Stress Reaction of mind and body to demands on life Stressor Something that causes stress
Eustress vs. Distress Eustress- stressor that is positive, motivational, increases confidence, increases productivity Distress- stressor that is negative, breaks you down, hard to deal with
Eustress Examples Dating Planning for a dance (homecoming, turnabout) Competitions Try outs Getting a job School expectations Planning weddings, vacations Later in life- a baby Distress Examples Death in the family Homework, tests, and projects Drama with friends Peer pressure Pressure from parents Annoying siblings
Stress really starts with… Your PERCEPTION of the event or situation. Lizard and newscaster Lizard and newscaster Lizard and newscaster
General Adaptation Syndrome 3 Stages Alarm- fight or flight response Body reactions: adrenaline, ^ heart rate, ^ oxygen, muscles tighten, mind on high alert Resistance- Body functions at higher than normal levels until it effectively deals with stressor Body attempts to return to a state of balance called homeostasis. Exhaustion/Fatigue- can occur with long periods of stress (divorce, death, loss of job) Can lead to stress related illness (minor to serious)
80% of doctors visits are attributed to stress Why was the general adaptation syndrome helpful to the caveman? Why is it damaging to humans today?
Signs of Stress Physical Signs Headaches, trembling or twitching, upset stomach, migraines, sweating, rash, constipation, diarrhea, pounding heart, muscle aches and tightness, trouble sleeping, grinding teeth, dry mouth, nervous twitches or tics, dizziness, back pain, ringing in ears
Emotional Signs Frustration, nervousness, boredom, edginess, feeling powerless, being quick to anger, impatience, mood swings, worrying, loneliness, confusion, crying, low self-esteem, becoming easily upset without a cause
Mental Signs Trouble reading or thinking clearly, lack of creativity, constant worry, obsessive thoughts, inability to make decisions, forgetting, losing sense of humor and perspective
Behavioral Signs Not eating, overeating, compulsive talking, verbal or physical outbursts, fidgeting, using alcohol, caffeine, or other drugs, smoking, gambling, tapping feet, drumming fingers, hurrying, forgetting one’s values, withdrawing, reckless and high-risk behaviors like driving too fast withdrawing, reckless and high-risk behaviors like driving too fast
Psychosomatic Illnesses Physical conditions caused or aggravated by stress
Examples Decrease immune functioning Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) Muscle stiffness/pain Asthma Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ulcers Migraine headaches High blood pressure Heart attack Stroke
Personality Types Type A- impatient, competitive, driven to work hard, aggressive *Is more likely to suffer from stress related illnesses if stress isn’t managed Type B- laid back, less hurried, patient, noncompetitive