The Prewriting: Exploring and Planning
Step One of The Writing Process: Exploring and Planning
THERE ARE SIX PREWRITING STRATEGIES Freewriting Brainstorming Clustering Cubing Using Journalist’s Questions Outlining
We will be discussing...
BRAINSTORMING To help discover ideas and the relationships among them, many writers find it useful to brainstorm. Brainstorming is making a list of everything that comes to mind about a subject.
GUIDELINE #1 (random list) Write a list of everything you can think of related to a particular topic: ä ideas ä experiences ä examples ä associations
DON’T be concerned about the order of ideas or how important they seem.
GUIDELINE #2 (grouped list) Read through your random list and look for patterns. Try to make connections among items by grouping them into categories. Then put an asterisk (*) next to the ideas that seem the most interesting or important.
EXAMPLES Following is an example of someone’s brainstorming the topic of culture shock.
EXAMPLE #1 Culture Shock (random list) ä homesick, lonely ä symptoms: physical (upset stomach) and emotional (boredom, depression) ä language difficulty ä different values ä criticizing the new culture
EXAMPLE #2 Culture Shock (grouped list) ä CAUSES OF CULTURE SHOCK –homesick, lonely –*different values ä EFFECTS OF CULTURE SHOCK –symptoms: physical (upset stomach) and emotional (boredom, depression) –*criticizing the new culture
NOW YOU TRY IT! Write your own “Random List” Review Example #1
EXAMPLE #1 Culture Shock (random list) ä homesick, lonely ä symptoms: physical (upset stomach) and emotional (boredom, depression) ä language difficulty ä different values ä criticizing the new culture
NOW YOU TRY IT! Write your own “Grouped List” Review Example #2
EXAMPLE #2 Culture Shock (grouped list) ä CAUSES OF CULTURE SHOCK –homesick, lonely –*different values ä EFFECTS OF CULTURE SHOCK –symptoms: physical (upset stomach) and emotional (boredom, depression) –*criticizing the new culture
GUIDELINE #3 (Final Thought) After brainstorming your topic, you might want to explore a particular aspect of it further by using one of the other five prewriting strategies:
THE WRITING PROCESS: EXPLORING AND PLANNING Good job! You are well on your way to writing an excellent essay. Keep up the good work as you continue your journey through the writing process.
THE END Information for this fabulous presentation was taken from: New Directions:An Integrated Approach to Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking Peter S. Gardner