Trouble on the Frontier Relations with American IndiansRelations with American Indians –King Philip’s War
Trouble on the Frontier Conflicts with FranceConflicts with France –Albany Plan of Union
Trouble on the Frontier French and Indian WarFrench and Indian War –British colonies grew in size –Britain became dominant power in the Americas –Spain grew in power in the Americas
Colonists move into BACKCOUNTRY frontier area between coastal settlements and Appalachian Mts. First Europeans to settle the backcountry were called PIONEERS
Colonists move into Ohio River Valley Forests, rich soil, abundant gameForests, rich soil, abundant game British start trying to take Indian’s landBritish start trying to take Indian’s land Indian tribes join forces Indian tribes join forces PONTIAC’S REBELLION Pontiac & followers attack British forts
Proclamation of 1763 By Britain’s King George III Bans British from settling west of Appalachian Mts. Colonists disregard –shows their unhappiness with British control
British Prime Minister George Grenville Because Britain has army in colonies, colonies should be taxed SUGAR ACT – 1 st act to raise money in colonies
Colonists are upset James OtisJames Otis Samuel AdamsSamuel Adams “No taxation without representation” (can’t tax colonists because colonies aren’t represented in Parliament) aren’t represented in Parliament)
Committees of Correspondence Shared ideas & info with groups in other towns about British laws & ways to challengeShared ideas & info with groups in other towns about British laws & ways to challenge BOYCOTT – refuse to buy certain goodsBOYCOTT – refuse to buy certain goods
Stamp Act Grenville proposes when colonists do not suggest alternative planGrenville proposes when colonists do not suggest alternative plan Protests!Protests! Colonists form SONS OF LIBERTY (used violence)Colonists form SONS OF LIBERTY (used violence) PATRICK HENRY – presents resolutions to House of Burgesses in VirginiaPATRICK HENRY – presents resolutions to House of Burgesses in Virginia Pressure to repeal Stamp ActPressure to repeal Stamp Act Repealed in 1766Repealed in 1766
Declaratory Act Parliament is upset with repeal of Stamp ActParliament is upset with repeal of Stamp Act States that Parliament has power to make laws for coloniesStates that Parliament has power to make laws for colonies
Townshend Acts placed duties on imported glass, lead, paper, paint & teaplaced duties on imported glass, lead, paper, paint & tea writs of assistance allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goodswrits of assistance allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods Colonists respond by boycotting, forming Daughters of LibertyColonists respond by boycotting, forming Daughters of Liberty
Boston Massacre Britain sends soldiers to keep orderBritain sends soldiers to keep order Colonists upsetColonists upset Tensions are highTensions are high Argument turns into fight/mob – soldiers fire into crowd, killing colonistsArgument turns into fight/mob – soldiers fire into crowd, killing colonists event becomes PROPAGANDA (info giving only 1 side of story)event becomes PROPAGANDA (info giving only 1 side of story)
Tax on Tea Parliament repeals Townshend Acts, keeps tax on tea (Tea Act)Parliament repeals Townshend Acts, keeps tax on tea (Tea Act) British tea ships in Boston Harbor – colonists demand they leave– colonists dress as Indians, sneak onto ship, throw tea into water—British tea ships in Boston Harbor – colonists demand they leave– colonists dress as Indians, sneak onto ship, throw tea into water— BOSTON TEA PARTY
Intolerable Acts Britain upset— pass actsBritain upset— pass acts Effects:Effects: Boston Harbor closed until pay for tea MA charter canceled Royal officials sent to Britain for trials Quartering Act Thomas Gage new Gov. of MA Thomas Gage new Gov. of MA Colonists angry, decide to join together to decide how to respondColonists angry, decide to join together to decide how to respond