Copyright © 2012 School Nutrition Association. All Rights Reserved. Best Practices: Maintaining and Increasing Participation Laura Metzger Westonka Public Schools, MN Julia Bauscher, SNS Jefferson County Public Schools, KY
Jumpstart Your Participation Rates to Make Your Program Fly!
Goal of this workshop 1-2 ideas/methods that you can take back to your district to start increasing participation ASAP! DON’T WAIT – START MONDAY!
Vision: “A world in which hunger is not a barrier to children learning.” Mission: “Expand opportunities for the world’s children to receive adequate nutrition for learning and achieving their potential.” Why do we care?
If that’s not enough….. An example Sample District: 2,200 Students w/ 60% overall participation at lunch and 10% participation at breakfast w/ 24% free/reduced population Breakfast Current (-)5%(-)3%(+)3%(+)5% Revenue $5,582.36$5,303.24$5,414.89$5,749.83$5, /month -$ $167.47$167.47$ LunchCurrent (-)5%(-)3%(+)3%(+)5% Revenue $ 93, $ 89, $ 91, $ 97, $ 98, /month $ (4,694.45) $ (2,816.67) $ 2, $ 4, Revenue B+L $ 99, $ 94, $ 96, $ 102, $ 104, /month $ - $ (4,973.57) $ (2,984.14) $ 2, $ 4, /school year $ - $ (44,762.13) $ (26,857.28) $ 26, $ 44,762.13
On a Bigger Scale Sample District: 10,000 Students w/ 60% overall participation at lunch and 10% participation at breakfast w/ 24% free/reduced population Current (-)5%(-)3%(+)3%(+)5% Revenue B+L $ 377, $ 358, $ 366, $ 389, $ 396, /month $ - $ (18,893.32) $ (11,335.99) $ 11, $ 18, /school year $ - $ (170,039.85) $ (102,023.91) $ 102, $ 170,039.85
Presentation of food Marketing and promotion Quality of service Increasing seat time
Include your staff and teachers
Quality of Service
Invite parents in to eat with their students Invite parents to volunteer in your kitchen Invite staff to eat in your lunch line Ask staff for feedback Go to Parent Teacher Organization meetings
If you currently have a cycle menu that repeats all year – consider changing the cycle menu 2-3 times Offer something new and promote like crazy Ask brokers to come in and help serve their products Bottom line: If participation is dropping, change something!
“No more status quo in school nutrition”
Laura Metzger Westonka Public Schools
BEST PRACTICES Jefferson County Public Schools Louisville, KY Julia Bauscher, SNS, Director Maintaining and Increasing Participation
JCPS School and Community Nutrition Services 144 sites Central Kitchen/Warehouse 101,000 students 65% F/R 62,000 ADP Lunch 35,000 ADP Breakfast Breakfast in the Classroom Farm-to-School Summer Feeding Program CACFP
Breakfast in the Classroom Wal-Mart Foundation Grant19 Elementary Schools Buy-In = Success22 Schools 3,500 Additional Daily10% Increase in Participation
Farm-to-School 6 Farmer Contracts14 produce items New tastes for studentsCommunity support/Awareness
Summer Feeding Bus Donated by DistrictConverted by SCNS Expense Non-Traditional Sites
Student Nutrition Advisory Councils 33 Schools“Student-Tested/Approved” “Healthy Eating Ambassadors”Engagement/Excitement
Other Efforts Coordinator of Nutrition Initiatives Parent Newsletter School Gardens Local Chef Community Engagement Fun! Social Media Facebook Twitter
Track Results and Act! Daily, weekly, monthly performance monitoring Identify sites and areas that need improvement Create corrective action plan(s) Involve stakeholders Monitor/adjust plan Recognize improvements Celebrate success Monthly Manager and Team of the Month (Annual) Annual merchandising/promotion awards by level Professional development