Vocabulary Proprietary Colony Colony governed by a single owner Royal Colony Colony ruled by the King’s appointed officials Act of Toleration Maryland law that forbid religious persecution Tidewater Flat land along the coast where they grew rice, tobacco, and indigo
Vocabulary Indigo Plant that produces a deep blue dye 1 st successful cash crop in the colonies Cash Crops Crops raised to be sold for money Indentured Servant One who worked for a set time for free passage to the colonies Headright Land grant given to one who paid his way to the colonies
The Southern Colonies MarylandCarolinasGeorgiaVirginia
Founder Lord Baltimore -Established the colony of Maryland for persecuted Catholics
Founder James Oglethorpe founded in 1732 as a place where debtors could start over. Started with smaller farms and no slavery After plantations formed slavery was allowed and the colony grew quickly. the last of the original thirteen colonies. Challenges from Spain and France led the king to desire a buffer zone between the cash crops of the Carolinas and foreign enemies
Jamestown In colonists were sent by the Virginia Company to establish a new settlement in the new world They travelled into the Chesapeake Bay and up the James River to find a location safe from the Spanish They named it Jamestown in honor of King James I It was the 1 st successful English settlement in America
John Smith “There were never Englishmen left in a foreign country in such misery as we were in this newly discovered Virginia” Took command of Jamestown in 1608 after the winter had almost decimated the new settlement Motto “Work or Starve”
House of Burgesses Was the 1 st Representative Assembly in the colonies Established in 1619, had the power the create laws and raise taxes Notable Members George Washington Thomas Jefferson Patrick Henry
Bacon’s Rebellion 1676 The Rebellion was against Virginia Governor William Berkeley. Bacon was upset that he favored plantation owners and high taxes Also, Indentured Servants were unable to find adequate land in the Tidewater region and were forced to fight Native Indians in the backcountry Bacon demanded that Berkley help defend the frontier settlements. When he refused, Nathanial Bacon seized control of the House of Burgesses’ and burned Jamestown to the ground The rebellion ended when Bacon became ill and died. 23 of Bacon’s captures were hanged and quartered