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What is Islam? Why did it upset some people? How is Islam similar to Judaism and Christianity?
Write a question for this slide here. A man named Muhammad taught a new religion to the people of Arabia. Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad through an angel and made him a prophet – someone receives messages from God. The messages he received were the basis for Islam and were collected in the holy book of Islam called the Qur’an
Write a question for this slide here. Muhammad taught that there was only one God, Allah, which means “the God” in Arabic. This is similar to Christianity and Judaism. MONOTHEISM Muslims also recognize many of the same prophets as Christians and Jews. (Abraham and Jesus). Muslims don’t believe that Jesus was the son of God.
Write a question for this slide here. Muhammad’s teachings upset the people of Arabia Taught only one God Taught Rich=Poor
Teachings of Muhammad Reaction of Arabs Worship only one God don’t want to stop worshipping many gods Rich and poor are equal Rich don’t want to share power Rich don’t want to be equals with the poor