Santa Cruz - Bolivia September 17 – 22, 2012
An internal survey was done in 2000 Covered the period from 1975 – 1286 (F 443 and M 843) persons were trained. Average return rate was 82%. An external evaluation was conducted in 2010 Covered the period from 2000 – 1516 (M 755 and F 761) persons were trained. Assessed the impact of the training programs. Identified areas which needed improvement. Recommended strategic directions.
Enhanced professional capacities: More effective Christian education, counseling and pastoral care. Contextualized liturgy and worship. Deeper understanding and practice of holistic mission. Proactive diakonia – shifting from charity orientation to creation of opportunities. Improved health care – greater focus on preventive aspect; including HIV & Aids.
Improved institutional performances Strategic Planning Organizational development Resource mobilization Entrepreneurship Modernization of mgt. and accountancy
Enhanced women’s empowerment Achieved gender equity in training: 1975 – 1999 (F 443 /34%/ and M 843 /66%/ ) 2000 – 2010 (M 755 /49.8%/ and F 761 /50.2%/ ) Promoted women’s ordination.
Strategic orientation of the program Reconfigure/integrate the objectives of the different training programs. Strengthen the role and profile of the HRD program. Enhance links between the HRD and other capacity development initiatives within the LWF Secretariat and across the Communion.
Dissemination of the Program Guidelines Update the guidelines along with the reconfigured objectives and profile of the program. Make the guidelines available in the official working languages. Circulate the guidelines and also make them available in the LWF website.
Management and follow-up Enhance transparency and mutual clarity in the criteria and decision procedures. Promote participatory processes (gender and generational inclusiveness) in decision making at various levels. Strengthen synergy between the HRD and CCD programs, to develop institutional capacities (with respect to PME). Improve/disseminate pertinent templates. Ensure mutual flow of information in program planning, implementation and reporting.
/Key Priority Areas/ Enhance the links between the needs of churches and of the global communion. Promote transparency, communication and information Insist on active and competent human resources/capacity development committees Information should be shared with key partners. Identify available resources, improve networking and sharing of information.
/Key Priority Areas/ Promote institutional learning. Encourage re-integration of returning scholars and sharing of learning in the churches. Promote the creation and strengthening of networking among theological institutions and partners. Enhance an environment for institutional learning that takes place at different levels of action and for different purposes.
/Key Priority Areas/ Promote/facilitate trans-contextual learning. Experience sharing, exchanges and exposures among institutions, short term study visits, internships. A platform for alumni, explore use of social media as channel of communication. Encourage sharing of best practices among training institutions.