The Dangers of Cyberbullying By: Rosanne Haberman Coordinator of Guidance and Counseling
What is Cyberbullying “Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies such as , cell phone and pager text messages, instant messaging (IM), defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.” – Bill Belsey
Another Definition of Cyberbullying: Online social cruelty that involves sending or posting harmful or cruel text or images using the internet or other communications devices.
Examples of Cyberbullying: Flaming – Sending angry, rude, or obscene messages directed at a person or persons privately or to an online group. Harassment – Repeatedly sending a person offensive messages.
Examples of Cyberbullying: Cyberstalking – Harassment that includes threats of harm or is highly intimidating. Denigration – Sending or posting harmful, untrue statements about a person to other people. Impersonation – Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material that makes that person look bad or places that person in potential danger.
Examples of Cyberbullying: Outing and Trickery – Sending or posting material about a person that contains sensitive, private, or embarrassing information, including forwarding private messages or images; engaging in tricks to solicit embarrassing information that is made public.
Examples of Cyberbullying: Exclusion – Actions that specifically and intentionally exclude a person from an online group.
Closely Related Concerns: Cyberthreats – Online material that either generally or specifically raises concerns that the creator may intend to inflict violence or harm to others or self. Risky online sexual behavior – Engaging in sexually related online activities, including seeking for sexual partners and providing sexually explicit images.
Signs of Cyberbullying Victimization Emotional Upset – Depression, sadness, anxiety, anger, or fear, especially if there is nothing readily apparent that could be causing this upset, or if a child seems especially upset after using the Internet. Avoidance of friends, school, or other activities.
Signs of Cyberbullying Victimization: Decline in Grades Subtle comments that reflect emotional distress or disturbed online or in-person relationships
How Does This Relate to Teen Suicide? Some teens are committing suicide as a result of cyberbullying. There is evidence of suicide pacts being posted online. When a student makes a suicide threat, educators should check out what students have been doing online to assess full information. It is recommended to ask both the student and parent about online activity.
How Does This Relate to Teen Suicide? School Librarians can be a good source for where kids are going on the Internet. It is possible to “Goggle” students you suspect of suicide. Frequently, the only people who know that a student is being victimized are other students. Students who are being victimized often do not tell adults because they are too emotionally traumatized, they think it is their fault, or they fear even greater retribution if they tell.
What Can We Do? Develop clear policies that address such misuse. Educate teens about the “tell all” phenomenon – For teens especially, the Internet has become a vehicle for massive self-disclosure of personal and sensitive information.
What Can We Do? Teach teens about the value of ethical behavior: They must learn the value of treating others with kindness and respect. In addition, online communication must have boundaries also. Cyberfootprints: Students must learn they are never truly invisible: They always leave prints that can be tracked if necessary.
Remember: Students/Teens must learn that online freedom must be balanced with personal responsibility. We have to focus on empowering young people with the values, skills, and motivation to protect themselves, avoid doing harm to others and take personal responsibility for their own actions.
References: Educator’s Guide to Cyberbullying, Addressing the Harm Caused by Online Social Cruelty: Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D. Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use A Parents’ Guide to Cyberbullying: Addressing Online Social Cruelty: Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D. Internet Bullying by Amanda Paulson Cyber Bullying by Mary Zimmerle