Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities Project STIR Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities
Rules Rights Responsibilities We can do what? Speak Up!
Rules Rules help us understand what we need to do to keep our rights. We ALL follow rules. Can you think of an example?
Rights Rights are the rules that help make people equal. Rights are given to everyone!
Responsibilities To have our own rights respected, it is our responsibility to respect the rights of others. We must also take responsibility for our actions.
Rules and Laws Rules and laws help us know what our rights and responsibilities are to ourselves and others.
You have the right to date. Your Right by Law You have the right to date.
Your Responsibilities Treat the other person with respect and remember: • Personal space issues • Intimacy issues • Friendliness
Topics to Discuss About Dating What does dating mean to you? • Holding hands • Meeting somewhere • Going to the dance • Going out to eat
You have the right to get married. Your Right by Law You have the right to get married. Responsibilities? Laws?
Your Responsibilities Treat your spouse with respect. Share responsibilities. • Paying the bills • Household chores • Keeping a job Are you ready??
Topics to Discuss About Getting Married Talk to each other about big decisions: • Are you going to have children? • Where are you going to live? • How are you going to spend your money?
You have the right to have children. Your Right by Law You have the right to have children.
Your Responsibilities Care for your child: • Doctors appointments • Food and clothes • A safe place to live • Unconditional love and affection
Your Right by Law You have the right to open your own mail and packages and to send other people mail.
You have the right to choose your job and to receive fair pay. Your Right by Law You have the right to choose your job and to receive fair pay.
What are YOUR Responsibilities?
Your Responsibilities Show up for work on time. Do the best job you can while at work. Call and let your boss know if you are sick and can not show up for work. Let your boss know if you have to leave work early.
You have the right to decide how to spend and save your money. Your Right by Law You have the right to decide how to spend and save your money.
What are YOUR Responsibilities?
Your Responsibilities Come up with a budget and spend within that budget. Ask for help if you need it. Know how much money you have. Decide if you want a bank account. Checking Account Savings Account
Your Right by Law You have the right to choose where to worship and how to express your beliefs.
Your Responsibilities Respect other people’s beliefs. Let someone know where and when you would like to worship.
You have the right to have a place to be alone. Your Right by Law You have the right to have a place to be alone.
Your Responsibilities You have the right to say “I want to be alone.” Choose a safe place to be alone. Let people know when you’ll be back. Respect other people’s right to be alone.
You have the right to choose Your Right by Law You have the right to choose your friends.
Your Responsibilities Treat your friends fairly Make sure your friends are treating you fairly
Topics to Discuss About Choosing Your Friends How would you treat your friends? Where would you go to meet new friends? (PACT CENTER ) Do you have common interests? How do want to be treated by your friends?
NOW LETS ROLE PLAY STEP ONE: Choose a Law examples include: Dating Marriage Kids Mail Choosing a job with fair pay How to spend and save money Where and how you worship A place to be alone
STEP TWO: Let’s uncover the situation you will act out And role-play!
You have the right to call and visit family and friends. Your Right by Law You have the right to call and visit family and friends.
Your Responsibilities Calling: Decide when is the best time to call the people you know. Let others know when you want to have privacy while on the phone. Make sure other people get a chance to talk on the phone if you are sharing a phone line. Visits Sometimes it is a good idea to call first. Be on time.
You have the right to decide what you want to eat. Your Right by Law You have the right to decide what you want to eat.
Your Responsibilities Know what you can and cannot eat for health reasons such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or if you doctor gives you a special diet.
You have the right to choose where you want to live. Your Right by Law You have the right to choose where you want to live.
Your Responsibilities Choose a safe place. Make sure the cost of the place you choose is within your budget. Check out the community. Is there public transportation? Are there any shopping centers ? Will friends and family be nearby?
You have the right to come and go as you wish. Your Right by Law You have the right to come and go as you wish.
Your Responsibilities Let others know where you are going and when you will be back. Be back when you say you will be or call and let someone know if you will be late.
You have the right to have visitors. Your Right by Law You have the right to have visitors.
Your Responsibilities Let other people who live with you know when visitors will be coming. Respect your roommate’s space when you have visitors.
You have the right to live in a clean, furnished home. Your Right by Law You have the right to live in a clean, furnished home.
Your Responsibilities Keep your home clean. Ask for help if you need it. Put things away when you are finished with them. Let someone know when things need to be fixed.
Your Right by Law You have the right to privacy and to expect people to knock before entering.
Your Responsibilities Respect other people’s rights to privacy. Knock before entering someone else’s home or bedroom. Remind others to give you privacy when you need it.
You have the right to have your own belongings. Your Right by Law You have the right to have your own belongings.
Your Responsibilities Take care of your things. Clothing Furniture Jewelry Ask before you use or borrow things that belong to other people.
Your Right by Law You have the right to participate in group activities or do things by yourself.
Your Responsibilities Group Decide together (negotiate) what you are going to do. Listen and respect everyone’s ideas. Alone Let others know when you would like to be alone. Make sure you are in a safe place when you are alone.
You have the right to get an education. Your Right by Law You have the right to get an education.
Your Responsibilities You need to decide… What are you interested in? What classes would you need to attend to learn more about your interests? Where are the classes offered? How would you get to class? What kinds of work would you have to do in the classes? Would you need any help? How will you pay for the classes?
Your Right by Law You have the right to choose your own doctors and to see the doctors when you want.
Your Responsibilities Make appointments when needed. Let someone know if you need help making appointments. Show up for your appointments. Decide what things you want to discuss with the doctor during your appointment. If you have questions, ask the doctor. That’s why he/she is there. Call your doctor if you cannot show up or will be late for you appointment.
Your Responsibilities Take care of your things. Clothing Furniture Jewelry Ask before you use or borrow things that belong to other people.
Your Right by Law You have the right to participate in group activities or do things by yourself.
Your Responsibilities Group Decide together (negotiate) what you are going to do. Listen and respect everyone’s ideas. Alone Let others know when you would like to be alone. Make sure you are in a safe place when you are alone.
You have the right to get an education. Your Right by Law You have the right to get an education.
Your Responsibilities You need to decide… What are you interested in? What classes would you need to attend to learn more about your interests? Where are the classes offered? How would you get to class? What kinds of work would you have to do in the classes? Would you need any help? How will you pay for the classes?
Your Right by Law You have the right to choose your own doctors and to see the doctors when you want.
Your Responsibilities Make appointments when needed. Let someone know if you need help making appointments. Show up for your appointments. Decide what things you want to discuss with the doctor during your appointment. If you have questions, ask the doctor. That’s why he/she is there. Call your doctor if you cannot show up or will be late for you appointment.
Topics to Discuss About Medical Care You may want a different doctor if: If you feel uncomfortable talking to the doctor you are seeing now. If your doctor is not helping you enough. If your doctor is not answering your questions.
You have the right to agree or refuse to participate in research. Your Right by Law You have the right to agree or refuse to participate in research.
Your Responsibilities Let others know when you do or do not want to participate. If you participate, you need to understand what the research is about. Make sure all of your questions are answered before you agree to do it.
Your Right by Law You have the right to receive or refuse therapy services Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Physical Therapy
Your Responsibilities Let others know if you do or do not want the services. Show up for all appointments. Call if you can not come or if you will be late. Change services or providers if they are not giving you what you want.
You have the right not to be put down by words or actions. Your Right by Law You have the right not to be put down by words or actions.
Your Responsibilities Let others know when you feel upset. Speak up for yourself. Tell someone who can help you.
You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect. Your Right by Law You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect.
Your Responsibilities Tell someone if you feel you are being treated unfairly. Friends Family Clients rights committee Protection and/or advocacy organization Treat others the same way you want to be treated.
Your Right by Law You have the right to calm yourself down when you are upset before other methods are used.
Your Responsibilities Use your problem solving skills to calm yourself down. Ask for help when you are upset. Explain to others why you are upset.
You have the right to get help. Your Right by Law You have the right to get help.
Your Responsibilities Ask for help from: Friends Family Professionals Lawyers Advocates
You have the right to choose an advocate. Your Right by Law You have the right to choose an advocate.
Your Responsibilities Take care of your things. Clothing Furniture Jewelry Ask before you use or borrow things that belong to other people.
Your Right by Law You have the right to participate in group activities or do things by yourself.
Your Responsibilities Group Decide together (negotiate) what you are going to do. Listen and respect everyone’s ideas. Alone Let others know when you would like to be alone. Make sure you are in a safe place when you are alone.
You have the right to get an education. Your Right by Law You have the right to get an education.
Your Responsibilities You need to decide… What are you interested in? What classes would you need to attend to learn more about your interests? Where are the classes offered? How would you get to class? What kinds of work would you have to do in the classes? Would you need any help? How will you pay for the classes?
Your Right by Law You have the right to choose your own doctors and to see the doctors when you want.
Your Responsibilities Make appointments when needed. Let someone know if you need help making appointments. Show up for your appointments. Decide what things you want to discuss with the doctor during your appointment. If you have questions, ask the doctor. That’s why he/she is there. Call your doctor if you cannot show up or will be late for you appointment.
Topics to Discuss About Medical Care You may want a different doctor if: If you feel uncomfortable talking to the doctor you are seeing now. If your doctor is not helping you enough. If your doctor is not answering your questions.
You have the right to agree or refuse to participate in research. Your Right by Law You have the right to agree or refuse to participate in research.
Your Responsibilities Let others know when you do or do not want to participate. If you participate, you need to understand what the research is about. Make sure all of your questions are answered before you agree to do it.
Your Right by Law You have the right to receive or refuse therapy services Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Physical Therapy
Your Responsibilities Let others know if you do or do not want the services. Show up for all appointments. Call if you can not come or if you will be late. Change services or providers if they are not giving you what you want.
You have the right not to be put down by words or actions. Your Right by Law You have the right not to be put down by words or actions.
Your Responsibilities Let others know when you feel upset. Speak up for yourself. Tell someone who can help you.
You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect. Your Right by Law You have the right to be treated fairly and with respect.
Your Responsibilities Tell someone if you feel you are being treated unfairly. Friends Family Clients rights committee Protection and/or advocacy organization Treat others the same way you want to be treated.
Your Right by Law You have the right to calm yourself down when you are upset before other methods are used.
Your Responsibilities Use your problem solving skills to calm yourself down. Ask for help when you are upset. Explain to others why you are upset.
You have the right to get help. Your Right by Law You have the right to get help.
Your Responsibilities Ask for help from: Friends Family Professionals Lawyers Advocates
You have the right to choose an advocate. Your Right by Law You have the right to choose an advocate.