Wonder PowerPoint Slides Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Wonder PowerPoint Slides This PowerPoint Presentation is a collection of all of the prompts in the Read-Aloud Teacher Guide and Literary Log. Students could be directed to respond to the writing prompts in their own notebooks or iPads/computers. If using iPads or computers, those Individual Student Responses could easily be emailed to the teacher for viewing and comments. Each slide is labeled with the titles of each part and includes any pertinent vocabulary that may demand additional explanations or definitions to facilitate comprehension. Slides are designed to engage students and help them focus on the prompts. Graphics are intended to engage students while providing visual clues to the prompts. Directions for Wonder PowerPoint
Wonder by r. j. palacio
Before Reading Part One… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part One… Look at the caricature: Who do you think it is? Does the caricature give you any clues to the character it represents? Who is Fate? What do you think destiny means? Part One: August Vocabulary: caricature, fate, destiny
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Fate smiled and destiny laughed as she came to my cradle… --Natalie Merchant (p. 2) What does this quote mean to you? Part One: August
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Ordinary about me Not ordinary about me Part One: August Ordinary Vocabulary: ordinary, extraordinary
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you or anyone you know had surgery? What do you remember about it? Part One: August: Why I Didn’t Go to School Vocabulary: surgery
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you had any friends like August’s friends? Why didn’t August go to school until the fifth grade? Part One: August Why I Didn’t Go to School
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Did you think August’s story about his birth was funny? Why or why not? Part One: August How I Came to Life Vocabulary: cleft palate, anomalies
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts When should kids have the right to make an important decision like August’s going to school? Part One: August Christopher’s House
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think August’s parents should have told him about their decision to find a school for him? Why is Tushman a funny name? What do the words tush, behind, rear-ended, and bum have in common? Part One: August Driving Vocabulary: lamb to slaughter
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why do you think August is nervous about taking a tour of the school? Part One: August Paging Mr. Tushman Vocabulary: mumble
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Who do you know who is like Mrs. Garcia? What kind of handshake do you have? Turn to an elbow partner and shake hands. What do you think you can tell from a handshake? Part One: August Nice Mrs. Garcia Teaching Note: Consider demonstrating how to shake hands in a traditional manner as well as non-traditional handshakes. You may even want to create a class handshake.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you agree with August when he said little kids don’t try to hurt your feelings, because they don’t always know what they’re saying, but big kids do know what they’re saying and if they’re hurting your feelings? Do you like Mr. Tushman? Why or why not? Part One: August Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why do kids sometimes hide something about themselves from other kids, like August hiding behind his long hair? Describe something you do to hide from something like August does with his long hair. Part One: August Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think of Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte? Who do you predict will become August’s friends? Why? Part One: August The Grand Tour
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Describe how August felt during the school tour. Have you ever felt that way? Part One: August The Performance Space Vocabulary: play, obnoxious, elective, rude, supposedly
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did August tell Mr. Tushman that everyone was really nice, when Julian was not very nice to him? What would you have done? Part One: August The Deal
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why was August’s mom so upset that she said that August didn’t have to go to school if he didn’t want to? Part One: August Home
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why do you think August wants to go to school now?
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts List words that describe how August felt on his first day of school. List words that describe how you felt on your first day of school or first day at a new school. Circle the feelings that you and August have in common. Part One: August First-Day Jitters Vocabulary: embarrassed
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What did you think of the way the teacher and kids treated August? Why didn’t August help Henry with his lock? Part One: August Locks Vocabulary: forewarned
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Write down two things you would like others to know about you that they already don’t know. Part One: August Around the Room
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why would Julian want to be mean to August? Is Julian’s a bully? Why or why not? How does a bully act? Part One: August Lamb to the Slaughter
When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. Wonder PowerPoint Prompts When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. What does Mr. Browne’s precept mean? Why does August think that he is going to like school? Part One: August Choose Kind Vocabulary: precept
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Choose Kind… Write down three things that you would consider doing that are kind. Part One: August Choose Kind Vocabulary: precept
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why would Via, August’s sister, warn him about lunch? Describe any experiences you have had during lunch that might make you warn a new student about lunch. Part One: August Lunch
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What would make someone sit at August’s table? Part One: August The Summer Table Vocabulary: cool beans
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts AwesomeAwful Why was August mad at his Mom? How would you rate August’s first day at school on a scale of one to ten (one being awesome and ten being awful)? Part One: August One to Ten
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Describe a time when you felt like August is feeling about school—both happy and unhappy at the same time. Describe a time you felt both happy and sad. OR Describe something you did that was like August cutting off the little braid on the back of his head. Part One: August Padawan
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think school will get easier for August? Why or why not? Part One: August Wake Me Up when September ends
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts HAHAHAHAHAHA Why was August laughing with Jack? Part One: August Jack Will Vocabulary: coincidence
YOUR DEEDS ARE YOUR MONUMENTS. Wonder PowerPoint Prompts YOUR DEEDS ARE YOUR MONUMENTS. What do you think? Part One: August Mr. Browne’s October Precept Vocabulary: monuments, deeds
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What does “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” mean? Do you think it always has a negative meaning? What made August feel like his birthday party was great? Part One: August Apples
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Who is Boba Fett? Is it important to know who this is? Why or why not? Part One: August Halloween Vocabulary: politically correct Teaching Note: Show students a picture of Boba Fett.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think about August’s aversion to having his picture taken? Do you agree or disagree with him? Why or why not? Part One: August School Pictures Vocabulary: phobia, aversion
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How would you feel if you were August and no one wanted to touch you? If you were in August’s classes, would you act like the other kids? Why or why not? Part One: August The Cheese Touch
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think it makes a difference to anyone how an individual looks? Why or why not? What do you think of August’s idea that everyone should wear masks and get to know each other before they got to see what everyone looked like under their masks? Part One: August Costumes
What do you think is going to happen when August goes to school wearing his costume?
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you ever felt like August after he heard Jack Will talking to Julian? Why did Jack Will say those things? If you were August’s friend, what would you say to him? Part One: August The Bleeding Scream
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why didn’t August tell his mother what made him “sick”? Part One: August Names
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Fate smiled and destiny laughed as she came to my cradle…--Natalie Merchant Review what you wrote about this quote. After reading Part One, does the meaning of the quote change for you? Explain why or why not. Part One: August
Before Reading Part Two… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part Two… Look at the caricature. Who do you think it is? Does the caricature give you any clues to the character it represents? How is it different from the caricature at the beginning of Part One? Part Two: Via
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Far above the world, Planet Earth is blue, And there’s nothing I can do. David Bowie What does this quote mean? Part Two: Via Teaching Note: Show a picture of the Earth from outer space.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Reread the last paragraph of this part. What do you think Via means when she talks about the galaxy changing and planets falling out of alignment? Part Two: Via A Tour of the Galaxy Vocabulary: galaxy, alignment
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Sketch what you think your family galaxy might look like. Part Two: Via A Tour of the Galaxy
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you remember about yourself before you started school? Part Two: Via Before August
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What made Via look at August in two different ways? Why was Grans so important to Via? Part Two: Via Seeing August
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Does Via’s description of August’s face match how you pictured him? How do you think August views himself? What is normal? Part Two: Via Through a Peephole Vocabulary: gene, normal
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why don’t friends have to explain things to one another? Part Two: Via High School Vocabulary: deformed
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What is upsetting Via about her friends Miranda and Ella? Why is this part titled: Major Tom? Part Two: Via Major Tom Vocabulary: dynamics Teaching Note: Play “Space Oddity” by David Bowie before reading this chapter.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Describe a time when you felt like either Via or August? Why is it so difficult to talk about something sometimes with someone else? Part Two: Via After School Vocabulary: sarcastic
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why is Via upset about August cutting off his Padawan braid without telling her first? Why do you think August cut the braid off? Part Two: Via The Padawan Bites the Dust Vocabulary:
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why does August’s mom stand outside his door at night sometimes? Why does Via wonder if her mom ever stands outside of her door? Part Two: Via An Apparition at the Door Vocabulary: apparition
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why is it so hard for parents and guardians to let their children do things on their own? Part Two: Via Breakfast
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What does all of this mean? Part Two: Via Genetics 101 Vocabulary: genetics
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Does science have all the answers? Why or why not? Part Two: Via The Punnett Square
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think about the groups Via writes about—the smart kids, popular kids, etc.? Part Two: Via Out with the Old Vocabulary: crush
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Which character do you like the best so far: August, Via, their Dad, or their Mom? Why? Part Two: Via October 31
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What made August feel better? If something is really bothering you, something that is making you sad or angry, what do you do? Part Two: Via Trick or Treat
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How did Via get August to agree to go back to school? Why was Via happy about Miranda’s message? What do we learn about August from Via? Part Two: Via Time to Think Vocabulary: flabbergasted
Before Reading Part Three… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part Three… Look at the caricature. Does this caricature resemble Summer? How is it different from the caricatures at the beginning of Part One and Part Two? Part Three: Summer Vocabulary: beautiful Teaching Note: Play the song, “You are Beautiful” .
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts You are beautiful no matter what they say; Words can’t bring you down; You are beautiful in every single way; Yes, words can’t bring you down. Christina Aguilera Part Three: Summer
How many ways are you beauiful? Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How many ways are you beauiful? Draw pictures or designs, use words or phrases to indicate how many ways you are beautiful. For example, this graphic/drawing might say that I am good team member. Part Three: Summer Teaching Note: Consider adding one way you think the student is beautiful as you read their responses to this prompt.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you ever been a “new” kid at school? How do you think you should treat new kids? How would you have treated August? Part Three: Summer Weird Kids Vocabulary: weird, freak
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts The Plague What do you think about this game? Have you ever heard of something like this? How do you think this type of game makes August feel? Part Three: Summer The Plague Vocabulary: plague
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did Summer leave the party? What would you have done if you were Summer? Part Three: Summer The Halloween Party
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts ? What do you think about this idea that there are popular kids and kids that aren’t popular or in a popular group? Part Three: Summer The Halloween Party
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why are August and Summer friends? What makes someone a good friend? Part Three: Summer November
Warning: This Kid is Rated R Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Warning: This Kid is Rated R What does the title of this part mean? When August says he is considered a “medical wonder,” what do you think that has to do with the title? Part Three: Summer Warning: This Kid is Rated R Vocabulary: biracial
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you do when you see someone who looks different from you, perhaps someone like August? Part Three: Summer Warning: This Kid is Rated R
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think happens when people die? Part Three: Summer Warning: This Kid is Rated R
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did Summer give Jack a hint why August was mad at him? What do you think Jack will do with the hint? Part Three: Summer The Egyptian Tomb Vocabulary: giddy, oath
Before Reading Part Four… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part Four… Look at the caricature. Does the caricature look like how you pictured Jack? How is it different from the caricatures at the beginning of Parts One, Two, and Three? Part Four: Jack
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Now here is my secret. It is very simple. It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. –Antoine de Sant-Exupery What is the secret in this quote? What do you think this quote has to do with what might happen in this part? Part Four: Jack Vocabulary: essential
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why didn’t Jack want to be a welcome buddy? What would you have done if you were Jack? Part Four: Jack The Call Vocabulary: flattering
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do people sometimes hurt others without meaning to hurt them? If so, can you share an example? If not, why not? Part Four: Jack Carvel
Before Reading this Part… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading this Part… What do you think Jack changed his mind about? Part Four: Jack Why I Changed My Mind Vocabulary: phony, sympathetic
After Reading this Part… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts After Reading this Part… Why did Jack change his mind? Part Four: Jack Why I Changed My Mind
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What makes August a good friend? What makes anyone a good friend? Part Four: Jack Four Things
Think of one of your friends… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Think of one of your friends… What makes that person a good friend? What makes you a good friend? Part Four: Jack Four Things
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How do you feel about Jack? What do you think he should do? What would you do if you were in Jack’s shoes? What would you do if you were in August’s shoes? Part Four: Jack Ex-Friends
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why would Jack want to tell August about Lightning? Part Four: Jack Snow
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Write about some time in your life you did something very brave and how, because of it, something good happened to you. Part Four: Jack Fortune Favors the Bold Vocabulary: fortune, bold
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why didn’t Jack want the boys to know he was the one who found the sled? What would have happened if Jack had told the boys about the sled before he found out it was Miles’ old sled? Part Four: Jack Private School
Why did the author title this part, “Private School”?
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What does it feel like to you when you realize you have hurt someone without meaning to hurt that person? Part Four: Jack In Science
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Now that Jack remembers talking meanly about August, what do you think he will do? Will Jack and August ever be friends again? Why or why not? Part Four: Jack In Science
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did Jack punch Julian? Do you agree or disagree with that action? Why or why not? What else might Jack have done instead of punching Julian? Part Four: Jack Partners Vocabulary: smirking
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why couldn’t Jack tell the principal and his mother the reason he punched Julian? Do you agree with the principal’s punishment for Jack? Why or why not? Part Four: Jack Detention Vocabulary: detention
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How are August’s, Jack’s, and Julian’s families the same and different? Part Four: Jack Season’s Greetings
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think that Julian’s mother is right about not letting someone like August into the school? Why or why not? Why does it seem like it is easier to say you’re sorry in writing—a letter, email, Facebook, or text—then it is in person? Part Four: Jack Letters, Emails, Facebook, Texts Vocabulary: inkling
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts If kids knew how they treated other kids could make those kids feel really bad, how might they change how they treated all kids? Part Four: Jack Back from Winter Break Vocabulary: dissed
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you ever been treated the way Jack was treated? If so, how did you feel? If not, how do you think you would feel? Part Four: Jack Back from Winter Break
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What does the author mean by “The War”? What is the right thing in this situation—Julian, Julian’s parents, or the school? Part Four: Jack The War Vocabulary: neutral
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why do you think Jack never sat with Summer and August at their lunch table before now? Part Four: Jack Switching Tables
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did August start smiling when Jack admits it’s weird not to have people talk to you and pretend you don’t exist? Part Four: Jack Why I Didn’t Sit With August the First Day of School Vocabulary: hypocrite
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How does August use humor to put people at ease? Part Four: Jack Sides
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How do you feel when you go to a friend’s house for the first time? What makes you feel that way? Part Four: Jack August’s House
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Alike & Different How are Jack and August different? How are Jack and August alike? List one way you are not like Jack. List one way you are not like August. List one way you are like Jack. List one way you are like August. What do you think? Part Four: Jack August’s House
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think this was the first time Justin went to Via’s house? How do you think Justin was feeling about going to Via’s house for the first time? Part Four: Jack The Boyfriend
Before Reading Part Five… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part Five… Look at the caricature. Does the caricature look like how you pictured Justin? Part Five: Justin
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Sometimes I think my head is so big because it is so full of dreams. John Merrick What kind of dreams, make your head big? Part Five: Justin
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Who is Olivia? Why do you think Justin calls her Olivia? Justin does not use capital letters. what does that tell you about Justin? Part Five: Justin Olivia’s Brother
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Elephant Man is a play about a man who had severe deformities. Our Town is a play about families in a small town. Why would the drama teacher choose Our Town over Elephant Man? Part Five: Justin Our Town Vocabulary: understudy, rehearsal Teaching Note: Consider explaining that Our Town and The Elephant Man, adding a brief summary of each play.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts If someone went out to dinner with your family for the first time, how would they describe your family? Part Five: Justin Valentine’s Day
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think Justin and Olivia wished for? What would you wish for? Part Five: Justin Ladybug
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What would you do if you were Jack? Would you do nothing, tell your parents, tell your teacher? What possessed Justin to talk to Julian, Henry, and Miles? Part Five: Justin The Bus Stop Vocabulary: possess Teaching Note: Consider showing a video clip of Clint Eastwood as a tough guy.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think about Miranda? Why would she ask Justin if he is OK with it? Part Five: Justin Rehearsal
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How do you think the universe takes care of all its birds? Part Five: Justin Bird Vocabulary: embarrassed
What does this quote from Shakespeare have to do with August? Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What does this quote from Shakespeare have to do with August? What a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and moving how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world!... Shakespeare, Hamlet Part Six: August Vocabulary: infinite, apprehension
Before Reading Part Six… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part Six… Look at the caricature. What does it tell you about this next part, written from the perspective of August? Part Six: August Vocabulary: infinite, apprehension
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What does “like seeks like” mean? Why do you think August’s Mom and Dad thought it was a funny observation? Do you agree with August’s observation? Part Six: August North Pole
Before Reading This Part… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading This Part… What do you think the Auggie Doll is? Part Six: August The Auggie Doll Vocabulary: snitching
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think would have been a better way for Jack and August to handle this “war”? Part Six: August The Auggie Doll Vocabulary: snitching
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Think about what August said about him being the model for the Uglydolls and why it was funny. How does laughing together about something make things better? Part Six: August The Auggie Doll Vocabulary: snitching
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you ever felt like August, being forced to do something you really did not want to do? Part Six: August Lobot
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think happens when the doctor puts on August’s new hearing aids? Part Six: August Lobot
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts “Funny how sometimes you worry a lot about something and it turns out to be nothing.” Describe a time you worried a lot about something and it turned out to be nothing. Part Six: August Hearing Brightly
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did it get so quiet all of a sudden? What do you think happened between Via and her Mom? Part Six: August Via’s Secret Vocabulary: taciturn
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Describe a time when you experienced what happened to August? You started out feeling neither sad nor mad or anything, but something happened that made a feeling just explode out of you. It might have been anger or a burst of tears that surprised you. Part Six: August My Cave
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What was that emotion? Explain what caused that emotion to explode out of you. Part Six: August My Cave
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did taking Daisy to the vet change everything at that moment? Part Six: August Goodbye Vocabulary: whimpering
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How do you deal with situations that are very sad? What helps you feel better? Part Six: August Daisy’s Toys
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why is it so hard to lose someone or something you love? Part Six: August Heaven
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Were you surprised to find out Via was playing Emily in the play instead of Miranda? What do you think happened to Miranda? Part Six: August Understudy
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you ever been to a play or a live performance? If so, what was it and how did you like it? Part Six: August The Ending
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts I forgot that I might see So many beautiful things I forgot that I might need To find out what life could bring. Andain Who do you think this quote is about? Part Seven: Miranda
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did Miranda pretend August was her little brother? Have you ever told a story like Miranda did? If so, why? If not, why not? Part Seven: Miranda Camp Lies Vocabulary: remote
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why would Miranda tell the theater class teacher it was her little brother that was deformed, and not Via’s brother? Part Seven: Miranda School
What do you think about the relationship between Miranda and Via? Are they still friends? If yes, why? If no, why?
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts If Miranda and Via are not as close as they were, why would Miranda tell August to say hi to Via and tell her that she misses her? Part Seven: Miranda What I Miss Most
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why do you think Miranda stepped down to allow Via to play Emily in the play? Part Seven: Miranda Extraordinary, but No One There to See
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think that Miranda was glad she allowed Via to play Emily in the play? Why or why not? Part Seven: Miranda The Performance Vocabulary: bittersweet, euphoric
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What qualities does Miranda have that makes her a good friend to August and to Via? Part Seven: Miranda After the Show
Before Reading Part Eight… Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Before Reading Part Eight… You’re gonna reach the sky Fly…Beautiful child Eurythmics What does the caricature and quote tell you about this part and August? Part Eight: August Teaching Note: Play “Beautiful Child” by the Eurythmics.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Describe a time when you slept over at someone’s house. Was it similar to August’s experience? Why or why not? Part Eight: August The Fifth-Grade Nature Retreat Vocabulary: retreat
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think you are known for? Is being known for something a good or bad thing? Why? Part Eight: August Known For
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Excited and Nervous August is both excited and nervous about the trip. What makes growing up hard? Part Eight: August Packing Vocabulary: incantation
But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation. What do you think this last sentence of this part means? Is it a sign that everything is going to be OK, or a sign that maybe things are not going to be OK?
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why didn’t August need Baboo anymore? Part Eight: August Daybreak
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Have you ever been somewhere that matches August’s description of the forest and campground? What was it like? Part Eight: August Day One Teaching Note: Consider serving S’Mores and sitting on the floor around a virtual campfire.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Things are going very well for August. What do you think is going to happen next? Part Eight: August The Fairgrounds
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Be Kind to Nature What does the title, Be Kind to Nature, mean? Part Eight: August Be Kind to Nature
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do you think about the boys’ behavior? Part Eight: August The Woods Are Alive
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Who are Amos, Miles, and Henry? Why would they help August and Jack? Part Eight: August Alien Vocabulary: alien
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why do you think Amos, Miles, and Henry finally accepted August? Part Eight: August Voices in the Dark
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts How would you feel if it was very, very dark and your hearing was muffled? Part Eight: August The Emperor’s Guard Teaching Note: Direct students to place their palms tightly over their ears. Talk to them, play music, and then, after they remove their palms from their ears, ask them what that felt like.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What had changed for August? Part Eight: August Sleep
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why didn’t August’s Mom slam him with questions? Part Eight: August Aftermath Vocabulary: aftermath
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What did August’s Mom mean when she said there will always be jerks in the world, but there are more good people than bad, and good people watch out for each other and take care of each other? Do you agree with this? Part Eight: August Home
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did August’s Mom let both August and Via stay home—was it really just to play with the new puppy? Part Eight: August Bear
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Telephone Stand in a circle. A sentence will be whispered in your ear. Turn to the person on your left, and whisper that same sentence into his or her ear. Last person say the sentence aloud. Here’s the original sentence. Is it the same or different from the last sentence we just heard? Why? Optional Activity Before Reading Part Eight: August The Shift Teaching Note: In order to demonstrate how stories grow and change, consider playing a few rounds of “Telephone.” Direct students to sit or stand in a circle. Whisper a sentence that you have written down, to the first student, who whispers it to the next student, until full circle. At the end of the circle, read the original sentence.
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts The Shift What was the shift? Part Eight: August The Shift Vocabulary: shift
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What animal would you choose to represent you? Why? Draw that animal as it would represent you. Part Eight: August Ducks Vocabulary: mangled
Just follow the day and reach for the sun. Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Just follow the day and reach for the sun. What does Mr. Browne’s precept mean? Part Eight: August The Last Precept
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think August’s Dad should have thrown away August’s helmet? Why or why not? Do you know someone like August’s Dad? Part Eight: August The Drop-Off
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts What do kids usually do during speeches that adults make? Part Eight: August Take Your Seats, Everyone
Always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary Make a list of ways you might be kinder than is necessary. Part Eight: August A Simple Thing
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did August win the Henry Ward Beecher medal? Part Eight: August Awards Vocabulary: exemplary
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Do you think August deserves an award like this? Why or why not? Part Eight: August Floating
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why was August OK with all the picture taking? Part Eight: August Pictures
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Why did August’s Mom call him a wonder? Part Eight: August The Walk Home
Wonder PowerPoint Prompts Wonder by R. J. Palacio Did you like this book? Why or not? Would you recommend this book to anyone? If so, who? If not, why not? Wonder Vocabulary: recommend