Understanding Behavior Behavior Management & Modification LARRY SCOTT Ken-Ton School District
Attention-Seeking Behavior Children value attention, some desire any attention- positive and negative. Negative adult response (reprimand) can be reinforcing. Child misbehaves Adult reprimands
Break Attention-Seeking Cycle Positive Attention: 1. Pat student on shoulder 2. Make eye contact & smile 3. Check in with student 4. Call on student 5. Praise student (verbal, nonverbal, written) 6. Converse with student 7. Give student a classroom task that is desired
Break Attention-Seeking Cycle Positive attention should be provided as frequently as negative attention seeking behavior occurs May only be required in particular settings and times Ignore negative attention-seeking behavior or in discrete manner redirect student back on- task Fade positive attention as negative behavior reduces or discontinues
Noncompliance / Defiance Defiant students usually have a painful history of rejection in personal relationships Often perceive rejection and view adults as threatening Defiant students often lack effective communication & negotiation skills May act out to mask poor skills and/or insecurities Often choose to defy to avoid/escape tasks and/or to gain control of situations/others
Noncompliance / Defiance Conflicts / Power Struggles / Arguments involve at least two parties Be aware of preconceptions- trivial behavior may produce angry / aggressive response and trigger resistance from student Angry reactions (raising voice, appearing angry, or attempting to intimidate) to behavior is negative reinforcement & worsens defiance Defiance can become deliberate strategy Defiant students gain control with each and every angry response from adult
Nonverbal Communication with Defiant Students 1. Relax and reflect on how you are feeling and will respond 2. Model that you will not be pulled into power struggle 3. Stay outwardly calm, professional, & business-like 4. Low tone of voice 5. Establish eye contact and call student by name 6. Move toward student slowly, respect student’s space, speak privately, & sit nearby student at their level 7. Be aware of nonverbal communication- avoid mismatch with words
Verbal Communication with Defiant Students 1. State directive in positive manner 2. Use clear and specific terms, but keep it brief 3. Ask open ended questions (avoid WHY questions) 4. Active Listening: summarize a person’s ideas, opinion, or point of view 5. Emotional Labeling: validate student emotion 6. I-Centered Statements 7. Strategic Pauses
Communication with Defiant Students 1. Provide choice with logical consequences 2. Offer student a Face-Saving Out 3. Focus on behavior, while acknowledging that you value student 4. Do not attempt to force a student to comply 5. Avoid demands when student is upset 6. HUMOR
My Tips to Avoid Conflict Establish relationship Random problem-solving Acknowledge student prior to stating expectation Remove student from audience Simple nonverbal communication Time-away techniques
Strategies for Defiance / Noncompliance 1. Allow student a “cool down” break when upset / angry 2. Assign reflective essay or apology after misbehavior and student is calm 3. Consequences- predetermined, fair, consistent 4. Behavior Contract 5. Redirect / Distract student when showing signs of frustration