Public Act 12-40? A law directing public community colleges and state universities to reconfigure how remedial/developmental education is delivered. Tiered System of Instruction College Level Embedded Level Intensive Level Transitional Strategies – Addresses students who demonstrate significant gaps in skills MCC Khan Academy (Math Blast)
KHAN ACADEMY – MATH BLAST Free program to students placed in developmental math and who qualify for the Adults in Transition program; Summer opened to all students testing into lowest level math based on Accuplacer testing Small class size (<20) Directed self-paced learning with coach Hybrid 20-hour class commitment Coach Recommendations based on mapping Stress mastery of recommendations (6 levels: struggling - mastered) Last class –retake Accuplacer
ADULTS IN TRANSITION PROGRAM AT MCC Designed for non-traditional aged students who want to start or restart a college career
LESSONS LEARNED AND LAST THOUGHTS Variables affecting Student Success Best Model - Focused Coaching with Skill Mastery Time on Task vs. Skill Mastery Computer Skill Development Resource for Lifelong Learning My favorite part…mastery challenges.” “Being able to re-watch the videos….” The topic names in Khan Academy sometimes change..” “Khan academy is great. I will keep using it.”