The New Strategic Planning Process at The Meadowbrook School April 2013
Didn’t we just do a strategic plan? In reality, the last strategic plan was approved in 2010, and in these fast-paced times it’s not unusual for organizations to start the process again in three years. The last strategic plan called for: One Campus Six new hires Multicultural internship program A fundraising initiative to pay for these new programs All of these efforts have been implemented – without a capital campaign! We were able to pay for them through a robust Annual Fund, cost management and enrollment management (more students than budgeted) As a result, the operating budget is now very tight, and we can’t pay for any growth or new initiatives without new funding. We want to continue to keep faculty salaries high and tuition increases low.
Why now?
Strategic Plan Facilities: How can we reconfigure 5 Autumn? Do we want to have all faculty and administrative staff in one place? How can we grow when we’re maxed out on space? How do advances in STEAM and other curricular strands affect classroom space? Marketing/community/adm issions What are we solving for? How do our diversity goals balance with siblings, etc? Do we want enrollment to change? How do we know that our marketing efforts are successful? Fundraising: What are our endowment needs in the future? What are our long-term goals for the Annual Fund? When should we initiate a new capital campaign? Hiring: Will we need new administrative staff or faculty to uphold our mission in the future?
Who will be involved? Trustees/board committees Strategic Council Faculty Parent Council/Parents Students Alumni
Why so many people? This is an immensely important time in the life of Meadowbrook, when we are thinking about a transformational vision for the future. We are a high-touch community. All voices need to be heard so that we can be sure that we design our future for all constituencies.
It all starts with mission…. We are a mission driven school; therefore, strategic planning begins with mission: the mission statement, core values and statement of inclusion. In turn, the mission will create the themes that will direct the strategic planning process.
New mission statement presented by Strategic Council in March board meeting: We know, love and challenge each child with passion, scholarship and rigor, pursuing excellence in an intentionally small environment. New vision statement presented by Strategic Council in March board meeting: The Meadowbrook School aspires to model courageous and enlightened leadership in order to develop transformational, empathic and ethical citizens.
What are the two major themes in the mission statement? (These themes will inform the strategic planning process) COMMUNITY high touch small classes love diversity empathy andEXCELLENCE academics arts leadership challenge citizenship (not an exhaustive list) Suggested:
Spring 2013Summer 2013 Fall 2013 Mission work – led by Steve, Janice, Sandy Get feedback from faculty, parents, EC, SC, board (head chats, division meetings, etc) Determine main themes Finalize wording Board approves at December 2013 meeting
At the same time, we learn from best practices…. It’s important that we initiate an “environmental scan” in order to determine best practices and also create an effective planning process
Spring 2013Summer 2013 Environmental Scan: academics, curriculum, space – led by Brendan, Gary Create working group: faculty, parents, board, alumni/students (ideally new faces – cultivating next generation of leaders) Working group identifies schools with future best practices in areas of curriculum, space, etc. Some members of working group will travel for school visits (“visiting team”) and some will comprise the “home team” – depending on members’ ability/availability for travel “home team” group will also do research: on-line, educational journals, phone interviews, local schools, etc. Working group (both teams) will present to the SC a report on best practices in these areas and recommendations for how to proceed in the strategic planning process (August 2013) Planning process starts fall 2013
Spring 2013Summer 2013 Environmental Scan: enrollment management – led by Susan Littlefield, Barbara Hire admissions/marketing consultant (Chris Baker?) with board-approved budget Working group: Susan, Strategic Council, enrollment management department, advancement department (including FA) Working group will present to the SC a report on the environmental scan, and recommendations for how to proceed in the strategic planning process (August 2013) Planning process starts fall 2013
Spring 2013Summer 2013 Environmental Scan: community – led by Jenny Seeman, Janice Working group: members of Parents Council, Multicultural Affairs Office, Community Committee, other parents, faculty Working group will present to the SC a report on the environmental scan, and recommendations for how to proceed in the strategic planning process (August 2013) Planning process starts fall 2013
Then the formal planning begins….
The framework….. (note: the following framework may change, depending on findings of the environmental scan)
Note: the working groups formed during the environmental scan phase might or might not continue to serve through the strategic planning process; this depends on the findings of the environmental scan
MISSION, VISION, VALUES EXCELLENCE, COMMUNITY On the y axis: PLANNING PHASES….. Phase 1: “50,000 foot level:” determine how our mission drives our strategy Phase 2: “30,000 foot level:” develop long-term strategic plans and goals Phase 3: identify how these plans and goals translate into needs vis-à-vis: facilities, financial needs, marketing, and hiring Phase 4: develop master plan, fundraising plan, marketing plan, hiring plan
MISSION, VISION, VALUES EXCELLENCE, COMMUNITY On the x axis: STRATEGIC AREAS….. Communit y Arts, athletics, whole child, literacy, STEAM, multicultural education, student support Profession- al support and develop- ment Gover- nance Admissions, financial assistance, diversity Ancillary programs Systems Curriculum
MISSION, VISION, VALUES EXCELLENCE, COMMUNITY Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: Phase 4: Strategic areas How does our mission relate to strategic areas? How does our mission direct us to do in relation to strategic areas? What are our long-term goals and plans related to strategic areas? What are our requirements of the new building in these strategic areas? What funding do we need to support our plans and goals in these strategic areas? How do our plans and goals in these strategic areas affect our marketing plans? Do our plans and goals in these strategic areas require new personnel? How will the master plan incorporate plans and goals in these strategic areas? How/from whom will we raise the funding necessary to support plans and goals in these strategic areas? How will our marketing plan incorporate plans and goals in these strategic areas? How will our hiring plan incorporate plans and goals in these strategic areas?
The team….. Executive Committee oversees entire process The process is driven by the Executive Committee and the Strategic Council together Project management: Steve and Janice Each systems strategic area (along the four phases) is led by a partnership of at least one Strategic Council member and at least one Trustee, and will involve a combination of board members, faculty, parents, board committee members The curriculum-related strategic area (along the four phases) will be driven by the Strategic Council, and will involve a combination of the Strategic Council and the faculty
The timeline…..
Fall 2013Spring 2014Summer 2014 Fall 2014 Strategic Council/Board Team convene working group, answer strategic questions Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3 Phase 4 Present to Strategic Council (as a group), which vets and approves November 2013April 2014August 2014 Present to Executive Committee, which vets and approves November 2013 April 2014September 2014 Present to Board of Trustees, which vets and approves, and gives go- ahead to move to next Phase December 2013 meeting May 2014 meeting October 2014 Campaign initiated Marketing plan goes into implementation (Building groundbreaking 7/1/2016, after 2 years of campaign fundraising)