Data in Health James Lind Director of access and flow Gold Coast HHS
System flow why bother?
All hospital are uniquely similar!! Every hospital is uniquely Similar!!! 85% occupancy is inefficient Mathematic
Annual Patient Flow is predictable
Key is visualisation
Visualization of data Discharge 30% by 11am!!!
Does it work? District NEAT Time Line
Solutions informed by data Access and Flow Unit commence s Access and flow director appointed Medical Assessmen t Unit opens Southport 24 hour CNC coverage 5 days a week BPIO commenced full time Robina and Southport ED Restructure of staffing to accommodat e early decision making in ED Business Practice Improvement officer role commenced Extra FTE in medical, nursing and admin Current management CNC to work on floor to increase coverage Reconfigure of current FTE to accommodat e new model of care Increase in Short Stay Unit capacity from 10 beds to 6 beds and 7 chairs PIT model commence d at Southport Emergency Process People ADON patient flow and extra bed managers Refinement of ward based care model Re- deployment of medical staff to clinics Rapid access clinics for medicine commence d Full time BPIO appointed New process in bed management Macro NEAT Project Slack box process redesign Early decision making Education to staff on NEAT Performance feed back Definition on purpose and function of ED Appointment of new CE Additional nursing resources for bed management Reconfigure bed meeting * Additional Afternoon bed meeting Rescheduling of ICU radiology, cardiac and HODU PT Opening of additional HDU over winter Redesign of bed manage ment Executive rounding in ED Surge plans for all sub- specialities and new Capacity alert process Ward based porterage and refinement of bed cleaning
Key messages Data informs but is a tool Interpretation of data is key How much error are you prepared to live with Visualisation and translation of data is key