Keeping ourselves and others safe Keeping Safe Keeping ourselves and others safe
How do we keep safe?
SAFE Conference Physical abuse emotional abuse domestic abuse neglect sexual abuse
Privates are private Always remember your body belongs to you No means no Talk about secrets that upset you Speak up, someone can help
The parts of your body covered by your pants and vests are private. No one should ask to see or touch the private parts of your body or ask to look or touch anyone else’s Sometimes doctors, nurses or family members might have to. This is ok, but they should always ask you first and explain why they need to do it.
Your body belongs to you and no one else. No one has the right to make you do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If anyone tries, say no. You can always talk to someone you can trust about your worries or things that upset you.
Say ‘NO’ to unwanted touches- even if it’s a family member or someone you know or love. Saying ‘NO’ shows that you are in control of your body and that your feelings should be respected.
There are good and bad secrets. Phrases like ‘it’s our little secret’ are a way of making us feel worried or scared to tell someone what is happening. Good secrets can be things like surprise parties or presents. Bad secrets make you feel sad, worried or frightened.
If you feel sad, anxious or frightened talk to an adult you can trust. This doesn’t have to be a family member. It could be a teacher, a friend’s parent or even Childline.
Privates are private Always remember your body belongs to you No means no Talk about secrets that upset you Speak up, someone can help