Eclipse Model Improves global skills to improve a person’s ability to use social skills effectively and open doors for successful community experiences using meaningful interventions with relevant outcomes
GLOBAL SKILLS Flexibility/Shift Self-Regulation Causal Attribution Executive Function Skills Problem Solving Abstract Thinking Goal Oriented Behaviors Processing Speed Global processes are those that contribute to cognitive development in several domains. (Kail, 2004)
Eclipse Model Utilizes Magic Statements to: Validate person’s right to his/her feelings Acknowledge the need for extra time to process and/or complete an activity Model tolerance and to build trust Maintain the person’s dignity Encourage us of more adaptive problem- solving, rather than allowing the situation to escalate out of control
Magic Statements What can I do to help you make things better? Do you need a little more time to answer/finish what you were doing? I will help you figure this out when you are calm enough to problem solve I understand that you are upset You have a right to your feelings
Eclipse Model Strategic Bombs- strategies used to deal with difficult circumstances that are often not social acceptable Increases self-awareness of ineffective social strategies that cause frustration and misunderstanding
Strategic Bombs SMART CARD In the event that all other conversational strategies fail during stressful interactions you are allowed to top all other statements by declaring your unequaled giftedness and natural superiority PERSERVATION STATION At the absolute worst moment when you are desperate for ideas and want to do the right thing your brain completely freezes and you have no choice but to insist that you are right or refuse to move on to the next activity. PERSPECTIVE PICKLE You are interacting with others and determined that you thoroughly and accurately understand their thoughts, feelings and intentions so you are ready to act but find no success.
Eclipse Model Data Collection and Record Keeping to monitor progress Example: What is my goal? What am I measuring Bench-mark Did I meet Goal? Yes/No Date I will demonstrate 2 strategies for determining hidden curriculum. Number of strategies. Each time a new strategy is learned, I will write it down. Look for signs to read that have rules Ask people to explain what I need to do to fit in Yes 5/31/11
Eclipse Model Implemented in a group or individual setting Individualized Targets global skills that influence various areas of functioning Generalizable
Contact Information University of Toledo Center for Excellence in Autism 3000 Arlington Ave MS 1161 Toledo, OH