An idea popular in the U.S. during the 1800s that the country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific. American Progress by John Gast
Passed in 1787, it established requirements for a territory to become a state. These included: Population of 60,000+ Guarantee freedom of religion & trial by jury No slavery
Modern day Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, & part of Montana, & about half of what is now the Canadian providence of British Columbia. Claimed by Great Britain, Spain, Russia, & the U.S. 1818 – John Adams works out a joint occupation agreement with G.B. Spain gives up its claim in the Adams-Onis treaty 1824 – Russia gives up its claim 1846 – Great Britain & U.S. divide the territory at 49°N latitude
Thousands of settlers left for Oregon in the early 1840s as a result of the Panic of The Oregon Trail began in Missouri & was the primary route for early settlers.
American fur traders who spent most of their time in the Rocky Mountains. After the beaver began to die out many of these made a living settling on farms in Oregon or becoming guides leading settlers west. Seth Kinman – Mountain Man Jim Bridger – Mountain Man
March 2, Texas declared independence from Mexico Declares desire to become a state but Northern states resisted fearing its entry as a slave state would upset the balance of power in Congress. John Tyler becomes president in 1846 & Texas becomes a state on December 29, 1845 thanks to his support.
Large American population in Mexican controlled New Mexico & California along with a growing belief in Manifest Destiny resulted in increased tensions between the U.S. & Mexico. April 1846 – War begins over the disputed border between Texas & Mexico. January Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the war. It stated Mexico gave up all claims to Texas & agreed to the Rio Grande as the border. Mexico gave up California & New Mexico (called Mexican Session) for $15 million.
U.S. pays Mexico $10 million for a strip of land along the southern edge of present-day Arizona & New Mexico.
California Gold Rush begins with the discovery of gold at Sutter’s Mill. It doubled the world’s supply of gold. California’s population went from 20,000 in 1848 to 220,000 in March California applies for statehood and was admitted six months later after the North & South worked out a compromise to avoid upsetting the balance of power.
A religious refuge Settled by Mormons seeking religious freedom. Religious beliefs caused friction between the Mormons & the government. As a result Utah didn’t become a state until 1896.
Copy the chart “Causes & Effects of Westward movement” on page 377 of your text into your notes.
"American Progress." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Gadsden Purchase Cities." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Jim Bridger." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "LDS " Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Mexican War Overview." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Northwest-territory-usa-1787." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Oregon Territory 1848." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Oregon Trail 1907." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "P-1252." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Republic of Texas." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar "Seth Kinman." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 23 Mar