July 19, 2014, Paris France Ray Larsen HTC & SSIT Liaison, CSI Co-Chair 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report1
Executive Summary CSI awarded IEEE Foundation Signature Project Status SunBlazer II rolled out, deployed to Cameroon 600 new PBK, HLK home lighting kits for Africa 1 month from completion assembly in Haiti Authorized build of 16 new SunBlazer II starting now; have quotes in hand and new one coming from Kenya; have waiting list for 30 systems for current Africa partners; have 14 new partners-in-waiting. Foundation requests NPSS continue funding at $100K level at which time fund to be self sustaining 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report2
IEEE Foundation Signature Project Status Award Foundation Feasibility Study by CCS Consulting funded by PES, 12/13-3/14 Goals: Plant sustainable community owned and operated micro utility electricity businesses to help least-developed country off-grid 1.4B population Raise $10M self-sustaining seed funding for 10 new electricity startups per year, 10 SunBlazer systems each, through 2020 Support foundational broad Community Based Education initiative starting with 3 year pilot program Support broad IEEE and non-IEEE sustainable development partnerships “Beyond the Lightbulb.” 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report3
Signature Project 2 Consulting team interviewed ~ 800 contacts, potential donors, IEEE staff, officers, foundation & industry. CSI prepared application, implementation plan with guidance from consulting firm and Foundation Submitted May 30th Foundation review team recommended go-ahead Foundation Board approved 6/15 Congratulatory messages to all CSI contacts on 6/21 NPSS lead donations starting 2010 played key role in success of CSI SunBlazer program 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report4
Projects Status & Plans Update 1 Item2014 TasksStatus & Plans 1FY13, FY14 NPSS Funds: SunBlazer II First unit ***Completed in NY early April, demonstrated at PES T&D Show Chicago mid-April; air-shipped to Cameroon for field deployment, training, model for in-country assembly factory by partner Torchbearer Foundation 2NPSS FY14 Funds: Assembly 600 PBKs, HLKs in Haiti for Africa ***Last of critical LVD parts from China, US shipped to Haiti July 2014 from NY; final assemblies to be shipped to Africa by end August /28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report5
2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report6 Projects Status & Plans Update 2 New starts Item2014 TasksStatus & Plans 3NEW –PES Funds: SunBlazer II next 6 seed units ***With Cameroon matching funds of $75K, six new SB-IIs will be built by the partner, as much as possible assembled in Africa. ***Kenya company quoting on all mechanics, assembling prototype for review by August 4NEW – 70/30 PES & NPSS Funds: SunBlazer II next 10 seed units ***Nextek obtained 4 mechanics quotes for turnkey kit system assuming Nextek provides integrated electronics package ***Mechanics might be built in Kenya but not electronics at this point ***Strong competition for new units from Africa, India, Dominican Republic etc.
SunBlazer II System at T&D Show ● Rolled out 4/14 ● Portable off-road ● Kit form ● Same specs as SB-I ● Cheaper ● 1 st unit to Cameroon 06/01/2014CSI Sustainable Business Model7
2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report8 Item2014 TasksStatus & Plans 5NEW –Funds TBD Remote Monitoring System PBK, SB-II ***Review proposal, requirements for improved, lower cost PBK design in collaboration with ESF France ***Design, demonstrate new commercial monitoring chip to perform remote monitoring and protection functions ***Reconfigure PBK with solid state charge status indicator to eliminate needle meter ***Target total commercial cost to <$50 6NEW – Funds TBD Community Education Initiative, CSI Posner Center ***Launch Education initiative 3 year pilot program in community where SunBlazers established ***Provide CSI member presence at CSI seat, Posner Center for International Development, Denver CO. Projects Status & Plans Update 3 New proposals - Unfunded
Progress –Other Partnerships PartnerFundingTasks Sirona HaitiNPSSFaulty battery LVDs replaced, operations stabilized 400 new batteries delivered, business model & standard operating procedure templates complete UNEPProject for lighting 3100 homes with PBKs underway; 700 complete to date GVEP NigeriaPESSampling field tests of light kits as well as micro-grid Power Africa Increasing PBK-HLK scope with $100K award. No CSI donations of SB-II available yet. VHSS South Sudan PESSampling field tests of light kits, charged from 6.5kW VHSS school system InvestorObtained $250K award to expand lighting, charging systems. No CSI donations of SB-II available yet. Seattle U/EWB group, Kenya AlstomElectrify school, solar-wind, will likely add SB-II mobile community power later 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report9
2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report10 Progress –Potential Partnerships PartnerStatus India4 separate groups expressing strong desire to partner; partner evaluation criteria in preparation for July 3o0th Workshop AfricaAdditional groups in South Africa, Zambia, Ghana, Senegal identified at recent CSI appearance at T&D, CSI Workshop s Montreal (June 1) and Washington (July 3oth); new contact working in Namibia just joined CSI; Congo hospital/clinic complex OtherContacts in Dominican Republic, Brazil, Nicaragua, Grenada from T&D and Montreal need follow-up. Additional opportunities emerging via Posner ‘s 70 INGO tenants Summary***Three Africa partners from 2012 are owed first priority for new SunBlazer systems; Cameroon started with matching funds ***All partners must contribute significant matching funds for on- ground business development. ***New Partner development will take ~1 yr to be ready for field units; once qualified may start with single unit deployment Total potential above is 14, well beyond goal of ten for coming year. Partner and funding development equally on critical path.
Progress - Workshops Sustainable Business Development Workshop Tutorial Montreal: Half day program presented at IHTC2014, on June 1, Well received and several new contacts for both reliable electricity and education emerged Washington DC: Workshop expanded to full day to also include Community Based Education tutorial, scheduled July 30 th at PES General Meeting CSI Strategic Planning Meeting with IEEE Foundation, PES, NPSS and other invitees, afternoon of July 3oth, Major emphasis is fundraising plans, team formation, goals to ramp to fully sustainable by 2017 San Jose CA: GHTC, October 10, 2014: DC workshop will be repeated; CSI has 4 papers at main conference 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report11
Appointments -Other Committees Robin Podmore appointed to IEEE Energy Africa Ad Hoc Committee Ray Larsen appointed to Humanitarian Ad Hoc Committee overseeing IEEE humanitarian funding; also continues as chair of SIGHT Projects Committee 2/28/2014CSI NPSS AdCom Report12