STEP 3 - MALARIA ELIMINATION Malaria Active Infection Detection for enhanced surveillance at the community level Data CHW Training Materials 2012
COMMUNITY HEALTH FACILITY MOBILE PHONE REPORTING CHW INDICATORS CLINIC INDICATORS PASSIVE: PATIENT SEEKS OUT CLINIC Symptomatic individuals tested at the clinic Record: Name, Age, Sex, Address, Purpose, Comment*, Result Treatment ACTIVE: CHW CONDUCTS TEST AND TREAT Test as many individuals living around the positive case as possible (1 day / 2 boxes) Record : Name, Age, Sex, Address, Symptoms, Travel, Result, Treatment PASSIVE: PATIENT SEEKS OUT CHW Symptomatic individuals tested by CHW Record: Name, Age, Sex, Address, Purpose, Comment*, Result Treatment Steps 2&3 – Routine Malaria Surveillance for Elimination at Community Level EHT Data CHW POSITIVE POSITIVE * * - Travel History
Passive Register for Gladys Mbewe 07/03/12Daniel Katongo 5MKatowaHeadacheTravelled to Sinazongwe NegativeNo Treatment DateNameAgeSexAddressPurposeCommentResultTreatment 06/03/12Caster Kambole 32FKatowaVomittingNo TravelNegativeNo Treatment 09/03/12Jeffrey Kataya 28MKatowaVomittingNo TravelPositive1 x 24 Pack ACT 12/03/12Travelled – 1 Not Travelled - 2 Total Tested – 3 Positive - 1 Treated – 1 Not treated - 2 TOTALS 05/03/2012 – 12/03/2012
Active Register for Gladys Mbewe DateNameAgeSexAddressSymptomsTravelResultTreatment 10/03/12Catherine Kataya 26FKatowaFeverNo TravelNegativeNo Treatment 10/03/12James Kataya 8MKatowaNo symptomsNo TravelNegativeNo Treatment House 1 10/03/12Michael Chinyama 4MKatowaHeadacheNo TravelPositive1 x 12 Pack ACT 10/03/12Debra Chinyama 2FKatowaNo symptomsTravel to LusakaNegativeNo Treatment House 2 12/03/12Travelled – 1 Not Travelled - 3 Total Tested – 4 Positive – 1 Treated – 1 Not treated - 3 TOTALS House /03/2012 – 12/03/2012
Data Registers Separate from all other registers List all CHWs and their STATUS at the front One page = one week One line = one CHW When ALL CHWs have reported for that week Draw a line Add up the totals Enter the totals into the mobile phone
Front Page James Banda (Data CHW) Data Register for Bambu CHWs namesSTATUS James BandaReporting ( ) Gladys MbeweReporting ( ) Esnart PhiriReporting ( ) Chris NgosaReporting ( ) David Mvula Elizabeth Kangwa
Data Register 05/03/2012 – 12/03/2012 Name Health Post Passive NumbersActive Numbers TestedPositiveTravelledTreatedHousesTestedPositiveTravelledTreated James Banda Bambu Gladys Mbewe Katowa Esnart Phiri Masese Chris Ngosa Kazula TOTALS
Data Register Questions? 12/03/2012 – 18/03/2012 Is this page completed and ready to be totaled? Name Health Post Passive NumbersActive Numbers TestedPositiveTravelledTreatedHousesTestedPositiveTravelledTreated James Banda Bamba Gladys Mbewe Katowa Chris Ngosa Kazula
Mobile Phones These are GRZ property Treat them with care You are responsible for them NOT for personal use You will each sign for your phone
Phone Training Basic care and charging Turning the phone on Check the time (adjust) Navigating the phone Up / down / left / right 3 buttons Installing the reporting client Logging in Usernames / Passwords and PIN Entering Data
Data Connection Menu → Internet → Home → ‘Pay per use’ as a tariff plan → ‘Subscribe’ Message ‘Subscription was successful’ should appear Go back to the homescreen (End Call button – Red)
Download the mobile client You will receive an SMS Open the SMS → Press down until link is highlighted → Use → Go to Application is not from a trusted supplier. Continue anyway? → Yes Go back to the homescreen (End Call button – Red)
Starting the program and logging in Menu → Games → DHISMobile Enter username / password (from instructor) → Login → Yes Enter PIN as ‘1234’ → Next
Opening a form → Select ‘Step3’ Enter the date as the Monday that the week started from. For example if the week is from Monday the 26 th March to Monday the 2 nd April Select 26 th March 2012 → Options → Next
Entering Data Copy totals from your Data CHW register into the phone for that WEEK ONLY For each field / question: Type the Number → Press down to move to the next field Continue until all totals entered for that WEEK → Options → Save → Send Instructor to check data was sent
Do NOT DO NOT remove the battery DO NOT change the SIM DO NOT accept any settings from Airtel All of the above will RESET the phone and you will have to reconfigure EVERYTHING Use digits only with no preceeding 0 01 = WRONG, 1 = RIGHT
An Incentive to Work Each report you submit will earn you: 5,000 ZMK Airtime per week 20,000 ZMK per month On top of your CHW incentive
Communal Airtime will only be given if a report has been received No report = NO AIRTIME If you fail then none of the CHWs who report to you get any airtime
DHISMobile Tips Login names zztestl Zztestm zztestn Password Malaria1 Go to Login > Services > Reports > Dataset Report Dataset = Step3, Report Period = Weekly, Select correct week, Select correct organisation unit > Get Report