Digital Poem By: Sean McCallum
The Man With the Crown
Billy was a boy who lived in a terrible town Everyday, he would worry about the man with the crown Big and tall, the man was And he gave everyone orders, just because
One day, he worked the town until everyone was tired And even a few so tired they were fired The man said “All who disobey, will feel my power, And they’ll end up not living through the hour. Remember what happened to Roger? That man can walk no longer!”
Billy was so fed up and stressed He tried to figure out how to change this mess He thought and thought until he couldn’t think And then he spotted something over by his sink It was a little key, that led to a room
He remembered it was to only be used in times of gloom He grabbed his key, and entered the palace like land behind the door And thought to himself “We will suffer no more.”
The next day he went to all the doors and rang Today my friends, we will have change By night time the whole village knew Even Bobby, Jerry and Drew
When the man went to sleep, they all went to Billy And one by one, entered the palace so they could finally be silly In the palace, they partied all night They could do whatever, without fright
The next morning, the man woke up His same old self, mean and stuck up He looked out his window, the village was dormant The man was upset, there was no one to torment
But just then, he heard a little sound, from Billy’s house It was quieter than a squeak from a mouse He went down the road with his army and men Got to Billy’s house, and wondered, “Where are all the gentleman?”
He entered the house, heard all the laughter and shouting He was upset and started pouting And he thought to himself, “Why is everyone having fun and leaving me alone Why can’t I just be one of their own?”
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